Tag Archives: Ruling Out Foul Play

A Man Stuck a Knife into His Abdomen and Died on the Bed, His Ex-Wife Said that “She Didn’t Hear Him”

From the Front Page Sections, translated…

A cab driver, Jiang yesterday morn, was f9ound, nude, with a knife in his abdomen, dead, at his rental home,, his ex who still lived with him, Luan called it in, and claimed that Jiang had to give away his beloved dog that he’d been depressed for a long time, that, was why he’d committed suicide; but the family members didn’t believe it, suspected that he was drugged, then murdered, asked the police to look in depth.

The police found, that the thirty-three year old Jiang was cohabiting with his thirty-one-year-old ex, Luan, three months ago, they’d started renting the place together, a month ago, they’d divorced, because of personality differences, but still lived together, at the middle of March, they’d gotten into a fist fight due to an oral disagreement, the neighbors called the police.

The ex-wife yesterday called in the police, told them, that early in the morning, when she was taking a shower, after she finished, she’d gone out into the bedroom, and saw Jiang naked and lying flat on the bed, with a knife into his abs, exposing only the handle.

When the police arrived at the scene, they’d found Jiang with three wounds, there was blood on the flood and on Luan’s clothes, but there was NO sign of intrusion or fighting, and they didn’t find a last note, and so, the police is NOT ruling out murder. After the police examined the scene, they’ll send him to autopsy, to determine, the real cause of his death tomorrow.

Luan said, that she was taking a shower, with the bathroom doors closed, that she didn’t hear anything that went on outside, that they two had three Chihuahuas as pets, and recently, the landlord told them that they were getting too loud that it’d disturbed the neighbors, and so, she’d given two of their pets away to keep; Jiang was very displeased with this, and had left home for two days without contacting her, and that, might be the cause of his suicide.

But the police found out, that on the twenty-ninth, Jiang had gone on a trip with Luan to the beach, and right after he’d returned home, something bad happened to him, and that they still have check the facts of Luan’s claims.

Jiang and Luan had both been married once before, Jiang’s ex went to the police station, to ask about his death, and, the two ladies started accusing each other of wrongdoings.

And so, how can you NOT hear someone DYING outside in the bathroom? Maybe, you’d turned UP the water too loud? And, what, exactly had caused this man’s suicide? I’m sure, that it has MORE to do with his pets being given away…………

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Filed under Awareness, Bad Behaviors, Bad Examples Parents Set for Children, Coping Mechanisms, Cost of Living, Deaths Caused by Love, Despair, Lives Lost, Tragedies in the World