Hopefully, Lai Won’t Make the Same Mistakes that Trump Had

We the people, despite WHAT the DDP did to this country, still, refused to acknowledge, that this is a CORRUPT party, too completely, power-thirsty, that all it wants, is complete dominion over us, and we still, follow them, because we’re not just blind, but completely, STUPID!  And, we can’t wake up still, we’re, stuck in this, COMATOSE…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The votes started up by the DDP in the legislature had been lost, repeated, and the political party immediately called out to its, followers to gather outside the legislature, to pressure the lawmakers.  During the Sunflower Movements from back in 2014, when the DDP hadn’t yet controlled the government; and now, it’s the nineth year into its taking over the country, it’d still, used that, same old, trick, the party must be, delusional!  If they’d attempted to use the “marching the streets” to overpower the “elected democracy”, then, why doesn’t Lai just, call to, cancel the elections wholly?

this is, what had, happened to the rights of “WE the people”…photo from online

What was ironic was, in Lai’s inaugural address, he’d boasted about “democratic Taiwan”; and these past few days, the DDP legislators tied the bandanas of “Democracy is DEAD” on their heads.  Pray tell: did the Taiwanese democracy die too soon?  Or, did the DDP, strangle the democracy of Taiwanese government to death?  Or maybe, could it be, that the DDP uses democracy as its own, tools to gain control of the, government? 

On the matter of the debate of the amendment in the constitution in the legislature, Lai’s responses only revolved around his status as the chairperson of the DDP, totally forgotten, that he was the, president, elect.  As the head of our state only had the mind of his own political party’s benefits, forgetting about the country in whole, this is, a very dangerous, tilt.  Lai posted the statements, commending the younger generations for marching the streets, stated that it was, the show of forces of a democratic, society, and thanked the followers of the DDP for, guarding Taiwan.  This, it seemed, to be his, telling them, to go ahead on their, next, move.

this is, what’s happened to, democracy…

CRACKED, and in FACTIONS…photo from online

We want to remind our president elect, Lai, to NOT make the same mistake that Donald Trump had.  Back in 2021, due to Trump’s about to, lose the election, he’d, incited the diehard Trump fans in numbers of two thousand total, to take OVER Capitol Hill, causing a riot, leaving behind, a destructive page of shame and chaos in American democracy.  Lai added more fuel to the “Bluebird Operations”, this is unwise.  Back then, as Lai was still the mayor of Tainan, he’d boycotted entering into the Tainan City Hall for more than two hundred days, that was his, being in contempt of, democracy then; and now, as the head of state, he must not, repeat this, bad behavior, again.

The total number of votes for the KMT and the TPP added up to over three million votes more than the DDP’s, and all of these, “people’s voices”, simply can’t be crushed, by that, “bluebird”!

And so, unless we the people start revolting like in the proletariat revolution, with the ordinary citizens, rising UP to OVERTHROW this unjust, unfair, corrupt government, this SHIT will keep on, occurring, and we the people can’t do a thing about it.  We are still, quite foolish to believe, that hey, we will, teach the corrupted DDP a lesson they needed to learn, by using our votes, yeah get real, people, with the dictatorship precedence of Tsai, the DDP took control since, eight years ago, and we the people got used to, being enslaved by our, fucked (don’t pardon me!) dictatorship government, and, there’s just, no UPRISING over this shit, because we are, slaves to our, god damn, government, believing in the LIES, and refusing to just, wake UP, and smell that, POISON gas (like which was used in the concentration camps to kill off the Jews in the World Wars???)…

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