Tag Archives: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Can, the Justice Systems, Actually, Prevent the Victims of Sexual Harassment to Get, Victimized, Again?

Of course not, considering how difficult it will be, for these, SURVIVORS (not VICTIMS!) to relive everything, again, and again, and again, let alone having to FACE their, attackers, and the damaged reputations too, all of these, aren’t, considered thoroughly!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

As #MeToo continued burning, even the originally perfect-imaged T.V. personnel, Mickey Huang was accused of forcibly kissing a woman, taking the victims’ nude shots, etc., etc., etc.  And if all the accusations had been proven, it’s no longer sexual harassment, but into the five-year-or-below offenses of forced molestation charges, and, if the victims aren’t eighteen yet, there’s the increased by half term.  And, all of these crimes aren’t processed based off of criminal contents, but, the statute of limitation is twenty years, so, there would NOT be the expiration or the shortened statute of limitation problems.  It’s just, that criminally, would the charges be enough, to keep the impact of the second time injury to a, minimum, to help the victims bravely, come out in their, accusations?

The victims of sex crimes, once they’d come forth, they’d had to face the interrogations, the inquiries from the law enforcement, and this would certainly bring back the painful, memories.  And, based off of the criminal law, these individuals can have their families, doctors, psychiatrists, therapists, or social workers with them when answering to the inquiries, to allow these, victims to have someone there for support, so they wouldn’t face it alone.  And, based off of the sex crime prevention law number nineteen, it also required the district attorneys, and the bailiffs, to have the professionals to assist in the inquiries in cases involving children or mentally decapacitated individuals, or even, having these trained professionals, inquire about what happened to these, victims, to prevent them from getting, attacked, again.

the Kubler-Ross stages…that is, applicable to these, cases…found online

And, all of these laws are, set up, to protect the victims of these, heinous crimes from getting, attacked again, but, putting these survivors on the stand, so they can, testify against their, attackers, tell the court what had happened to them, that’s something, quite difficult, and, to make these people relive through all of that again (like they’re not doing that since the attacks???), is, cruelty in itself!  But, to convict these sex predators, this is, a necessary, evil, and, once the events came out into the open (as being told by the survivors), the healing will finally, begin, because, being able to tell what happened to you, that’s, the first step to, owning up to your, injuries, and it’s still, a very long road to, recovery, but at least, you’d taken, that first, step out.

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Filed under Awareness, Cost of Living, From a "Victim" to a "Survivor", Re-Experiencing the Trauma, Sexual Assaults, Sexual Misconducts, Social Awareness, Suppressed Memories, Theories & Applications, Values, Violence Against Members of Opposite Sex, White Picket Fence