The Legend of the White Snake

Based off of a story from a very long time ago, translated…

The green snake was crying her eyes out, the man, lying, unconscious on the ground.  A gentle breeze came by, at the base of the Lei-Feng Tower, the white snake lost ITS thousand years’ worth of concentration.  In the small village in this hot summer season, in the front yard, the boy and the girl, both sweating like crazy, saying their lines, as they’d rehearsed the skit of the Summer’s Day.  Turning on the fans, they’d gone to check, to see if the earthworms underneath the metal pot, had they both, passed out because of the heat?

And, this, is still child’s play, and, they’re re-enacting a scene for the fairytales, learning to socialize in their genders.

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Filed under Gender Roles, Issues on Gender, Observations, Perspectives, Properties of Life, Relationship, Socialization, The Doll Corner, Translated Work

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