Texted His Ex, Cursed Her to Die Soon, Picked Up His Children, & Dumping Them by the Side of the Road, the Abusive Man Was Charged, Finally, for Violating the Terms of the Restraining Order

Well, look on, the BRIGHT side, at least this MOTHER @#$%ER, did NOT go through with, MURDERING his own, ex-wife here!  How slow the LAWS are to react, to things like this, despite how we are among the “most advanced” (so stated this DDP government!) in the anti-stalking, anti-abuse laws here!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The man, Wang with priors in drugs, was suspected of physically abusing his ex-wife and children, after the courts issued an emergency restraining order, he’d, texted his ex-wife to harass her, to cuss her out, cursed, “I’d wished you would die soon every single day”, etc., etc., etc., and in February of this year, he’d even gone to the bus station, to pick up his own young, then, ditched his child at the intersections.  The Shihlin District Attorney’s Office charged him on the seven violations of his wife’s restraining orders against him, asked the courts to given him a severe sentence.

Due to his drug priors, Wang was sentenced to a year two months, which he finished serving just two years ago in October.  Before Wang divorced, he was physically abusive toward his wife and underage children, his wife couldn’t stand it anymore, asked the courts for a restraining order.  The Shihlin District Court passed the emergency restraining order last September, in October of last year, it was issued, mandated that Wang should NOT illegally harm his wife or young physically or psychologically, the term of the restraining order was for a year and six months.

The indictment pointed out, that Wang was suspected of breaking the protective order set by the courts, that between September 20th of last year and May of this year, he’d multiple times harassed his ex wife vial text messages, cussed her out, and texted her, “how much do I need to wrap in the white envelopes for your death, you will get run down and killed by automobile, I hope everybody in your family dies, save the money for your medications, your coffins, give me back the children, I will curse you dead every single day”, etc., etc., etc.

At around five in the evening on February 25th this year, Wang, without his ex-wife’s permission, went to a bus station and picked up their son, then, left the son at a random intersection, then called to cuss and harass his ex-wife.

As Wang got taken into custody, he’d admitted to everything he’d done, the district attorneys used the phone call records, the contents of the texts he’d sent, along with the already set in place restraining order his ex had against him, confirmed that he’d, breached the terms of his restraining order seven times, and charged him on it, asked the courts to give him the punishments by the counts, and due to the chances of him reoffending again, to ask for an even heavier sentence for him.

And so, this, is what you get, you were, abusive of your wife and child, and your wife filed for divorce and got a restraining order against you, and you were upset because of it, and you’d not not only, examined your own bad behaviors, instead, believed that it was her fault, for keeping your child away from you, for turning your child against you, yeah, that’s a bad person, and you deserve the HARSHEST sentence for continual harassment of your own, ex wife.

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Filed under Abuse, Abuser/Enabler Interaction Style, Crime & Punishment, Domestic Violence, Properties of Life, Punishment Doesn't Fit the Crime, Right to Life, Vicious Cycle, White Picket Fence

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