Tag Archives: the Human Version of The Little Mermaid

When Color MATTERED, Way More, than the Plot or, the, Storyline…

What this world, became, in all its, “politically-correctedness”…

When the colors of the skins of the main character of the stories we’d listened to, watched from T.V., that oughta, turn our worlds, up side down, doesn’t it?

Imagine how your child was watching say???  Aladdin?  Then, as the dude rubs that lamp, out popped, a large being, with the black-colored skins (hey, I thought that genies are supposed to be, BLUE!!!), then, your kid gets confused, because s/he had watched the cartoon version with the BLUE-COLORED GENIE from before, hey mommy, why is this genie BLACK???

Or, how about, that very FIRST, BLACK “princess”, Tiana (I believe???), from the @#$%ING (maintaining my PG-13 ratings???) The FROG PRINCE, and, if you really want to get political about it, then, why the HELL is this BLACK princess the one kissing that god damn toad, I mean, all those other princesses from Disney (i.e. Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty & the Beast, yada, yada, yada), they all got to kiss humans, and, wouldn’t THAT be, unfair, if the BLACK (fine, “African-American”) princess was made to kiss that slimy, yucky, T-O-A-D?

the very FIRST “African-American Princess”, “assigned to kiss a TOAD, what would that mean??? Picture from online

And this, is what cartoons for children became currently, when the COLORS, the politically-correctness, mattered WAY, WAY, W-A-Y more than, the STORYLINE (the PLOT???), and this is still driven by the IDEOLOGIES, and that’s still just, BULLSHIT, if you ask me…

Yeah, yeah I know, who asked Y-O-U, right???

Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-hmmmmmmmmmmmm, and how does THAT make YOU feel?

End of THERAPY!  And you all should know WHAT you need to do already, so…

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