Tag Archives: Playing on People’s Sense of Fears of Communist Chinese Takeover

Is the Lai Government Really Going to Change Defying China to Protect Taiwan into “Defying China, While Causing Factions in Taiwan”?

We the people, being MANIPULATED by the DDP’s preaching about Communist takeover, and we’d, feared that, that was what drove the majority of voters to still vote for the DDP, without realizing, that voting for this corrupt party is, exactly what gets us all, SLAUGHTERED brutally!  Stupidity of we the people, and in the end, we can only blame???  CHINA, that’s what the DDP manipulated the masses to do, and we allowed this corrupt political party to, keep on, manipulating all of us, because we the people are, too, FUCKING (don’t pardon me!) retarded!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

All who’d, hold the beliefs of Lai being, humbling, or those who still saw a chance of peace between Taiwan and China, are unfortunately, let down.  It’d only been three weeks since the Lai government took over, from the various departments’ behaviors of going AFTER things, there’s NO humbling, or ANY forms of self-control from this, “double-minority” government of the DDP.  And now, it seemed, that the tensions caused by Lai’s inaugural address, expanded to within the country, toward the parties not in control of the executive office of the government, a declaration of war toward the party out of power of office of the executive branch: the review, the interpretation of the constitutional systems battling, to the disagreements, along with the members of the various parties marching onto the streets to protest against each other, the society is filled with the air of hatred now.  While this had been, what the DDP was, counting on: using the heated air of politics, to cover up the lacking in action of the Lai government; and using the “Bluebird” to gather up the masses to the streets to march, in the attempt to, impeach the legislators from the KMT, to regain control of the DDP in the legislature.  Whether or not this will be successful, it would’ve, eventually, damage the country completely, making us all, spent, as the politics lost its abilities to resolve the problems of society, and the person in power, only CARED for the benefits, and the welfare of himself, NOT the welfare of the people.

the ABUSIVE EMPEROR that we the people PUT into, office…photo from online

The DDP used the motto of “defying China to protect Taiwan”, claimed that “defying China” is for the sake of “protecting Taiwan”, the seemed to have been a means to an end, that protecting Taiwan is its, ultimate, goal.  And yet, we the people started noting how the “Defying China, Protecting Taiwan” motto metamorphosing into something it’s completely not, to the point of the political party totally disregarding the welfare of we the people, putting the people  of Taiwan in harm’s, way.  And, from the behaviors since Lai took office, it seemed that his primary goal was to “fight China and split up Taiwan”: using that motto of “Defying China”, in actuality, he and the DDP are, splitting Taiwan into, factions, damaging the system of democracy here in Taiwan.  To the point of blaspheming the legislators elected by we the people, into “enemies of the state”, this sort of anti-democratic behaviors, is brashly ongoing, under the façade of “defying China”.

And we need to look back a little, and it won’t be hard for us all, to realize, how the DDP had, calculated things very clearly, attempted to push the parties out of power, into that vortex of defying China, to resolve its own problems of being the “dual minorities” in the legislature and on the island’s local governments.  Of these, the “act to amend the legislature”, are mostly the repeated mentioning of the DDP’s thoughts, but now, when it’d become, proposed by the KMT and TPP, the DDP immediately, turned the thought into “expanding the powers of the black box operations”, and slandered against Han, the head of legislature, and Fu, the head recruit of the K.M.T. for being strung along like puppets by the chairman of China, Xi.  On the surfaces, DDP is, reinforcing the feelings of “anti-China”, in reality, it’s, dissolving the democracy of Taiwan, making the majority of the parties not in power, into, the enemies of the state.  In the Bluebird, there were those who held the signs of “Gun down Huang, the legislator from the TPP, attempted to destroy his influence of the younger generations of voters.  What country with the democracy in competition, would incite hate in the local society like this?

Secondly, the executive branch’s discussions of the legislature’s proposed reform the legislature amendment, served the purpose of NOT rationally discussing the issues, but to preach to the entire island of Taiwan, to push the “Bluebird” onto all the streets in all the cities on the island, to build up on the next waves of impeaching the legislators of the KMT.  And once this fraction in the society happens, there would be the screams, the cussing all over the streets of Taiwan, which would mean, that the legislature will be less than likely to conduct the means of lawmaking, rationally, and the supervision of the executive office will become, next to, impossible then.  And in the end, it’s, everybody living in Taiwan, who ends up, paying, the too-high price.

Third, due to the chaotic situation of politics, the hatred spread, and, many of the unrelated realms, areas continued getting affected.  For instance, the native legislator, Kao-Jing criticized how the Black Bear Troops rioting outside the legislature like the Nazis, but she’d, misspoken, referred to Xi of China using the first person plural pronouns, she’d, gotten ganged up on, attacked as a “treasonous legislator”.  Shen, a legislator of the DDP excused that we need to prevent the “Fifth squad”, called out to put the Chinese spouses under the government’s surveillance; the representative of the DDP, upset over Fu, called out to their followers to “boycott visiting Hualien” as a revenge.  This sort of using defying China to abuse power, to surveil the people, or to scapegoat their angers of the opponents toward the innocent civilians, all of these brash behaviors are, splitting the island into, pieces and factions!

how we’re all, PREYED on by the DDP, because we allowed these corrupt politicians to control us! Photo from online

If the people are not on their minds, why would they even care about peace between Taiwan and China?  If the balance of power is only one sided, how can we progress, democratically?  If the person in power, can go as far as causing the fractions of the legislature, of the people, how will Taiwan have the cohesiveness, to fight China?  In his three weeks since taking office, WHAT, can Lai said that he’d done, to help the country move forward, to progress?  As “defying China to protect Taiwan” became “Splitting Taiwan into factions defying China”?  Is Taiwan heading toward self-destruction?

Of course, this island is now, headed toward, SELF-DESTRUCTION, and we the people still got NOBODY else to blame, but our selves, for falling for the LIES of the DDP, for falling prey to their manipulating the masses, of misleading the people into believing, that if we didn’t vote for them, then, China is going to, gobble us all up, and, at the end, it’s still, WE the people, who ended up, worst, because we are, living on this, god damn, ISLAND on the path to, war, because we (the majority of voters???) voted for this DICTATORSHIP party of the DDP, because we still hadn’t learned from the past eight years of the DDP’s reign of terror, of how due to the delayed purchases of the vaccines, many people who didn’t need to die, had contracted MERS and died, and, we were, number ONE (yay us!!!) of the developed countries, with the most number of morbidity during the first few years of MERS-CoV outbreaks, because we the people, got lured into that false sense of security that the DDP fed to us, and now, with that delusion going B-U-S-T, we the people are still NOT, waking UP yet, and it’ll take the Chinese Commies, landing on our shores, shooting AT, the civilians, for some (still NOT all of us!) to realize, whoa, we’d made the wrong choice, putting the corrupt DDP into, office!  And by then, it would be, way too, L-A-T-E…

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