The Language Learning Centers, the New Southward Special Course Programs, All Fell to the Human Trafficking Rings

This vicious cycle is still caused by???  Supply AND demand, as the SEX TRADE flourishes, the culprit of this, being the DDP’s barring the Chinese tour groups, and therefore, the country has to, find alternative “sources of income” for tourism alternatively, and this, is what, happens…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Reality of Studying Abroad: Getting Trafficked, After Registration for the Courses, the Students Were Hauled Away

A patrol officer from a substation in Taipei confirmed, that “we’d found foreign female students who’d come to the language center to study Chinese, but, instead, they’d worked in the buildings of the shopping strip as sex workers”, last year, two sex workers, one from Russia, one from Vietnam were busted in Taipei, they were here on student visas, and were going to school in two individual private universities, one up north, the other, in the southern regions, they’d taken the short-term language courses in the language centers, stayed for two, three months in Taiwan, and, started working in the sex industry.

all that’s needed is a woman from a foreign country, a cell phone, and a john, then you’re, in “business”…photo from online

The officers told, that the foreign women were mostly only in their, early twenties, and, they’d told the officers that they were selling for money to live off of, or for tuitions; and these short-term language courses aren’t for the full day, they could take in the johns when they have spare time from their classes, which fed to their drive to sell for sex.

And, the pupils from the program “New Southbound Industrial Cooperative” sponsored by the government were also found to be soliciting.  There was, at least one private technical university and one technical university where the women got busted for selling themselves for sex; these schools are managing the students very loosely, although there’s the requirements of freshmen and sophomores needing to stay in the dorms, but the upper level students are allowed to find boarding out of school, and, some of the students, got enticed by the pimps, and started, working as sex workers.

The patrol officer from the southern part stated, that there were the foreign exchange students who’d worked in the Vietnamese eateries as companion drinkers or getting pimped out, the foreign females would borrow a sum to be used as the introduction fees from their home countries, and, then, they get, “tied up by the debts”, and had to start selling to pay up the fees; he’d used the example, that a foreign student who studies in the south, right after registration, was immediately, taken away, nobody knew where she’d gone, and later, they’d found her being trafficked for sex up north.

And so, this is, a false front, coming to this country to study, and, in actuality, these younger generations of women are, pimped out, because there’s still this, HUGE market for SEX, and there will always and forever be, and these foreigners are here, on visitors’, tourists visas, which made it even more difficult, to catch them, after they sold themselves, they can just, up and out of the country, and nobody knows where they go, this is, the “side effect” of the DDP’s opening the New Southbound program, to get the tourism going, because they’d, BARRED the Chinese tour groups from coming.

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