Tag Archives: the Unchecked & Imbalanced (as Opposed to the Checks & Balances)

Working the Cases Based off of Party Preferences, Don’t Turn the Law Enforcement Officials into the Hitters for the Political Party

As the district attorneys’ offices are forced to comply with the party preferences, this is how the district attorneys will get pulled if they don’t do as their told, to PROSECUTE, to go after those who have a difference of opinions to Tsai and her DICTATORSHIP party, the Democratic REGRESSIVE (instead of progressive!) Party!  How the justice system is also, corrupt, under the authoritarianism of the DDP here…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

During Tsai’s term, using the name of “reform justice”, she’d turned over the cases for the victims of the White Scare, at the same time, used the justice systems as a way of silencing those who have a different of opinion with her and her political party, went after the politicians of the parties not her own, and treated the criticisms of the government as fake news, and went after the news agencies for lying, used the name of defying China to protect Taiwan, causing the many case of Communist Chinese spies to get found not guilty, attempted to influence the self-governing of the individual universities, and issued the unfounded criminal charges, her and her political party’s means of destroying people’s freedom was exact the replica during the authoritarian period in Taiwanese history from 1949 to 1987.

the UNITARIAN ruling party system that we the people had, ELECTED into office…from online

The Tsai government used the motto of “protecting Taiwan, defying China” to continue her power in office, and the cases against the Chinese spies relating to national security laws, because a stage of the district attorneys’ dance to show their faithfulness to the party in power, the remarkable cases are all, product of this belief system.

The political issues should be resolved politically, but the district attorneys, had become the hitmen of the political party, this is, shifting toward the nor.  As the district attorney’s office in the northern districts went to investigate the claims of illegal doings in the elections, they were all very, active in working the politicians from the K.M.T. but when it came to the D.D.P. they’d selected to, look the, other, way, the police of the courts were forced to dig up the evidences only beneficial to the political party, and they’d all made complaints of this, privately.

When the court tried Lo, the justice called the investigators to testify, the investigators said, they’d collected the evidence based off of online data, that they’d, caught the guy, using the data they’d, collected online, this was, eye opening; the couple charged with espionage, were brought on by the reports of spying that wasn’t checked from far, far away in the distance, and, the law restricted the couple from flight for close to four whole, years.

The D.A.s office, the law enforcement officials, have the power to enforce the law, but they need to answer to the law, and not just, punished those whom the political party had found, unfavorable, besides, the cases need to get tried in court.  And yet, for the past eight years, whether it be in the N.T.U. professor, criticizing the Palace Museum, and the law went after him, or how after the N.T.U. elected its new president, Kuan, the DDP worked its best, to prevent him from taking office, the D.A. comply with the actions, and it’d shown, just how powerful, the DDP political machine, is.

The former president of N.T.U., Chen was interviewed, and disclosed, that during the time of pulling Kuan from his presidency of N.T.U., the president, Tsai had tried to persuade him, to restart the process of election of the president of the N.T.U., at the end of the conversations of he and Tsai, he’d asked her, “Can’t you tell the justice department to step back a little?  They’re all going around, talking to the professors of N.T.U. those on the election board, it’d caused severe pressures on the professors.  At the time, Tsai answered, “it’s not too bad, they’re just, using the witness, to call you out.”, and a lot of the district attorneys questioned, why does the president know so clearly, the actions of the district attorney’s office?  Using the indictment of the former president, Ma, what charges will there be, for leaking out the top secrets to the higher up of the D.D.P.?

what WE the people, became, SLAVES!!! Illustration from online

When the district attorneys prosecuted the politicians there are, the political motives.  Started in 1999 to date, the two justice reform conferences, whether or not the district attorneys have the power to execute the law had been in debate both times; the district attorneys are, limited by the investigations, and if the color-differentials don’t change, then, it will only destroy the faith that the people have in the justice systems, and in the district attorney’s office.

And so, this is how, the colors are all that matters, if you’re our color (green!), then we will, let you slide on all charges against you, but if you’re not our color (blue-KMT, or white-TPP), then, we come after you, with that, hard hammer, and even if we can’t find the valid evidence of your crimes, we simply make that up too, and that, is how the justice system becomes, a subsidiary of the political party, and freedom is, completely, LOST!

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