Monthly Archives: April 2021

The Stalking Harassment Bill, the Legislature Passed

Finally, the legislators are, taking this matter, seriously, to get the laws passed!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The case awhile ago from Pingdong of a false crash-abduction, the families of the deceased, Tseng yesterday held a funeral for her in Pingdong yesterday, and it was also yesterday, that the Legislative House passed the “Preventing Stalker” act.  The legislator from the DPP, Chou, the head of Pingdong County, Pan went to show their final respects at Tseng’s funeral, Chou stated, “we shall never forget how beautiful you were, your kindness, nor your name, because, we’d, named the anti-stalking bill after you.”

The newly written law included eight different kinds of stalking, harassment, and will be putting online harassment, and demands for dating into the legislation too, and the offenders can get as high as five years in prison at most, the head of the legislative branch, Su stated, that to make sure that the laws are set up as soon as possible, the measures will be implemented six months after it’s signed into effect.

A lot of the legislators urged the passing of the anti-harassment, anti-stalking bill, but it’d not moved forward one bit, until a month later, when Tseng’s murder had, occurred, shocking the society; the funeral for the victim was held in Pingdong yesterday, while the anti-stalking laws were passed in Taipei, and the coincidences of timing was, quite, heart wrenching.  Chou told, that she’d told Tseng in her heart, that the legislature will pass a law preventing stalkers, and hoped that the law can be signed into effect before June, “I hope nobody suffered as you had done.”

the women here, standing together, urging the passing of this, anti-stalking bill! Photo from online

demanding an amendment to the legislature already written

The spokesperson of the Executive Yuan, Lo said, the contents of the draft of this bill was originally set to be effectively in a year’s time, but Su believed that it couldn’t wait, and revised the act so that it’s in effect six months from now.  The police departments told, that the stalking laws are the final piece of the puzzle to preventing violence against the members of the opposite sex, that the police departments will be onboard completely.

The drafts of this bill also listed eight sorts of stalking or harassment behaviors, including surveillance, observing other people’s habits and stalking, or using other ways to get close to someone’s home, school, or workplace; threats toward someone or similar actions; using electronic communication devices, the internet, and harassed the victims, for instance, making the repeated silent calls.

The office of internal affairs pointed out, if there are stalking behaviors, the police can give a written warning, and if in two years, there are the behaviors of stalking again, the victim can file for a protective order.  At the same time, as the separate cases are closed, if there’s a need, of stalking and harassment, then the protective restraining order shall get passed down, and the time is for two years, and the individuals can file for the restraining orders to be extended.

Yeah uh, you think that’s going to, stop stalkers?  Of course not, it’s just, that it’d, looked, “prettier” on the surfaces is all, besides a woman was murdered by her stalker, and that sent that huge scare to the public, which is why this law is being passed, but, would it, actually work?  Don’t hold your breaths on it!

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Filed under Government, Policies, & Politics, Legislature, Life, Murder, Properties of Life, Wrongful Deaths

A Lovable Elderly Person

An elderly who refused to get beaten by old age, staying independent, and optimistic through life, an example for all of us, younger generations, translated…

Grandma Wang is 106 this year, she is my mother’s best fri4end, watched me from when I was a toddler, to becoming, a grandmother myself, after my mother passed, every once in a while, I’d, gone to visit her.  The neighbors who grew up with me from way back would also, go visit her as well, to comfort her, who didn’t have any children.

At first, I think we were visiting Grandma Wang because of transference.  Because our own mothers passed, and we don’t have any sense of belonging any more, and Grandma Wang was my mother’s, best friend, and being around her, it’d made me feel like I was with my mother again.

But, why would I, get motivated, comfortably, without any pressures, to go visit with her?  Or maybe, it was, the lack of the pressures, that sense of gratitude, catching on with the times, that’s, made her, very amicable.

She’d not, pressured us to go visit her more, and, not thought of, how long ago was it since we’d, last come, nor would she just, sit at home, and wait for us to visit; as we’d, visited, and when we are going off, she’d not let me feel guilty about not spending enough time with her.  And, no matter if we’d brought her clothing, daily necessities, or run the errands for her from time to time, she’d, taken our acts graciously, and, thanked us verbally repeatedly.

And, even though, in my minds, she wasn’t, lucky enough, because her husband died young, she didn’t have any children, and can only live off of the government’s low income sustenance, but she’d always told, of how blessed she was.

Or maybe she’d known, that she couldn’t rely on anyone, it’d, helped her become, the more, independent.

She has failing sight, couldn’t watch T.V. or read the books or the papers, and so, she’d, listened to the radio, no matter if it’s the topics on politics, finance, or social matters, she could carry on in conversation with us.  She can’t stand too long, couldn’t go out for strolls, and she’d, used the tables and chairs to steady herself, and, exercised inside her house, or did the exercises with her arms, and she’d, told us, to move around more if we want to live well.  Everything she could do on her own, she’d not requested anybody to help her, and she’d always, found things to do on her own too, that it helped her pass the time.  Sometimes, as I’d gone to visit, she was, chopping up the fillings of the dumplings.

It no wonder, that other than us, the man in charge of the local borough also loved paying her visits, as well as the personnel of the social welfare programs too, to carry on in conversations with her.  While my husband and I would often remind each other, that we need to follow her lead in our old age.  Becoming an independent, self-made, gracious, grateful, elderly whom others loved being around.

And so, what helped this elderly person to be loved by others around her in life is her temperament, how despite how she had the conditions that came with her elderly years, she’d still, worked hard, to live her life to the fullest, not relying on anyone, staying, as independent as she possibly can, and, it’s her means to living her life, that’s, drawn all the members of the younger generations to her.

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Filed under Aging Gracefully, Life, Observations, Old Age, Philosophies of Life, Properties of Life, Self-Images

The Judge Who’d Requested that the Female Assistant Give Him a Massage Demoted to a Court Clerk

And this loser only got???  Oh yeah, DEMOTED, and if you ask me (who asked you!  Exactly…), this MOTHER @#$%ER needs more than that SLAP on the wrist, to LEARN his lessons!  A case of, abuse of, power, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The district judge of Hsinchu, Wu, while working as a justice for the civil courts, used his power status over the three assistants at the office, to have them find his daughters tutors, to go to his daughters’ school functions, field trips, and had the female assistant massage him, and as this became known, he’d coached his assistant to say that “it wasn’t a massage” that she was the one who’d, kindly offered to help him alleviate the stresses in his body.  The Examination department found Wu had abused his power, and impeached him, the justice punishment courts yesterday took Wu’s judgeship away, and transferred him to work as a secretary of the courts of Taoyuan.

The secretary of the chief justices are responsible for anything else away from ruling over the cases, to help share the workload of the judges, Wu’s current wages are a little over $184,000N.T.s per month, and as he got demoted, he only makes a little more than $105,000N.T.s.

the fifty-year-old Wu had once worked in the district court judges in Banciao (before the reforms) and Miaoli, later he’d worked as the head justices in the courts of Hsinchu, until August of two years ago, he got pulled off the bench, and started last January, he’d been on suspension.

The duties courts investigated, that started in the end of May of 2018, to mid-June of 2019, Wu made requests to his female assistants to sort through matters not related to their work, what they weren’t hired to work for, his private matters, including writing his vita for his professorship at Chingwha University, the questions of the mid-terms, answered the questions of his students, to even booking the afternoon tea sessions, the trip to Hong Kong, he’d asked him assistants to manage for him.

Wu had asked another female assistant to rub his temples, his shoulders, neck, and get the heat out of his systems, the female assistant felt disrespected and ashamed.

Wu also used threats to his pupils, as he’d started, teaching law, “don’t let me catch you, or I will, get rid of you”, and as his female students got pregnant, he’d told them, “don’t sign up for the Hsinchu District Court Systems”.

The duties courts criticized Wu for belittling women, that he’d broken the laws of gender equality, that because of his actions, it’d lowered the trust, and expectations that members of the public had of the justice systems.

And so, clearly, this LOSER had, ABUSED his power of being a judge, he’d made those, unreasonable requests to his female secretaries, and they’d not dared, defy him, because they feared getting fired, which made him go more overboard, with his requests, and this LOSER deserved more than just being pulled out of his status as a judge, this loser deserves to get JAILED, and see how he liked being someone else’s BITCH!

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Filed under Abuse of Power, Gender Inequality, Improper Misconducts, In the Workplace, Issues on Gender, Knowing the Law and Breaking It, Life, Messed Up Values, Properties of Life, Sexual Misconducts, Slaps on the Wrist

The Three Young Children Suspected of Being Left Alone on Their Own, the Birthday Celebration Became a Memorial

And this was what might have, led to the fires, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The fire at Zhonghwa Road Night Market took the lives of three young children under age six, based off of the city records, the Yi and Xing were both families with the records with the social services, Yi was reported as a high-risk family, the parents had left their young children at home alone, and the parents took the parenting lessons provided, and were counseled, two nights, they’d left their young children at home alone, and the tragic deaths occurred.

Yesterday was the young girl, Yi’s birthday, her father bought the presents and the cake, but his young daughter’s birthday became her date of death, it’d made him distraught.

The police and district attorneys investigated, that the twenty-nine-year-old Yi and his wife, Liu (age 27) had been married eight years, has a five-year-old son, and a three-year-old daughter, the parents worked the odds and ends jobs, and receive the low income supports from the government.

The first floor of the apartment that caught on fire was a salon owned by the fifty-three-year-old woman, Wu, the second and third floors were made into suites to rent to the low-income families.  Two years ago, Yi took out the rents of the place in the third floor, while Liu had helped out at the salon to make the extra money.

Xing (age 26) is divorces, with a five-year-old daughter, a year ago, they’d moved into the second floor suite rented out by Wu with his girlfriend, Wang (age 28), the family was also a low income household; the kids of the two families played together, and knew each other.

And so, this fire started, because the children wanted to celebrate the birthday, and the parents were still, way too, NEGLIGENT leaving their underage children alone on their own, and that’s how and this tragedy had, occurred.  This is a case of negligence that’s for sure!

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Filed under Abandonment of Children, Carelessness of Adults, Children that Didn't Have to Die, Death by Negligence, Negligence, Properties of Life

Seven Games to Play with Your Young Children to Help Them Develop a Stronger Concentration

Games that helps aid the development of your young children’s cognitive processes, so, play with them more, and come up with other sorts of games that can stimulate your children’s brains, from the experts, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

With more and more, emphasis, placed on child development, birth to age three is the key development period, what ways, do we have, of helping the children develop their sense of, concentration?  The child occupational therapist, Yu suggested seven games at home, to play with your children to help them develop stronger concentration.

First, the musical singing song game, Yu said, playing the music that your young children liked, like Baby Shark, Head and Shoulders Knees and Toes, etc., etc., and do the simple movements with your children, it’s good for their concentration.  Beading, stacking up the blocks, then, aiming at the blocks, knocking them down are also great games.

games like this…

photo from online

Wait until the child understand the simple commands, have the child role-play as the “delivery person”, to bring the items to the parents, Yu said, place the obstacles like toys that obstruct their paths, have your children step over them, and tell them not to knock the items in their ways over, to not “tip over the foods”; wait unit your children are older yet, have them find specific items out of a stack, deliver it you.

Hide-and-Go-Seek is also a game that trains the child in concentration.  Yu stated, that the parents can first, hide the dolls underneath the quilts, and showing only the legs of the dolls for the child to find, and in a more advanced version of the game, have the child find the socks, “where’s the red sock?”, or “Where’s the sock with the car on it?”

Yu most recommended that the parents and children read along together, she said, find the books with the pictures primarily, let the kids see what shapes are in the books, for instance, in a book of illustrated animals, turn to a page, have the child tell what animals are on the page, where’s the rabbit, find the dog, have your child point it out to you.

or this…

photo from online

The clinical psychologist, Lee said, before age three, the diagnoses of attention-deficit, or hyperactivity are hard to diagnose, the researches showed, that the high-tech devices with the loud volumes of sounds and the bright lights are, harmful to the development of your children, that there should be a limit of half an hour a day of use per day.

And so, due to the prevalence of the diagnoses of ADD, ADHD these days, we must, be careful, WHAT we’re, exposing our young children to, after all, children DO, model after the adults, and, the games of stacking up the blocks, classification of the various kinds of toys, these games trains your young children in their, cognitive development processes.

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Filed under Child Development/Education of Children, Childhood, Life, Parent-Child Interactions, Perspectives, Philosophies of Life, Properties of Life, The Education of Children

Whose Fault for These Tragedies in the Local Communities? The Aloofness of the Communities…the Young Mom Because of Her Irresponsible Behaviors, Causing Her Own Young Son to Starve to Death

W-H-O, shall we BLAME, for the, recurrences of these, TRAGEDIES???  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

A seventeen, eighteen-year-old young mother was raising her own three-year-old son, her two-year-old daughter all alone on her own, but she’d, just wanted to, party out, had her uncle to come and watch the children, and, in her seven days away, her uncle only came to her home to check on the kids once, left a few packs of bread buns, then, left.  During which time, the neighbors, and the super of the building of the community had all heard the young brother-sister pair’s cries, gone to ring the doorbell, but nobody answered, as the young mother finally turned back home, the boy had already died of starvation, and the girl was malnourished, and dehydrated, rushed to the hospitals, and her life was, spared.

The manager of the children’s I.C.U. at Changgang Hospital in Linkou, Hsia stated, that most of the serious cases of child neglect resulting in death were mostly caused by the communities lack of care and concerns, that are rarely cases of nosy neighbors being alert enough, which helped saved a child’s life.  Of the above case, the two young children, cried on for several days, with the neighbors who could, care LESS, until the police and the coroners came.

Hsia pointed out, this tragedy happened a little over four years ago, and to prevent future incidents, the super of the buildings are listed as persons of responsibilities in the need of reporting to the authorities, to work alongside the school instructors, the local police, the medical staffmembers, the heads of local communities, to help protect the welfares of children and adolescents.

to prevent the domestic violence cases from repeating…

or, just those, three digits: 9-1-1!

What’s worth noting was, the calls out of responsibilities are, uneven in rates by the years compared to the reports of abuse by the relatives, Hsia pointed out, there were a total of 13,986 cases of reported child abuse back in 2006, and the obligatory reports of 8,823, sixty-percent of all cases, the regular reports took up about forty-percent, but in the close to 60,000 cases of child abuse back in 2018, there were only eighty-six-percent of the reports out of responsibilities, and the total of the regular reports had, dropped to fourteen-percent, the newest stats showed, that there were more than ninety-five percent reports out of necessities.

Hsia told, that the loss of social network connection among the neighbors and relatives, even as the cries of young children at night were being heard, mostly the neighbors would pretend that they’d not heard, if we can all be a bit nosier, and call the hotlines, and, maybe, we get to, save one young life.

And so, this is, the TRENDS, because every man or woman to him or herself, and besides, in this modern day and age, which one of us would have the time, to TAKE our own @#$%ING (out cusses???) heads, OUT of our own separate, ASSES, and pay more attention, that’s nobody, ‘cuz we all got our own separate things to deal with: work, bills, mortgages, child support, alimonies, etc., etc., etc., etc. besides, I don’t know that family that lives next door to me, or, that kid from next door doesn’t go to the same school as my own child, so why care???  And that, is how this world is, still, getting so, FUCKED (don’t pardon me here!) up!

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Filed under Abandonment of Children, Abuse, Abuser/Enabler Interaction Style, Death by Negligence, Negligence, Perspectives, White Picket Fence

Helping the Mothers Return Back to the Workforce, a Company was Set up to Match Their Skills

This is a program, that helps women, get OUT of the, traditional gender roles, to help them find work outside the homes, off of the Newspapers, translated…

The Der-Jen Human Resources Agency’s goal is to “help moms find work”; the founder of the program, Tsai saw a lot of women her age, because they had children, and after they took their maternity leaves, it’d become, harder for them, to return back to the workforce.  As she’d set up an independent agency, helping the women to have a friendly work environment, that they can take care of their families, as well as work at the same time, and her company received the “Enterprise Friendly Work Environment Contributions” award.

“What we’re doing may not bring in the big bucks, but, it’s, more than, meaningful!”, Tsai stated, that their workspace is put together with the desks, and the employees don’t need to follow the strict work schedules of nine to five, the flexibility of workhours allowed the employees to have more freedom, “the company is an example of allowing women to not get limited by the time of work in the offices, nor working in a specific space, and they can, all shine still”.

Tsai originally worked in the high-tech industries, in 2016, she’d given up on her high pay job, and set up a company on her own.  With only eight employees, and the objective of her company was to help match the female workers with the fitted workplaces fitted to their needs, the members of the families had the need of caretaking, and needed to go to and from work and home quite a lot, needed the flexible workhours, also, the balances of home and work too; and there were those women who’d left the workforces for way too long, lacked the self-confidences, and aren’t professional enough in their skillsets, they’d all needed the help.

Tsai told, that “combining the work and the families’ needs” was her original thought when she set up her company, “Der-Jen” is also the first human resources company that promoted the flexible work schedule in all of Taiwan, and called itself a social enterprise; from the very beginning of her company being set up, the hardships that they endured, most of the enterprises were all doubtful toward the “homemakers” returning back to the workforce, from the communications, the education, currently, the foundation offers about 3,000 women who are looking to return to work after they had their children.

so women can work, and take care of their children at the same time! Photo from

The Der-Jen Human Resources recently combined workforces with the academic units, and started up the forum of setting up a friendlier environment for working mothers, and complied with the government’s program of “Women Returning to the Workforce”, designed many courses, to help reconnect the women with their going back to work, and it’d, set up the human resources classes for the private enterprises too; Tsai hoped to design a more flexible work schedule for women all around.

Making the Work Environment Friendlier, Tsai: What I’m Doing is Meaningful

Tsai worked in the technology industries for more than a decade’s time, she had already been promoted to a managerial position, and her career is on the rise, but as she’d found, that other women around her, due to getting married, starting their families, giving up on their dreams, and the achievements they get from work, leaving their stable workforces, and their wages, she’d pushed forth a friendly environment for mothers.

“People’s choices are related to their personality traits!”, she’d said, in the technology field she’d worked in the “innovations, and the most advanced” job, including before the government’s expansion southbound, she’d led the workers in her company to expand her company to Southeast Asia, to going into the 3-Dimension printing, the resources shopping sites.  But being creative in her thoughts, and with that strong sense of justice, she’d slowly wondered, “are the technologies working in helping people live better, or are they, controlling, our behaviors?”, and she’d started, having a different belief system.

In 2012 in a chance encounter, Tsai came into contact with “social enterprise”, she was in the midst of contemplating wanting to do something meaningful, and, she’d, matched to the programs perfectly, in the end, she’d left the technology industries, and set up a similar social enterprise, the Der-Jen Human Resources Agency.

Tsai told, that as she got deeper in, she’d found, that the matter of gender in the workforces is quite, complicated, in the process of helping, she saw the stories of others unravel before her eyes, and it’d, helped her accumulated the experiences, and felt, that she’d become, a source of power that can, help the society move forward.  She said, “the various people in their various positions, playing their roles well, finding how each can contribute to the society, I’m really glad, to have found the work I really enjoy doing, that’s also, meaningful too.”

And so, this, is a good program, that this woman set up, to help mothers who left the workforce to have children, who wanted to, return back to work again, as the work environment usually isn’t that friendly toward women who’d had children, and most of the enterprises would think twice before they hire mothers, because of how the mothers needed to consider the welfare of their own children, and this woman’s agency, is set up, to help the women find the jobs that can help them do both: work to bring in the pays, and to take care of their young.

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Filed under Life, Perspectives, Philosophies of Life, Properties of Life, Women's Issues

No Limits on the Student-Teacher Ratio of the Special Eds Classes, the Special Eds Instructors are Burned Out Quickly

The government’s NOT setting a limit to the students-to-teacher ratios in the special needs program, is hurting not just the students, it’s also, causing these reduced number of special needs educators to drop even lower, and there IS a need, for the reforms of the special needs education requirements in the legislature right now, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Department of Education is Enforcing the “Normalization” of Education, in a School, There’s the Instance of One Teacher to a Hundred Forty-Six Students, and the Teachers are, Burning Out Quick

The Department of Education is implementing the Immersing Education Program, to allow the special needs students to attend the classes in the regular classroom settings, if the needs surfaced, then, they will assign the special needs students to the special eds classrooms to have the one-on-one sessions, this was called the “dispersed special eds classes”.  But, for many years, there is NO limit to the number of students set in these classes, to the point of how in some schools, there are more than a hundred special needs students, but only one, to two special needs instructors.  The members of the public went on the civilian policies platform to ask for an amendment on this matter, demanded that “under high school, there should be a limit to the number of special needs students in the special eds classes”, over two thousand members of the public had already, signed the petition.

The person who’d drafted this amendment up believes that there are more and more moderately handicapped special needs students who are being placed in the regular classroom setting, with the help from the special eds courses provided to them, but there’s NO limit to the total number of students in these classes, and the students who are more severely handicapped, causing the burn out rate to speedy up even faster for the special needs instructors.

From the observations of the public schools, there’s only the mandatory requirement of if the number of specials needs students exceeded twenty-one, then, another class should be set up especially for the students with the special needs, but without the number of students who should be in the classes set.  Examining closely the “Reports of the Public School in Taiwan of Special Needs Students Summary”, the public technical high school has a total of 146 special needs students, but only one surrogate special needs instructor onboard to teach.

special needs learning with the regular students, with only ONE instructor, teaching the ENTIRE class the same way…photo from online

A local government official of the Department of Education told, that the special needs students, other than being allowed a spot, there were those special needs students who got into the schools based off of their skillsets too.  For instance, from the Taipei Industrial High School, there were about forty special needs students who are placed in the school to student, but, there are over a dozens who’d passed the examinations, and gotten in by themselves, which made the total number of special needs students to exceed what is proper.  The head of student affairs, Lee stated, that in recent year, the school’s students were mostly from the retakes and the placed students, that the school already submitted an asking to the Department of National Education, from last August, the school was able to formally hire three special needs instructors and three surrogate teachers, to offer the individual attention that these special needs students may need to excel in their studies.

The special needs instructor of technical high schools are often overworked, a lot of the schools would hire different instructors by the semesters.  A high school special eds instructor told, that students would often wonder: “why are we changing teachers again?” but the process of evaluating the instructors, filling out the forms, matching the special eds instructors to specific classroom, all need to start all over from ground zero, and the matching of the courses with the instructor was too much busywork.

one-on-one attention is how these students learn best, but with the lacking of trained special needs instructors, the system of education is lacking…photo from online

The national education subdivision of the Department of Education stated, that the levels of the skills of the special needs students are widely varied, the current special needs classes and the rotating homeroom instructors, the special needs students per class is left to decide by the school’s governing bodies, to maintain a flexibility, if the outside world wants a number of special needs students per class to get set up, then, the department shall invite the local city governments to discuss the matters further.

And so, what this is saying is, that the government doesn’t do SQUAT, to help the teachers with the special needs students in their classes, after all, these special needs students’ conditions are varied, and unless you’re, a trained instructor who specializes in the multitudes of conditions that these students might have, know how to deal with each and every student’s needs individually, there’s NO way any one instructor will be able to, handle teaching a regular class, with the growing number of students with special needs in their classes.

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How there are, the dangers online that not even God himself can, defend from!  Translated…

Fear is best used, in covering up one’s lacking of skills.  God is online, and, He can only tap on the keys to console.  The innocence, and the world set up many goals———ahhhh, that lost goal, dripped down like the raindrops, only time felt that it’s kind and gentle, and, genuine.  God can only tap the keys as consoles, the longer lines, with the longer ways ahead, getting, lost.  Suddenly, the depth of the dark net, a woman who’d glowed pressed down on a key, then, God is, pulled, by, into, the darkness.

all you need is something like this…

and you’re, in, “business”…photo from online

So, if even God is drawn in by those, sex solicitors, and, how easy do you think humans CAN fall?  And this still just shows, how dangerous it is, online, you can get that flash of large sets of jugs on top, or in a jiffy, some LOSER flashed himself in front of a webcam, and, you got, NO clue as to hey, how’d that got turn on, and, what am I looking at here!

That, is how easily children, CAN get, exposed to bullshits, because SEX still???  Oh yeah, it still, S-E-L-L-S!!!

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Filed under Improper Misconducts, Innocence Lost, Life, Properties of Life, Sex Sells, Sexual Misconducts, Utilizing the Internet

The Hired Nurse’s Aide Displeased of Her Treatment by Her Employer, Fed the Person She Cared for in a Vegetative State Urine, Got Indicted

Taking it out on the individual whom she was supposed to care for, because this migrant worker felt displeased of the treatment from her employer, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The female nurse’s aide from Indonesia felt displeased at how her boss didn’t give her three daily meals, she’d taken her anger out on the completely paralyzed, in a vegetative state elderly man, Chang, she’d urinated into the stainless steel cup and made Chang drink, causing Chang to choke, run a high fever, and in critical condition, and as she was caught, she’d excused her bad behavior as “some evil spirit entered into my body and made me do it!”; the D.A. believed that this was the social tragedy of the “lesser abusing the weak”, and recently, the nurse’s aide was indicted on attempted murder, and the D.A. is asking for five years in prison for her.

Based off of investigation, “Di” (age 37) the hired nurse’s aid started working as Chang’s caretaker last September, knew that Chang who’s bedridden needed around-the-clock care, that he relied on the feeding tubes, and had gotten corrected by Chang’s two daughters for not feeding the formulas in.

Di was displeased at the treatment of her employers, starting on October 1st of last year, for three days, she’d taken the stainless steel cup, bottle, and urinated into the containers, then, force fed it to the elderly man, causing Chang to vomit severely, to choke, with his face covered up in urine and fecal matters and vomit, and in the end, she’d, wiped the elderly man’s face off, pretended that it was, nothing.

Because of this, Chang ran a high fever, and was rushed to the hospital, and the medics found that he had the inhalation sort of pneumonia, and urinary tract infections, and his life was spared after the emergency resuscitation measures were done on hi, the family found something suspicious, reviewed the surveillance, and found what the female nurse was doing to the elderly man.

During the interrogation of the district attorneys, Di admitted to being trained as a nurse’s aide, that Chang’s daughter showed her how to draw the phlegm out, knew that the formulas should be injected in through the feeding tubes slowly too, and new from the forms in Indonesian, Chang’s conditions, and because the families didn’t allow her to have her three meals a day, that was why “she’d taken her anger out on the elderly man”.

The D.A. found her to have an unsure motive for murder, that she’d not shown any remorse after what she’d done, and it’d caused the families psychological pains too.

The district attorneys considered how the migrant workers are far from home, that they had to deal with the unequal treatment of their status quos, that the workload had caused the nurse’s aide emotional, physical fatigue, which caused her to develop the feelings of being mistreated by the individuals who’d hired her, which led her to make the wrong decisions, and this case is no doubt, a “lesser abusing lesser” tragedy of the society.

And so, this, is what’s happening, and yes, there are these cases, because there are those who’d hired these foreign nurse’s aide who viewed them as nothing MORE than hired help, because we’re PAYING your wages, therefore, we can, ABUSE you, MISTREAT you, and in turn, these hired help to watch over our elderly, our young, take their angers out on the ones they are looking after, and the problem still won’t be solved, because there’s always a party in that, higher up, status quo (the employers) and those on the bottom, the hired nurses, the migrant workers.  And to think that all of this could be prevented, had the family treated the hired help kindly…

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