Category Archives: Stupidity

The Chinese Government in Punishing the Political Commentaries in Favor of the DDP

And, does IT matter, WHO, started it first???  Uh, hell no!  And, Taiwan is still, asking for it, and it’s all the DDP’s rule, when eventually, the Commies take over this god DAMN, “independently governing”, island…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

As the M.A.C. announced its punishment for the five Taiwanese political commentaries and their families, most of us, on first impression, felt it was wayward, and awful, and we are all, confused, what made the M.A.C. come up with such a thing to do.

In the news conference room of the M.A.C., this sort of wayward segments, we’d only encountered, no more than once, to twice in several decades.  This is like using a cannon on a, mosquito, and so, why is the M.A.C., making the troubles for the political, commentators?

And, these five commentators, despite of their famous status or not, are like, being awarded the freedom award, they all turned into heroes, defending free speech, like how the talk down with the topics of outerspace exploration to the uterus, being the in thing to watch.  But, let’s think a bit, did the M.A.C., really make, such a, huge, mistake?  This is worth, chewing over, and, it’d felt, more like, a stab in the front!

Based off of public awareness, these individuals all made the extremely radical comments, let’s cast aside Huang, political commentary out of Dongwha University, or Lee, the younger generation legislator from the K.M.T., or Yu, the retired major from the marines, who’s now a city councilman of Taoyuan, with no political party.  Is the M.A.C. trying to make the whole world note, the worth of freedom of heroes, of the Taiwanese epic songs?  Or, is it, just, hitting this, as a distraction, with the, ulterior, motives?

what this SHIT, looks, like, without the WINNER and the CASH prize at the end, of course, only L-O-S-E-R-S!!! Video from YouTube

No matter, the M.A.C. had partaken in a high-end black comedy.  And maybe, the M.A.C. thought, that the DDP can check the online commentaries for those who’d spoken against them, and why the Communists can’t punish the talk show hosts who are in favor of Taiwanese independence?  But this is, simply, too, wayward.  Punishing the famed talk show hosts from across the strait that’s way too, abnormal, and questionable, if one day, Taiwan ended up, unifying with China, not only would those famed talk show hosts lose their right to speak freely, there may be, more prohibited, zones that are coming.

It’s something odd that these famed talk show hosts are all over in Taiwan, but most of what they’re speaking on, is more entertaining than it is, factual, no need to take their words, too seriously.  But, China’s suddenly crossing over the boundaries of the straits, to interfere into the freedom of speech in Taiwan, this will only, separate Taiwan even more from China.

And, this is still?  Oh yeah, an ABUSER/ENABLER, with Taiwan yapping out of its, loud mouth, how the country is holding that WE ARE INDEPENDENT flag, and of course, China’s going to, SHOOT us down for it, I mean, we all knew, that we’re, independent from China, in the operations of this, “country” (note: we’d become, a subsidiary under the DDP’s REIGN of TERROR), and, yet, with the DDP holding up the banner of Taiwanese INDEPENDENCE high OVER the SKIES, of course the Chinese armed forces are going to, SHOOT us, down, and so, when (and there’s not that if anymore!!!) the Chinese armed forces take us over, and we all fall under, COMMMUNIST rule, it won’t be the CHINESE government’s fault, but the DDP’s, because they ASKED for it, as this is still???  Oh yeah, and ABUSER (China)/Enabler (Taiwan) interaction style, a you hit me, and I hit you back and you hit me again, because I’d hit you back, and this VICIOUS cycle still, does NOT, end!

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If Tsai Pardons Chen, Then She Would’ve, Hand-Delivered Justice to the Guillotine

And this FUCKING (don’t pardon me here!) popularly (but hey, I didn’t VOTE for her!)-elected DICTATOR, would’ve, sliced and diced the justice systems, and served that up to, BEELZEBUB!  One final ACT of IMMORALITY about to be made, by this, god DAMN dictator who’s about to, step down…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

Eight years ago, when Tsai took office, she’d stressed that she would be pushing forth the judiciary reforms, and on November 25th of that same year, she’d hosted the justice reform committee discussion, expected that the justice system will not give a free pass to the rich and famous, at the time, the justice association protested to her values; and now, right before she was about to step down, there’s the intentions of her, pardoning the former president, Chen for the charges of embezzlement, encroachment.  If Chen never admitted to wrongdoing, and still received her special pardon, then, Tsai would’ve, sent her own justice reform program to the, guillotine.

Justice is the final line of defense for the justice of society, after the courts found the charges of encroachment to be valid, the individual sent to serve a jail sentence, that’s, only, natural.  What was odd, was how the former president, Chen had received twenty years for purchasing the land in Longtang, and other cases, and the fines of a total of two hundred fifty million dollars N.T. had been, confirmed, and yet, he was able to use the “going out to medical treatments”, from January fifth of 2015, he’d started, living, outside the bars; he was diagnosed with “complex condition, hard to control, can die at anytime”, yet Chen went as a host of a radio show, helped the DDP members on their campaign trails, cutting the ribbons at the grand opening of things, kept stepping on the red tapes of justice repeatedly.

and here’s a video on that on the news channels on YouTube

What’s more outrageous was, Chen’s daughter, Chen was accused of medical negligence in implanting of teeth in a patient, Chen, who’s out on medical leave from the prison was able to step in as his daughter’s defense attorney in court; Chen’s certification of practicing law was tossed out due to his encroachment charges by the justice department, and yet, he’d, become an acting “attorney” at his daughter’s medical negligence trial, with the entire government looking the other way, a criminal as he, receiving the special treatments, because he was, the president elect, this is the result of Tsai’s justice reform, protecting the defendants of the cases.  Or is this to be, interpreted, as how the justice systems now, served the politicians, the rich and the famous?

And, if Tsai wanted to pardon the former president, at least, she needs to explain, what sort of pity does the justice system have, for someone who REFUSED to plead guilty who’d never, apologized, for embezzling, encroachment, otherwise, Tsai will be remembered by how she’d, pardoned the former, without any justifiable reason, as her, legacy in her, presidency.

So this would be, the FINAL act before she goes, and that still just showed, how FUCKED up the DDP is, and the corruption still runs from within the party, with all these, screws, coming loose, and yet, we the people (who are, beyond STUPID!!!), still voted this, dictatorship political party into office another four years, and we DESERVE everything we’re going to get, suffering for, four more years, see if we finally, wise, UP!  But I’m still NOT holding my breath on that, for I know, I’m, destined to, CHOKE on it!

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The Immoral Behaviors of the Government IS, the Source of the Messes in the Society

How the slangs are to be used, in the meetings of the legislatures from here on out, and, these bad words are argued as, being “local”, vernacular, making the people feel closer to the legislators…the BULLSHITS from the DDP, again, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The head of foreign affairs, Wu on the social media platforms wrote, “your daddy, I will keep on, arguing!”, causing widespread discussion.  The parties not in power found his declaration to be, quite, distasteful, that the department of foreign affairs needed to, evaluate it.  The second to the head of foreign affairs, Tien told, “Your daddy” is a vernacular phrase, that everybody uses it.

in this setting…photo from online

And pray tell, head of foreign affairs, Wu, and the assistant to the head of foreign affairs, do you both, use “Yo daddy” that often?  Are you, so vernacular with your friends, relatives and families, also?  The government had split opinions on this, and it’s even more difficult for the public to adapt; the head of foreign affairs believed that “Yo daddy” is a “vernacular”, that it’s overly used in the society, that it’s, quite, naturally; but the Department of Education begs to differ, if the students started greeting one another “Yo daddy this”, “yo daddy that”, then, it would become, totally, improper.

Based off of the logic, and arguments of the foreign affairs department, borrowing something from someone, to use the local slangs, “yo daddy wants to borrow this from you”.  The legislators started questioning the higher up officials, “you need to explain this issue to YO daddy!”, and, in the future, when the president, Lai came to the legislature to report the goings on in the country, can the legislators greet him in question, “yo daddy wants to know if…?”

Wu will be taking over as the secretary of the N.S.A. soon, a superior of the N.S.A.  So, the legislators now inquired, “isn’t ‘Yo daddy’ a swear?” the assistant to the head of N.S.A., Hsu posted, that “@#$% you!”, that it’s only, an overly used, phrase, nothing more, and that “sometimes, the court justices would interpret it as an overly used phrase of somebody’s, that it is not meant to be an, insult, that you can’t define the words as insulting just because they sounded  like, insults!”, the phrases are used locally, regularly; but not for the Department of Education, if you hear these phrases in school  often, what would the schools, become?

Based off of the logic of the Department of Foreign Affairs, borrowing things from others, “Yo daddy needs this and I’ll be taking it from you!”.  The legislator questioned the officials, to connect to them in an ordinary level,”Yo daddy or Yo MAMA wants to know about this issue!”, and, in the future, as the president elect, Lai came to the legislation to report on the situation of the country, can the legislator question him using, “Yo daddy want to know…?”

Wu will take over as the secretary of the N.S.A. soon, the chief officer of the N.S.A, the legislators asked, “isn’t Yo daddy a swear term?”, the assistant to the director of the N.S.A, Hsu posed, “’FUCK you” as only an overly used phrase, and that “sometimes, the judges would believe that FUCK you is merely an overly used phrase, that it’s not intended to be taken as an insult, that you can’t define the cusses, just because of what it is.”  Or maybe, some bigshots’ overly used phrase is “FUCK you!”, and if the ordinary citizens started saying FUCK you often, then, we will get stabbed, or beaten up!

this is being, used…photo from online

From before, the head of state called the female legislator “shameless”, who is questioning, whom?  Even if it’s the supervisions of behaviors, there still should not be the traded public insults, let alone, defamation, especially for those who are, in the, supervising positions.  The whip of the DDP from before stated, “the earthquake is heaven’s way of saving democracy in Taiwan!”; so long as it benefitted the party in power, for the party in power to win, it doesn’t matter, how many are DEAD in the natural disasters; and, do these, politicians care about the losses, the grief, and deaths of those who’d died, and their, families, or the, general, public?

The messes of society, you can trace the origins of.  Those in power, acting immorally, bullshitting the people, cared LESS about the perceptions of themselves to the society, this will, impact the country to, beyond imagination!

Because the group of merry bandits had, taken OVER the country, that’s what this DICTATORSHIP party is, and we the people are still, fooled, until, the missiles from China, lands, and KA-BOOM, then, as we all lay dying, on this, @#$%ING torched up land, we’d, realized, whoa, we’d, elected the WRONG officials into office, and had we only…….but it’ll be, way too lay, because we’re all lying, D-E-A-D!

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The Famed YouTuber Gave Away Free Cash to the Crowd in Xinyi Shopping Mall, Arrested for Disturbing the Peace

See how these, younger generations longed for the spotlight?  Getting ARRESTED for public disturbances, how’s that for your, spotlight, huh?  Just because you got the money, that still doesn’t mean, that you need to, “FLASH” it!!!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The YouTuber, “Mr. R”, Lin, two evenings ago, arrived at the alley on Song-Shiou Road in Xinyi District, started pouring out the cash into the crowd, after the news got out on social media, it’d attracted thousands of people there, the police worried about crowd control, that it might turn into another case of the Korean theatre stampede, they’d immediately sent the police forces there to control the crowd, yesterday the police called Lin in, and after they’d interviewed him, Lin was charged on public safety.

after he got arrested, he’d made a, public apology to the press, off of YouTube

In the late of nights two evenings ago, Lin had shot out the thousand dollar bills twice with the spray pumps to the locals gathering, and the rumors were, that Lin would be spreading around $300,000N.T’s in cash, but in reality, only a little over $10,000N.T.s of what’s been “sprayed out” was real, there were the toy bills, but Lin denied it was him, who’d, poured out the cash.

The Xinyi Substaion pointed out, that two evenings ago at eleven, the police were called, and, the police ordered the activities to be halted, and started enforcing the laws, and guided the crowd away from the location, maintained the order in the traffic.

The police stated, that Lin used the online platforms to call the people out, disregarded that the real of fake bills that he’d poured out into the public may cause a rampage, a stampeded, causing death, that his behaviors had impacted the life and safety of others, that he’d broken the criminal laws of public safety.

At noon yesterday, Lin arrived at the station to give a statement, before he went in to get interviewed by the police he’d bowed to the public, apologized for the inconvenience he’d, caused, he’d stated that he’d not had any bad intentions, nor was he sponsored, or had anything to gain, that he was, purely, inspired from a fellow youtuber, wanted to bring what little blessing and joys to the crowd in the hard times.

Lin told, that this wasn’t his first rodeo, that there were the red envelopes he’d handed out from before, he’d prepared ten red envelopes, and there’d been leftovers, he didn’t imagine that this time, there would be so many who’d come, that he will continue to give out the money but in the future, he may work with the orphanages, or the animal shelters to plan these, activities of his.

the photo of people arriving to catch the “free cash” this famed YouTuber is giving out to the crowd…the “promo” poster of his activities, from online

Lin and the actor, Darren Wang were high school classmates, and when asked about his relations, Lin told, that he’d been acquainted with Wang from before, but had lost touch, that this incident had nothing to do with Darren Wang.

Lin told, that he is in the jewelry trade and the encrypted currencies trade, but he’d done his business all legally, stressed that he’d never told that he was rich, that he’d only wanted to spread the joys to all, giving out the free cash.  As for the fake toy cash that were found at the sites, Lin said that he had proof of video, that it was from another YouTuber, “Bacon”, that he had nothing to do with it.

So, this is how FAR these younger generations of “children”, they’re ALL grown-ASS adults by the way, are willing to go, to GAIN their, three nanoseconds (no longer three whole seconds I’m afraid…) of fame, online, and, what this does it???  Oh yeah, teaching people, that you can get arrested on T.V., for causing a possible STAMPEDE, in a public and crowded area somewhere in society, and, you will get arrested for it, but hey, you still got YOUR FACE on tape, so it’s, all, good!

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The Nursery Employees Started Making the Alcoholic Beverages at Work, and Posted the Video of Making the Drinks, Suspended, and Pending Investigation

You should NOT be doing that “side gig” at your regular place of work, don’t you know that???  Apparently, N-O-T!  Off of the Newspapers, translated…

In a government-sponsored, public nursery school in Yingge, Hsinbei City, an early childhood caretaker posted their own mixing the alcoholic beverages at work on social media, with the label “Just 3-Percent Concentration!”, the Department of Education pointed out, that after the nursery reviewed over the surveillance and interviewed the involved individuals, the two caretakers did, mix the alcoholic beverages at work, and drank the drinks, and they’d confirmed that the alcohol wasn’t given to any of the children in the classes, the two nursery employees immediately got suspended, pending investigation.

A preschool instructor had been in suspicion of making the alcoholic beverages in class, the video was posted by other instructors online, the footage showed the instructor mixing the three-percent alcohol content with Konjac juices, and sodas too, the instructor laughed and stated to the young children, “Would you want a glass?”, with the labels of “breakfast served with grape juice and Konjac, healthy, happy, one glass isn’t quite enough, use the measuring cups”, with the post-script of “go to sleep babies, sleep soundly, so you’ll grow up healthy.”, and it’d worried those who watched if the children were actually, ingesting in the alcohols.

doing this, NOT at a night club…photo from online

Because there were young children close by, the people who’s viewed the footages worried, and the employees at the main office of this chain nursery reiterated that no child was fed any alcoholic substances.

The Department of Education stated, soon as they were notified, they’d immediately asked for the surveillance from the school, that the employees shall NOT be ingesting alcoholic beverages, and can’t be doing things that aren’t related to work.  If the caretakers behaved improperly toward the young children after they were intoxicated, then, there will be laws enforced, with the most severe punishment being a fine of $600,000N.T., and blacklisted as an early childhood caretaker for life, and the preschool can also get fined for $60,000N.T., and have its license to operate retracted.

And so, this is STUPID, and I can only imagine, that the individual who’d posted this is of younger ages (like in early to mid twenties, maybe???), and these no-longer-teenagers still behaved like TEENS, with NO heads on the consequences of their own misbehaviors, maybe they think it’s cool, or it would be fun, posting a video of their, “side gig”, and now, they’d, broken the laws of child welfare, and they DESERVE to get more than just a slap on the wrist: getting FIRED and blacklisted.

but inappropriately, at this kind of, location…in the midst of YOUNG CHILDREN!!! Photo from online

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Is Questioning the U.S. the Right Thing to Do?  Counting All the Messes that the U.S. Left Behind

Don’t burst our bubbles yet, just, let us, live longer, in our, IGNORANT, bliss!  How we the people are, completely, BRAIN-DEAD, in believing in the lies of the DDP, the false promises of the U.S., because we all got, brainwashed by the, DDP…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

Taiwan is Located at the Center of Shipping, it Should be the SAFEST Place on Earth

Taiwan is located at an important tactical location of Southeast Asia, the Taiwanese Strait, one of the more important naval routes in trade, and in politics.  In other words, Taiwan is located at the center of the global shipment routes, and the importance of island is, clearly, perceived, which made this island into a location where the world powers wanted to gain control over.

Since the beginning of the DDP government back in 2016, the relations between Taiwan and China hit rock bottom.  For eight years on end, there’s this sharp decline of citizens from the island going to work in China.  China is the largest business partner of Taiwan, in 2022, there’s the sums of 15.65 billion U.S.D. in trade we have with China, which helps the economy of Taiwan flourish.  Without this, Taiwan’s trades will be at a huge, deficit.

The DDP’s ideologies of Taiwanese Independence took control, and firmly believed the views of getting closer to the U.S., and making China the enemy is the way to go, the DDP firmly believed, that only the U.S. can, save Taiwan, and help the country defy China.  The former ambassador, Gilmore of Trump’s, the former ambassador to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Gilmore, was invited to Taiwan as a keynote speaker of an international forum, he’d stressed, that most would believe that the U.S. isn’t a reliant ally, but this sort of “doubting U.S. conspiracy theory” is created by the enemies, and spread by the enemies intentionally.

But, is the U.S., really, reliable?  Let’s count up, all the countries that the U.S. intervened into in their wars, the Korean War back in 1950, the Vietnam War in 1955, the War  in Afghanistan in 2000, the War in Iraq in 2003, 2014 in Syria, the U.S. left a huge mess behind in these, countries, and ran, scattered.

Ukraine and Russia, other than the long term disputes of territories, Putin and accused N.A.T.O. for its continued expansion eastward, threatening the security of Russia since the start of the 21st Century, and warned Ukraine to not join N.A.T.O., and the president of Ukraine, Zelenskyy received the supports from E.U. and the U.S., and misinterpreted the situations, causing the Russian military to invade into Ukraine in February of 2022, causing the full-blown war between Ukraine and Russia.

In recent years, there’s the heightened tension between the straits, the Chinese military aircrafts, flying over the air of Taiwan is now, the norm, and the signs of it getting worse still.  Plus the latest conflict in Kimen, Mazu, there’s the, chances that a war might break out.  And all of these attracted international, attention, and there’s the beliefs of Taiwan’s following in Ukraine’s footsteps, becoming, the second, Ukraine.

In truth, I believe, that because of our special geographical, location, so long as we maintain the balanced relations between U.S., China, Japan, not favoring any sides, Taiwan should be, the safest place on earth.  Reason is simple, because NO country want to shoulder the risk of change the current situation.

The chairperson of China, Xi met with the former president, Ma, stated that we are of the same, roots, that both Taiwan and China should, work together, to seek unification, and peace.  The head recruit of the K.M.T., Fu and sixteen other KMT legislators, met up with the chair of Chinese policies, Wang, Wang stressed, that nobody wants a war on both sides, and there’s not a timeline for China’s invading Taiwan, that all that’s needed, is the good communications between the two sides.

Lai and Hsiao will be sworn into office as the newly elected president and vice president on May 20th as Taiwan’s sixteenth president and vice president.  I truly hope, that this new government other than keeping the freedom, the core of democracy of Taiwan intact, also, carefully, consider the status of Taiwan internationally, to make more connections in diplomacy, especially, keeping that peaceful distance between China, U.S., and Japan.  And, if this is achieved, then, Taiwan will be, the safest, place on the planet, and we won’t be another, Ukraine.  And we the people will be, blessed, so shall the country be too!

Yeah, uh, good luck, because the elected is still a DDP, and, DDP is all about, defying China, getting tight with the U.S., and you think that this newly elected president (who’s also a DDP) will change to interacting, more amicably with China?  Yeah, think again, we’re on this path to war, and nobody knows it on this god DAMN island, because the people here is still living in the IGNORANT bliss of how BIG DADDY Uncle Sam will save us all when China DOES, invade, and we still don’t take precedence from Ukraine, the Hamas-Israeli, along with all of the other, wars and conflicts that the U.S. is, “involved” in…

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How the DDP Government Blamed the Severing of the Diplomatic Ties on China, and the Power Outages on the Small Critters

And, we the people still had it, coming, as we (the majority of voters) are stupid, voting this, god DAMN, dictatorship into, office, and now, we the people shall all, SUFFER for this, huge mistake we’d made, because we are, STUPID!!!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

In responding to the questions posed by the legislators, the head of foreign affairs, Wu started, evading answering their, inquiries, and stated eight times continually, “Go sue me for being contempt of the legislature then!”, and the, thickness of his flair was from how he is to take the office of the secretary of N.S.A., why would he take the questioning of the new majority party’s female legislator’s inquiries as anything worth his time?  As the president-to-be, Lai announced the personnel of the N.S.A., Wu stated, “although this position can sometimes be burdensome, but, being able to get assigned to office by Tsai and the president elect, Lai for a whole of six whole years is an, honor!”  And, what the press wants to know, is that what’s so proud of, losing a total of EIGHT countries in your term?

Looking back at the Taipower Company that’s sustained the losses of $546 billion N.T. for the past two years, in recent years, to PROVE itself, it’d, gone into the development of wind generated and solar generated powers, damaging the environment to ay the least, purchasing the electricity at too high a price, selling it at too low, losing ALL of its, capital.  And at the start of last month, the cost of electricity hiked up a huge eleven-percent, and on the fifteenth of last month, there was almost a restrict hours of usage by the districts across the island, and Taipower then, purchased the electricity at a high price of $12N.T.s per degree with the various, enterprises, smashed over twenty million dollars N.T. to help it get through that energy shortage crisis.  It was even worse in Taoyuan, in a week’s time, there’d been, a report of, ten total, outages, and, the people can only deal with, the “Wang-style” electric outages, while the head of economics, Wang stated, “it’s one thing that everybody has a different opinion on the energy policies, but you can’t say, that because I didn’t follow your way, my way had, caused the, outages to happen more and more, frequently”, she’d refused to take up the responsibilities for the bad energy policies she’d set up.  The government that scapegoats everything, and we the people can do nothing, about.

It’s tax season in May, as I’d pulled out my wallet, I’d, recalled the words of our constitution, “We the people have the rights, the government should be, more able”, but this was, only, nothing more than just an ideal of the father of our, country.

And, see how FAR the values of “for the people” this DICTATORSHIP of the DDP had drifted to, and they still used the @#$%ED up “motto” of Tsai’s, “People are our, soft spots”, and we are still, allowing these, fucking (don’t pardon me here!) corrupt, government officials from the DDP ruin us all, with its bad energy policies, swaying the followers of the CULT in voting for them no matter what, playing we the people for, STUPID, oh, and we the people had apparently forgotten, how this HELLHOLE went from “Taiwan CAN help” to “Who can help Taiwan”, in a matter of, how many seconds again was that?  All because this god DAMN government that WE the people elected (that’s why WE the people DESERVE to get SHOT!!!), is too power thirst, and we still ain’t learned yet, as the majority of voters, voted this, CORRUPT political CULT into office, for four more, god damn, years!

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Filed under "Professional" Opinions, Abuse of Power, Abuser/Enabler Interaction Style, Blindly Following the "Leaders", Cost of Living, Follow the "Leader", Government, Policies, & Politics, Messed Up Values, Observations, Stupidity, Wake Up Calls, White Picket Fence

In the Gamble of China Vs. U.S., Lai Can’t Give up the Bargaining Chip that Taiwan Has, and Still Gloat about it

It’s official, we are, SOLD OUT, and, U.S. is trying, to get better in relations with, China now, and, Taiwan is left, an ORPHAN that “we” (still not a part of this, god damn, “collective”) can’t do, nothing about, because our BIG DADDY, U.S., had, DESERTED us!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Secretary of State of the U.S., Blinken had visited China twice within a year.  What was different from his last visit was, this time, Blinken did NOT host a press conference before he set out; at the same time, Mr. Kissinger who’d acted as a mediator had, passed on already.

after Tsai had SOLD the country’s ONLY BARGAINING CHIP!!! Photo from online

What replaced it, was the organization made up of U.S. enterprises and U.S. business groups, they’d set up a group at the end of March, first, went to Beijing to state their ingenuity of deepening the business ties between U.S. and China.  On the other hand, Blinken had hosted the press conferences to the international press in the U.S. Embassy, using the Q&A to state the position of the U.S.

Just as planned, Blinken was exclusively interviewed by the BBC stationed in China reporter, Laura Bicker, along with the NBC news reporter, Steve Inskeep.

Combining all that’s said in these three press conferences in Beijing, Blinken immediately responded to the comments of China immediately.  From the observations of the press reporters, the Chinese has a firmer interpretation of Blinken’s visit to China, while Blinken plainly stated: the that U.S. State Department’s content of the APEC Summit in San Francisco at the end of last year.  And so, the differences of beliefs between U.S. and China, will not deter the countries from continuing contact, communicating, and the competitions every now and then.

from before the U.S. STOLE the chip manufacturing technologies of TMSC, with Tsai and the DDP’s conset…cartoon found online

Based off of this, because of the need of the enterprises in the U.S., like Huawei that’s been, arbitrated in the U.S., can still purchase the advance chip technologies from Intel in the newest cell phones.  While the Nvidia A.I. chips that’s been restricted from export, although the future outlook diminished a little, but the achievement in this was that both sides will start the conversations in discussion of artificial intelligence technologies, which will be used in future negotiations.

And so, because U.S. already have a way, of STEALING the chip technologies from Taiwan, we are, of NO use to them anymore, and, there’s NO mentioning of Taiwan’s “status quo” in this “gathering between the greats”, and Taiwan got kicked to the curb, and, U.S. had, deserted us, after it got the chip manufacturing technologies from this “country”, under Tsai’s orders, and this “country” got SOLD for SCRAPS already, and there’s NOTHING any of us living on this SHITTY hellhole can do about that, it’s already been, DONE, by Tsai, and the DDP.

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The Scam Ring Pretended to be Currency Traders, the Female Financial Institution Manager Lost Tens of Millions of Dollars

Still an ABUSER/ENABLER interaction, with the culprit being???  Oh yeah, G-R-E-E-D!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The man, Chen and other accomplices are suspected of working for the Cambodian scam ring to transfer the sums, to withdraw the money from the A.T.M.s, or to personally take the drop from the victims, to purchase the virtual currency to launder money, in just six short months, there were a total of fifty “victims” who got scammed for a total of forty million dollars N.T., of these, a woman got scammed for over tens of million of dollars N.T.  The Criminal Investigations Agency arrested the thirteen member crew, charged them all on fraud and other charges, the district attorney had the courts mandate Chen and four other members of the crew into custody, the other eight suspects, out on bail of anywhere from 50,000N.T. to $100,000N.T.s.

The police investigated, the thirty-one year-old Chen went t work for a scam group in Turkey, returned in 2021, arrested in Taiwan, and worked with the Cambodian-based operational unit, and the delivery crew; the operation posted ads on FB, using the purchasing of the invested virtual currencies, stocks, mutual funds, and precious metals and other things, had the victims open up the virtual currency wallets electronically, and conned the victims using that they need to confirm the identities of their victims, to send the web address to the victims for the trading.

if this is factual, then, none of us would have to, work as hard as we do…illustration from online

The drivers claimed themselves as the virtual currency traders, to pick up the cash drop, and signed the contract for the Tether virtual currency purchases, depositing the Tether currency into the virtual wallets to gain their trust, because these scammers already controlled the virtual wallets, they’d, transferred the Tether into the foreign electronic wallets.

Partial of the victims had wired the sums into the head accounts, the operations unit wired to four layers of dummy accounts, with the drivers making the withdrawals, or wiring the sums into the virtual trading platforms, which were tied to the specific banks to purchase the virtual currency, then, transferred the virtual currency abroad.

After tallying everything up, between January and June of last year, there were a total of fifty victims, with the total amount of forty million dollars N.T. scammed, one of the retired financial institution female manager wired and made the drop multiple times, lost the most amount of money, totaling up to $1.1 million.

The Criminal Investigations Agency reviewed the LINE investment group, traced the I.P. to Cambodia, set up three different stings, and, arrested Chen and the pick up delivery person, and other mechanical unit operators, a total of thirteen.

Chen claimed to be a virtual currency trader, stated that he’d traded the currencies legitimately, as the police showed him the evidence, that was when he’d, admitted to scamming.  The case is being worked as fraud, money laundering, organized crime by the district attorney’s office right now.

See how elaborate these, money, investment scams become here?  And, the victims are not without the high enough levels of education, it’s now, the higher up of the socioeconomic statuses that are being, scammed, why is that???  Because of G-R-E-E-D, everybody wants to get rich quick, but there’s, NO shortcut to getting a lot of money, we need to work hard for EVERY single penny, and, if something seemed too good to be true, then it probably is, there is, NO free lunch, of course, unless you share my articles with someone, and the individuals were so happy to find my articles useful or helpful in some ways, and, treat you out for a free meal, free coffee, or free whatever (I’d gotten comments of these a lot!), then, the “lunches” would then be, F-R-E-E!  But NOT otherwise!  So, don’t fall for it…

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Filed under Abuser/Enabler Interaction Style, Awareness, Cost of Living, Crime & Punishment, Criminals, Knowing the Law and Breaking It, On the Wrong Side of the Law, Scams, Stupidity, Wake Up Calls, White Picket Fence

A Woman Who’d Traveled to the U.S. Sued from Overseas as She Was Scammed Two Million Dollars in a False Online Relationship

There’s still, NO “vic” in this case, only, ENABLER, and you are the one, too, desperate for love, that’s why you got, SCAMMED, “honey” (pardon the sarcasm!)…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Police Set up a Sting, Pretending to be the Relatives of the Woman, Using the Lines from a Movie as a Cue, to Catch the Two Suspects Arriving to Get the Cash Drop, One Suspect Out on Bail, the Other in Custody

The man, Chen claimed himself as an engineer with a degree from abroad, looking for love online, causing a woman, an immigrant to the States from Taiwan, Kwan to fall head over heels, used the excuses of his families falling ill, losing in investment, scammed her a total of two million dollars, the woman hired an attorney to report the case in Taiwan.  The police falsified themselves as the woman’s next-of-kin in Taiwan, to deliver the drop, and arrested Chen and Hsiao this month, charged them on fraud, the D.A. set the bail for Chen for eighty thousand dollars N.T., and fifty thousand N.T.s for Hsiao, Chen didn’t have anyone to get his bail, was kept in custody.

The police investigated, that the suspect, Chen (age 24) is unemployed, was caught with drug possessions, used the function of “someone nearby” from WeChat and zoomed in on the woman, Kwan on the eastern coast of the U.S. as a target, used the photo of a good looking male as his I.D. photo, claimed that he is an American engineer who is sent on business trips to China, Hong Kong, Macau, U.S., Japan, and other Southeastern Asian countries to work, that he’s getting older, wanted to settle down with someone.

Chen had texted the woman every day, to make her feel loved, stated that he wanted to fly to the U.S. to meet, Kwan thought she’d found true love, after a month of chatting online, they’d begun, dating, and referred to each other as “honey”, Chen even told her, “honey, go to bed now, and, dream of me, I love you, give me a kiss!”, then Chen told that his family members are ill, that he’d lost in investments, scammed Kwan to wire him more than a dozen times, in the total of $60,000U.S. (about two million dollars in N.T.), this February, he’d told her, that he’d been arrested for a crime in Cambodia, needed $60,000U.S. in ransom to get out.

how many times do people NEED to fall for it for this repeated cycle to finally come to that dead halt??? Illustration from online

Kwan started getting suspicious, and started, googling the man’s name and photo, and the online community told her that he was a scam artist, she’d confronted Chen, Chen then told her, that he was forced to falsify himself as another, that he was in custody in Cambodia, that he couldn’t trust anyone, that’s why he’d used a false identity, and showed his identification card to her, she took a shot of it, and called the attorney in Taiwan to file a case.

The Wenshan First Substation chased the leads, asked Kwan to send the message to Chen, that her relative will be handing over the two million to him in person, Chen told that he will have a friend to pick up the drop, and they’d agreed on using the phrase from the movie as a way of identification.

The relative who was actually a police officer used the secret words to confirm the identity, arrested the twenty-three-year-old Hsiao and the man who was on the lookout outside, Chen.  Chen admitted to running the online relationship scams, claimed that he’d paid Hsiao thirty thousand N.T.s for him to pick up the cash drop; Hsiao claimed, that he’d only, answered to a high-paying job, that he’d not known he was working as a pickup for a scam.

The police traced the wire of the money that Chen managed to scam, found that most of the amounts were wired into the bank accounts in China, and Hong Kong, of the total, $5,400 U.S. had been wired into the post office savings account of Chen’s, that he’d, spent every dollar.  The police analyzed the mechanical units, the drivers, and the money laundering means, and believed that Chen was “operating independently”, that he’d scammed the woman online, while, working to get the scammed amount into his account.

So, desperation still made you into, the BIGGEST VICTIM here, because you are so thirsty for love, too desperate, because, you’re biological clock’s ticking (???  How the hell should I know!), that’s why, you got, victimized, and you are STILL not a “vic”, you’re, THE enabler in this case, and, despite how this two-man crew got found, caught and arrested, there are bound to be, more scammers that will pop up, like those, moles inside that game of WHACK-a-MOLE, and these “moles”, can never get, completely, HAMMERED down!  Because there’s this need for love, and there will always and forever be those who will keep on, falling victim to this SHIT!

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Filed under Abuser/Enabler Interaction Style, Crime & Punishment, Excuses, Scams, Social Awareness, Social Issues, Stupidity, Vicious Cycle, Wake Up Calls, White Picket Fence