The Elementary School Instructor Was Found to Have Long-Term Sexually Harassing the Students, the Department of Education Forced Him to Retire

Instead of charging this PREDATOR criminally, they’d only, put him on the, “backburner”, see how LENIENT this FUCKING (so???) country is toward these PREDATORS in educators’ “skins”???  This is, SHIT!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The legislator, Fang, the Hsinbei City Councilwoman, Yen hosted a press conference with the person who’d disclosed yesterday, that a music instructor in Hsinbei City, Lu had long term sexually harassed his students, during his offering the piano lessons, he’d touched the female students’ breasts, inappropriately patted their, thighs, and there were the students who’d filed the complaints against him, that he watched porn.  But because the case is past statute of limitations, Fang called out to the legislature, to amend the statute of limitation to when the survivors become adults, and start counting.

Liu, the woman who’d disclosed the case said that when she was about nine, she took piano lessons with Lu, that during the sessions, Lu patted her thighs, using the excuse of helping her count the measures, he’d even put his hands into her shirt to touch her breasts, and, when she’d played the wrong notes, he’d asked, “do you want me to punish you by hitting your hand, or would you rather be patted by me?”, this caused her trauma.

It’d been twenty-seven years since it’d happened, and Ms. Liu found that the instructor still works in the elementary schools, and, disclosed what happened to her on FB, gotten the attention of the public.  Yen pointed out, that the music instructor, Lu had worked in three schools in Hsinbei City, the students and parents complained, that the instructor would demand that the female students in short skirts or shorts to sit on the front row.  There were female students who’d found Lu watching porn, there were female students who were kissed by him, he would wrap his arms around the students’ waist, and asked them to sit in his, lap.

The Department of Education of Hsinbei City pointed out, that they’d already, asked the school to interview the students the instructor worked with, and investigated the facts, if Lu had broken the laws, there will be no leniency, and the Department of Education estimated that the investigations will conclude in another two months.

Lu filed for retirement last year, will be retired in August of this year, and, after the suspected sexual molestation accusations came out, the Department of Education stated, that before the details of the case had been clarified, the paperwork of Lu’s retirement will be placed on hold.

If the accusations of these students were true, then, putting this PREDATORY instructor OUT to pasture still won’t be punishment enough for him, taking away his teaching license, what do you think that would do?  Nothing, he’s already, about to, retire, and, taking away his retirement fund still won’t do SHIT either, because, he can always, change his identity, and, still have a ton of children to his choosing, because there’s not a severe enough punishment for PEDOPHILES in this country, and the FUCKING (so???) Tsai government prided itself on being the “most advanced” in protecting the rights of children and women?  Yeah, the punishment should be that this predator becoming someone else’s prey and, see how HE likes getting raped AND sodomized, in PRISON!

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Filed under Bad Behaviors, Crime & Punishment, Criminals, Improper Behaviors of an Adult, Improper Behaviors of School Instructors, On the Wrong Side of the Law, Sexual Assaults, Sexual Misconducts, Slaps on the Wrist, Unsafe in the Schools, Wake Up Calls, White Picket Fence

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