Category Archives: Vicious Cycle

The Chinese Government in Punishing the Political Commentaries in Favor of the DDP

And, does IT matter, WHO, started it first???  Uh, hell no!  And, Taiwan is still, asking for it, and it’s all the DDP’s rule, when eventually, the Commies take over this god DAMN, “independently governing”, island…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

As the M.A.C. announced its punishment for the five Taiwanese political commentaries and their families, most of us, on first impression, felt it was wayward, and awful, and we are all, confused, what made the M.A.C. come up with such a thing to do.

In the news conference room of the M.A.C., this sort of wayward segments, we’d only encountered, no more than once, to twice in several decades.  This is like using a cannon on a, mosquito, and so, why is the M.A.C., making the troubles for the political, commentators?

And, these five commentators, despite of their famous status or not, are like, being awarded the freedom award, they all turned into heroes, defending free speech, like how the talk down with the topics of outerspace exploration to the uterus, being the in thing to watch.  But, let’s think a bit, did the M.A.C., really make, such a, huge, mistake?  This is worth, chewing over, and, it’d felt, more like, a stab in the front!

Based off of public awareness, these individuals all made the extremely radical comments, let’s cast aside Huang, political commentary out of Dongwha University, or Lee, the younger generation legislator from the K.M.T., or Yu, the retired major from the marines, who’s now a city councilman of Taoyuan, with no political party.  Is the M.A.C. trying to make the whole world note, the worth of freedom of heroes, of the Taiwanese epic songs?  Or, is it, just, hitting this, as a distraction, with the, ulterior, motives?

what this SHIT, looks, like, without the WINNER and the CASH prize at the end, of course, only L-O-S-E-R-S!!! Video from YouTube

No matter, the M.A.C. had partaken in a high-end black comedy.  And maybe, the M.A.C. thought, that the DDP can check the online commentaries for those who’d spoken against them, and why the Communists can’t punish the talk show hosts who are in favor of Taiwanese independence?  But this is, simply, too, wayward.  Punishing the famed talk show hosts from across the strait that’s way too, abnormal, and questionable, if one day, Taiwan ended up, unifying with China, not only would those famed talk show hosts lose their right to speak freely, there may be, more prohibited, zones that are coming.

It’s something odd that these famed talk show hosts are all over in Taiwan, but most of what they’re speaking on, is more entertaining than it is, factual, no need to take their words, too seriously.  But, China’s suddenly crossing over the boundaries of the straits, to interfere into the freedom of speech in Taiwan, this will only, separate Taiwan even more from China.

And, this is still?  Oh yeah, an ABUSER/ENABLER, with Taiwan yapping out of its, loud mouth, how the country is holding that WE ARE INDEPENDENT flag, and of course, China’s going to, SHOOT us down for it, I mean, we all knew, that we’re, independent from China, in the operations of this, “country” (note: we’d become, a subsidiary under the DDP’s REIGN of TERROR), and, yet, with the DDP holding up the banner of Taiwanese INDEPENDENCE high OVER the SKIES, of course the Chinese armed forces are going to, SHOOT us, down, and so, when (and there’s not that if anymore!!!) the Chinese armed forces take us over, and we all fall under, COMMMUNIST rule, it won’t be the CHINESE government’s fault, but the DDP’s, because they ASKED for it, as this is still???  Oh yeah, and ABUSER (China)/Enabler (Taiwan) interaction style, a you hit me, and I hit you back and you hit me again, because I’d hit you back, and this VICIOUS cycle still, does NOT, end!

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Witnessing to Violence at Home, Increasing the Chances of Becoming Abusers Growing Older

Because the dynamics of an abuser/enabler relationship is still LEARNED by the children, from watching the adults, interact!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

Studies showed, that children who witnessed domestic violence at home, the males have a 5.27 times of becoming abusers, the females, 4.3 percent, to best prevent the abused to become an abuser is to stop the vicious cycle at the source, but, for those young children who already witnessed domestic violence, there’s the need for the preventive “social learning”, the experts pointed out, that the earlier the intervention, the higher the efficacy of stopping the vicious cycle.

the environment which we were, raised up in…photo from online

Those with experiences of domestic violence, stated by the C.E.O. of the Counseling Guild of Taipei, Lang, will more than likely have the “learning effect”, those who witnessed and had been abused, are more than likely to abuse those around them too, if the childhood traumas got put off until adulthood to manage, then, even IF the professional help or the medical assistance had been offered, if the individuals don’t open up, the learned behaviors of violence can’t be, rooted up.

The secretary of the Counseling Association, Su stated, that a middle school student who bore witness to the violence at home, worried that if he goes to school, his mother would get abused, and would fake illness to stay at home, to protect his mother.  Su told, that these signs needed to be caught on time by the schools or the social policy organizations, so intervention can be offered, to stop the children who are witnesses to the violence to continually get, traumatized.

how we will, likely, interact with our significant others…being “victimized”…photo from online

Du the Women’s Rescue Foundation told, that based off of the research, a-third of the children who witnessed domestic violence worried that they may become abusive themselves, or get abused, to the point of not dating, not marrying; helping to lower the chances or to stop the domestic violence, is the only way to avoid the children from getting, affected by it.

Yeah, this is all, sound, and it’s absolutely true, that if you were witnesses to abuse when you were younger, chances are, you will, turn into an abuser or an enabler (not the victim!) in your future relationships, and, this is like DNA, impossible to get rid of, unless you are, extremely AWARE of yourselves, your interactions with others in your lives, and, you take measures to change, otherwise, no amount of protection, education, or even, PRISON time will, stop this vicious cycle.

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Filed under "Professional" Opinions, Abuser/Enabler Interaction Style, Modeling Behaviors, Social Issues, Socialization, STUCK in a Cookie Jar, Vicious Cycle, White Picket Fence

An Unemployed Man Abused His Own Son to Death, His Wife Inquired About it, and Got Her Teeth Knocked Out

A VIOLENT man, with the PRIORS of PHYSICAL abuse, can’t control his temper, lost his job, and everything combined, turned into, MURDER and DOMESTIC, violence…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The twenty-two-year-old unemployed man, Feng became a stay-at-home dad, because his three-months-old young son started getting fussy, he’d become impatient, beaten the infant until he’d sustained brain injury, until he saw his son’s lips turned purple, did he then realize, that he’d done something awful, the infant was then rushed to the hospital, on ECMO, and resuscitated for a month and a half, and, pronounced dead, the Taichung D.A.’s Office charged Feng on domestic violence manslaughter, the case will be tried by a jury.

The investigation found, that on December 10th, 2023, Feng in his home in the eastside of Taichung, became impatient of his own young son’s continual cries, lost control, started beating his young son’s face, head, to slamming the infant, causing the infant to sustain brain damage from the external traumas, subdural hematoma of his visual cortex, and he’d not stopped abusing the infant until he’d, stopped, crying.

The infant was beaten to nose bleed, and Feng took a few tissues and wiped the blood from the infant’s nose, until early in the evening, as he saw his son’s corner of the lips turned purple, unresponsive, then he’d notified his own wife, Lai emergently, then Lai called the emergency services, but before the infant boy got to the hospital, he’d, stopped breathing, showed no signs of life.

Although the hospital put the infant on ECMO, and got his vital signs back, the infant was in a coma, after a little over a month in the hospital, the family decided to take him off of life support this year on January 26th, and the infant died from the brain injuries, and encephalitis.

The district attorney also discovered, that after Feng beaten his own young son to injury, as Lai asked him what happened, they’d started verbally altercating, when he’d, physically abused his own wife, broken her front teeth, causing her to sustain contusions on her face and nose.

As Feng was taken into custody, he’d denied the allegations of abuse on his own young son, claimed that his son accidentally bumped his head into the steering wheel while he was driving, then changed his statement that he was carrying the infant, accidentally fell, and he’d, injured his own young, but the D.A. compared the testimonies and the autopsy report, not believed him.

And so, this is awful, how after this man abused his own young son to death, he’d, evaded responsibility too.  He’d, ABUSED his wife as she’d inquired him on the abuse of their, young too.  This LOSER needs to get charged with MURDER and DOMESTIC violence, and gets LOCKED away for fifty-plus years, and it still won’t be “just” enough, because he’d, MURDERED his own young son by abuse!


Filed under Abuser/Enabler Interaction Style, Burying One's Own Child, Children Murdered, Cost of Living, Crime & Punishment, Death by Negligence, Domestic Violence, Murder, Punishment Doesn't Fit the Crime, Vicious Cycle, Wake Up Calls, Wrongful Deaths

She Was Filmed at Age Nine, & Had Been Trying to Get the Sexual Footages of Herself Off the Shelves Since, had a Total Melt Down as She Couldn’t Get Any Assistance in Getting the Footages Off: What Happens to My Life Now

Stories of the victims, and what the law enforcement is doing, to try to reduce the impacts of damages on these, young, victims…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

“What’s going to happen to the rest of my life now?  Can’t you get my videos taken off?”, an adolescent female whose sexually illicit video got sold online, cried to the police for help; in the investigation of the case, the district attorneys, the police found, that the adolescent was filmed without consent when she was only nine, and the footages are still, getting passed online, and they continued to get passed around, the adolescent had been under enormous psychological stresses over the years, she’s, almost at the point of breaking down completely, a lot of the victims couldn’t find the help they needed, and those who’d purchased the sexually illicit footages don’t know how their buying the footages had, damaged the victims.

The D.A. who’d cracked the case of “Taiwanese N Room”, Chen during the investigation period, he’d travelled across Taiwan, and interviewed a total of eighty-six adolescent girls who’d been, victimized, she saw all of these victims suffering from long-term trauma, other than telling them, “I caught the perp who did this to you”, hoping to take away their pains, also, hoping that the society can start, viewing the sexploitation of children and adolescents as a serious crime, to NOT let the sexual footages spread faster online.

young victims, pushed off of that cliff, because the footages, and the photos can’t be taken down fast enough! Photo from online

Based off of understanding, the “Creative Private Rooms” that Mickey Huang had purchase pornographic footages off of had existed a long time, using the various videos of voyeuristic filming without the victims’ consent, then, it’d grown into the “SCP Forum” on Instagram, with Pan the primary suspect creating the image centers of female minors sexually-illicit videos, Chen the accomplice called himself the “Headmaster of Sex Trade Forum in Taiwan”, threatened, enticed the teenage female victims to make selfies of themselves doing sick things.

“I can only save one at a time!”, Chen told, the busted SCP forum had a total of at least eighty-six adolescent females and girls who were victimized, considering how they were all underage, still in school, the individual counties and cities Women & Children’s Squad contacted the victims individually, then, she’d gone to interview every one the details of what had happened to them.

Most of the adolescent girls, the young girls had been traumatized many years to date, to the point of, not being able to disclose what had happened to them verbally, Chen told the individuals, “the people who did this to you are already caught”, using this to encourage them to bravely tell their parents, to get the support to heal back up from their families.  There were the mothers of victims who couldn’t get help anywhere, when the district attorney came to them to tell them that she’d arrested the perps, the mothers cried, “Finally, someone had come to, save my daughter!”

how easy and FAST things, start spreading via the internet…photo from online

Based off of understanding, the victims fall in the middle and high school ages, the youngest was nine when it’d happened.  during the police interviews, the victims were traumatized to crying really hard, kept stating, “what’ll happen to my life now?  Is there any way, you can get the videos taken off the internet?”

Chen said, from the examples of the foreign cases, if the police department, the district attorney’s offices can start up a database of the sexual images and footages of children and adolescents, and analyze the confiscated footages and videos, to trace back to the perps who’d produced these videos, to find out who’d spread it online, then, maybe, they can cross compare and positively identify the victims, and they will better understand, why some of the teenage girls’ keep on getting found repeatedly online.

And so, this is an effort the law enforcement had made, in tracking down, and cracking the cases of sex videos gone viral online of the underage minors, and, the traumas that these young girls are suffering, will never end, because there will always be the files online, because EVERYTHING you post online is permanent, and, because you were way too young, way too easily enticed, that’s why you’re, victimized.

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Filed under Abuser/Enabler Interaction Style, Crime & Punishment, Cyber-Bullying, From a "Victim" to a "Survivor", Messed Up Values, News Stories, On the Wrong Side of the Law, Sex Sells, Social Awareness, Vicious Cycle, Wake Up Calls, White Picket Fence

Parents in Retirement

After you’re off from your regular nine-to-fives, you are now, being, ASKED by your own young, to RAISE up their young, because they’re now, providing FOR their children, and can’t stay by their children like you couldn’t because you needed to put money on the tables, that’s just, wrong, in my opinion, but hey, what would I know…translated…

The dinner time for the family of four of us, we’d discussed it to several decades, later, our two girls to starting in their careers and families, and by then, we would be elderly too, and we will get to live out the retirement we desired; my husband is into photography, I, love writing the, stories, I want to start off from traveling the island, to find the stories to document, to going abroad for the adventures, for our, “honeymoon in the golden years”, to relive the times of when it was only the two of us when we were, newlyweds.

instead of parents raising their own young, this, is what happens…and maybe, some of you think that this is, “heartwarming”, but it’s, not, because these babies ARE your children’s, and they can’t raise them personally, because they HAVE to work, and so, it’d become, YOUR, obligations…phoro from online

As we were, weaving up these, dreams, my six-year-old eldest daughter chimed in, “that won’t do, you guys can’t go abroad.”, my husband was confused, “why, you guys are old enough, mommy and I want to take a long rest to travel a bit!”

She’d had that seriousness of her face, responded, “I want to have babies like mommy, but I don’t want to take care of them, it’s too tiring!  I want mommy to help me look after my young, and daddy can care for sister’s children, and that way, sister and I get to, take our, breaks.”

I was frozen in that, freezeframe, with the bowls, the chopsticks in my hands, started, chuckling, thought, “you’d, modeled after my complaints when I got too tired of raising the two of you in wanting my mini-vacation, and you’re, too agile in, helping to set up our retirement but still working haven for the futures.

Yeah, this may look and sound cute, in that time frame, but, think about it, how awful it would be, that when you’re, retired from working (when you’re supposed to be able to, breathe, easier???) you are now, left with the raising of your own, grandchildren?  I mean, maybe you think, that it’s a wonderful thing, because you finally got to make up for the time lost when your kids were young, the time you’d not spent with them enough, because you HAD to make a living, but, this SHIT will keep on rolling, and then, this is NOT what parenthood is about: we should be raising OUR own children, interacting with them every single day, while we work our hands to the bones, in our, separate, five-to-nines (forget about the “regular hours” of nine-to-five!), and, this is just NO good, no matter IF you would be, enjoying your times as grandpas and grandmas.  You’d already HAD your turn, raised up your own children (but you’d failed to interact with them enough because you HAD to work???), and you THINK, that somehow, you can, make up for lost time, by helping your own young, raise their children???  Yeah, that’s just, not right!

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Filed under Awareness, Cost of Living, Emptiness of Modern Man's Souls, Family Dynamics, Family Matters, Life, Messed Up Values, Modeling Behaviors, Observations, Perspectives, Philosophies of Life, Properties of Life, Socialization, Values, Vicious Cycle

A Woman Who’d Traveled to the U.S. Sued from Overseas as She Was Scammed Two Million Dollars in a False Online Relationship

There’s still, NO “vic” in this case, only, ENABLER, and you are the one, too, desperate for love, that’s why you got, SCAMMED, “honey” (pardon the sarcasm!)…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Police Set up a Sting, Pretending to be the Relatives of the Woman, Using the Lines from a Movie as a Cue, to Catch the Two Suspects Arriving to Get the Cash Drop, One Suspect Out on Bail, the Other in Custody

The man, Chen claimed himself as an engineer with a degree from abroad, looking for love online, causing a woman, an immigrant to the States from Taiwan, Kwan to fall head over heels, used the excuses of his families falling ill, losing in investment, scammed her a total of two million dollars, the woman hired an attorney to report the case in Taiwan.  The police falsified themselves as the woman’s next-of-kin in Taiwan, to deliver the drop, and arrested Chen and Hsiao this month, charged them on fraud, the D.A. set the bail for Chen for eighty thousand dollars N.T., and fifty thousand N.T.s for Hsiao, Chen didn’t have anyone to get his bail, was kept in custody.

The police investigated, that the suspect, Chen (age 24) is unemployed, was caught with drug possessions, used the function of “someone nearby” from WeChat and zoomed in on the woman, Kwan on the eastern coast of the U.S. as a target, used the photo of a good looking male as his I.D. photo, claimed that he is an American engineer who is sent on business trips to China, Hong Kong, Macau, U.S., Japan, and other Southeastern Asian countries to work, that he’s getting older, wanted to settle down with someone.

Chen had texted the woman every day, to make her feel loved, stated that he wanted to fly to the U.S. to meet, Kwan thought she’d found true love, after a month of chatting online, they’d begun, dating, and referred to each other as “honey”, Chen even told her, “honey, go to bed now, and, dream of me, I love you, give me a kiss!”, then Chen told that his family members are ill, that he’d lost in investments, scammed Kwan to wire him more than a dozen times, in the total of $60,000U.S. (about two million dollars in N.T.), this February, he’d told her, that he’d been arrested for a crime in Cambodia, needed $60,000U.S. in ransom to get out.

how many times do people NEED to fall for it for this repeated cycle to finally come to that dead halt??? Illustration from online

Kwan started getting suspicious, and started, googling the man’s name and photo, and the online community told her that he was a scam artist, she’d confronted Chen, Chen then told her, that he was forced to falsify himself as another, that he was in custody in Cambodia, that he couldn’t trust anyone, that’s why he’d used a false identity, and showed his identification card to her, she took a shot of it, and called the attorney in Taiwan to file a case.

The Wenshan First Substation chased the leads, asked Kwan to send the message to Chen, that her relative will be handing over the two million to him in person, Chen told that he will have a friend to pick up the drop, and they’d agreed on using the phrase from the movie as a way of identification.

The relative who was actually a police officer used the secret words to confirm the identity, arrested the twenty-three-year-old Hsiao and the man who was on the lookout outside, Chen.  Chen admitted to running the online relationship scams, claimed that he’d paid Hsiao thirty thousand N.T.s for him to pick up the cash drop; Hsiao claimed, that he’d only, answered to a high-paying job, that he’d not known he was working as a pickup for a scam.

The police traced the wire of the money that Chen managed to scam, found that most of the amounts were wired into the bank accounts in China, and Hong Kong, of the total, $5,400 U.S. had been wired into the post office savings account of Chen’s, that he’d, spent every dollar.  The police analyzed the mechanical units, the drivers, and the money laundering means, and believed that Chen was “operating independently”, that he’d scammed the woman online, while, working to get the scammed amount into his account.

So, desperation still made you into, the BIGGEST VICTIM here, because you are so thirsty for love, too desperate, because, you’re biological clock’s ticking (???  How the hell should I know!), that’s why, you got, victimized, and you are STILL not a “vic”, you’re, THE enabler in this case, and, despite how this two-man crew got found, caught and arrested, there are bound to be, more scammers that will pop up, like those, moles inside that game of WHACK-a-MOLE, and these “moles”, can never get, completely, HAMMERED down!  Because there’s this need for love, and there will always and forever be those who will keep on, falling victim to this SHIT!

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Filed under Abuser/Enabler Interaction Style, Crime & Punishment, Excuses, Scams, Social Awareness, Social Issues, Stupidity, Vicious Cycle, Wake Up Calls, White Picket Fence

When You Fall, Ill…

When you fall, ill, you can’t EXPECT your children to come rushing to you, because you’d, NEVER lain the GROUNDWORKS for being good parents, and, if you weren’t any good to us (it’s still NOT any of our faults here!!!), then why the FUCK as we grow older, will we want to be good to you too, huh?  This is, still, RECIPROCATED, you do realize that, don’t you???

And that, is WHAT YOU (not directing toward anyone out there!), look like, when you grow O-L-D…

When you fall, ill, who’s gonna, give a FUCK (don’t pardon my “French” here…), huh?  Me, your secondborn son who’d FELT you’d favored, me?  Or, how about, that youngest, ILLEGITIMATE, WHORE from the FUCK you’d scored when I was…was it SEVEN???  I really can’t tell, and still got ZERO clue, how much younger my “sister” ANGELA is in regards to our, age difference here…

And, this is, what’s, “at play” in my second eldest uncle’s life (on his EX’s side!) right now, he got NOBODY, he’d deserted his first wife, left his TWO kids alone, and maybe, he had, TRIED to get contact with my two, older cousins (or so I heard…), but due to their mother’s means, they’d, separated from him completely, and, I still got, ZERO clue how my older male and older FEMALE (that’s the only older “sister” I got, the rest of my female cousins are all younger…) cousins fared…

imagine how these two “young children” grows up in this sort of an environment…photo from online

When you fall ill, who do you think is going to give a flying FUCK about you?  The children you donated a FUCKING (so???) tadpole to “create”?  Those ones you’d worked your hands to the bones, to give money so we can live off of, the ones you’d neglected to pay any attention, to spend the needed time, to make US feel that hey, our “daddy” actually gives a SHIT about us, that he was, willing to spend the time by our sides, while we were, still too young?

When you fall ill, nobody will give a FUCK (so???), because you LACKED the values of what it means, to support (emotionally!) your families, and, look at how we all, still just grew UP?  Your son treated my Murphy bad, he’d gotten LOUD with him, made him FEARED, just as you did me, in those, late night, MATH sessions, which made me carried the FEARS for this subject, and in reality, I was, actually, quite, EXCELLENT in the math subjects, I’d scored higher on the math “portions” of that I.Q. test I took online back in…’07 or was it ’08, can’t even remember that now, and I thought the results were, FLAWED, given my PAST histories with the subject, and yet, I’d come to understand, WHY that, was already.

and unfortunately, there’s nothing COMEDIC like in this T.V. sitcom…photo from online

So, don’t tell ME, that you’re NOT a DEADBEAT, ‘cuz you A-R-E, and now, your fucking mother’s (that dead BITCH!) worst fears are, coming true, which would be, NONE of us would give a FLYING FUCK about you when you grow old, and you’re still not that MUCH better than my second uncle, who’d, “deserted” his first wife and first two children, one of whom was my only OLDER female cousin.

So there you have it, a PERFECT (yeah right!) portrait of this, DYSFUCTIONAL side from both “sides”……….)

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Filed under Awareness, Betrayals, Cost of Living, Family Dynamics, Messed Up Values, Observations, Perspectives, Re-Experiencing the Trauma, Socialization, Vicious Cycle

The Psychiatrist: Domestic Violence Will Get Inherited

Of course it will, it’s in the, D.N.A., and children still watch, and learn!  Mostly, it’s not genetic, but through socialization, modeling of behaviors???…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

“There’s that link of DNA in domestic violence and obesity”, the Tri-Service General Medical Department Physician, the Assistant Research Director, Yeh stated, based off of clinical observation, the behaviors of domestic violence is passed from one generation to the next, meaning, that the father beats up the mother, and the child grows up, and models after it, losing control emotionally, and physically, abusing his own, spouse.  Besides, the children growing up under domestic violence, may have the issues of eating disorder and the conditions of metabolic syndrome, causing obesity, and this gene will pass to the next generation and the next, causing the vicious cycle of abuse to continue down the line.

The head of justice psychiatric department of the Chianan mental hospital, Lee stated, that the parents who argue a lot, children live in the high-pressure environments, and their stress response systems became, overly active, their adrenaline is always on high alert, and became, fatigued, which then causes the abnormalities of the immune responses, leading to affect the genes.  The studies using rats in the laboratory setting showed, that the rats with PTSD, the functions of the genes that recorded and transcribed are abnormal, and it gets passed to three generations down the line.

a child who grows up like this…early exposures to violence…photo from online

Simply stated, it may not be caused by DNA, the abuse cycle, but, it’s by modeling, because, as boys watched their fathers, beating the CRAP out of their mothers, despite how they HATED their own father’s abuse toward their mothers (to wanting to save mommy, even???), these boys will grow UP, becoming ABUSIVE to their girlfriends or wives (1 @ a TIME you MOTHER @#$%ERS!!!), and, the next generations still all, watch and learn this BAD means of how you’d watched your parents interact with each other, and this shitty vicious cycle still gets passed down from one generation to the next, unless, you have the ability to know and to NOTE: hey, I’m repeating the same means of interaction I watched my parents interact when I was young, I will STOP this SHIT from getting passed down to my own young, and you ACT according to this means, then, the cycle finally, E-N-D-S, otherwise, it ain’t happenin’…

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Filed under Abuser/Enabler Interaction Style, Awareness, Being Exposed, Cost of Living, Early Exposures, Getting Exposed Too Young, Modeling Behaviors, Observations, Properties of Life, Socialization, Vicious Cycle, Wake Up Calls

The Psychiatrist: Domestic Violence Will Get Inherited

Of course it will, it’s in the, D.N.A., and children still watch, and learn!  Mostly, it’s not genetic, but through socialization, I think…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

“Domestic violence, like obesity, is also, connected by DNA”, the assistant director of Tri-Service General Hospital, Yeh stated, on the clinical observations, domestic violence gets passed down from one generation to the next, meaning, that if the father beats up the mother, the child grows up, and will, model the behaviors, losing control, and beat up their, wives.  Besides, children who were raised in an abusive, environment, may have the issues of eating disorder, problems in metabolism, which then lead to obesity, and this gene will get passed to the next generations to come, which cause the vicious cycle of abuse to spiral out of control.

And so, like everything it’s still in our, D.N.A., because we all, model after our own parents’ behaviors, if we grow up, watching mommy getting black eyes from daddies, we will, end up married to abusive men (god DAMN it, Uncle Siggy!!!), and end up, enabling our own, abuse, because we watched our own mothers, weather their abuse at our fathers’ hands, and guess what, our daughters, watching us, they too, will, become, VICTIMS by SOCIALIZATION too, and, this SHIT still, cycles down through the generation…

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Filed under Abuser/Enabler Interaction Style, Awareness, Cost of Living, Modeling Behaviors, Observations, Perspectives, Social Awareness, Socialization, Vicious Cycle, White Picket Fence

The Female High School Student Accused the Male Office Manager at School for Harassment, the Department of Mandated Education Investigating the Matter

And the school does, NOTHING, until the student who’d been, SEXUALLY HARASSED by this instructor found that another had similar, experiences as she already, had…and this country prided itself, on being, most advanced in the rights of equality of the, sexes???  Yeah uh, right!  Off of the Newspapers, translated…

A female student in a high school in Keelung filed a complaint, that a year ago, she was sexually harassed by a male office manager at her school, after the school held a gender equality committee forum, nothing happened, other female students stated that they’d encountered the same things.  The officials from National Education of the Department of Education arrived at the school to investigate, to get to the bottom of this.  The principal told, that gender equality, sexual harassment is the school’s, “biggest taboo”, that there will be no covering up for the bad behaviors if the accusations were found to be, factual.

This female student posted on a social media, said that in November of 2022, she was focused on taking the notes of the lectures in class, and the department head who was lecturing walked off the podium, struck up a conversation with her, in the process, he’d, squatted down, gotten closer to her, to the point, that his lips almost, touched her, face.

The female student also mentioned, that this instructor, as other female classmates made a perfect score on their exams, told them, “you’re so amazing, I’m going to lift you up, and kiss you, three times”, etc., etc., etc., it’d made her feel, sick, and angry, she’d told her homeroom instructor, and asked for the homeroom instructor’s assistance, but the homeroom instructor didn’t do a thing, told her, “he may not have meant anything by it”, “give him one more chance”, “the next time he does it, just, dodge it, then, he would know that he’s making you, uncomfortable”, etc., etc., etc.

A year after the incidents, the female student learned of that other students had been harassed sexually by this same head of department too, decided to report it.  The female students told, that after the interview of the Gender Equality Committee that was held on March 1st, to this very day, there’s, no news, and this head of department is still, at his post, teaching, in the school, this left her, fazed.

The school stressed, that this suspected incident regarding gender equality is still currently under investigation, the school will do everything it takes, to protect the rights of the students, that they will NOT favor the instructor, cover up, or passively investigate the, matter.

So, this still showed, how “advanced” the gender equality rights in this god DAMN country is, and the former president, Tsai, she prided herself on us being, among the most advanced in laws to punish these, predators?  Yeah, someone is, DELUSIONAL all right!  And, things like these keep on, happening in the schools, with the victimized students, unable to tell, until they graduated, because, they’re, living UNDER the OPPRESSIONS of these, school officials, and, as it’d already been shown, that the teachers who do these sorts of shits, get covered by the school, until the students PRESSED charges against the schools, then, the schools finally, take these “minor incidents”, seriously enough!

So, what does THIS, tell you about the rights of women, adolescents, and children, or anyone else, who’s, of, “lesser means”?


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Filed under Abuse of Power, Awareness, Cost of Living, Improper Behaviors of School Instructors, Improper Misconducts, Knowing the Law and Breaking It, On the Wrong Side of the Law, Sexual Misconducts, Social Awareness, Socialization, Vicious Cycle, Violence Against Members of Opposite Sex, Wake Up Calls, White Picket Fence