Tag Archives: Hangman's Tale

Reality, with a Rope, TIED, Around the NECK of Dreams…

Call this, a HANGMAN’s, T-A-L-E then???

Reality, with a rope, TIED, around the NECK of dreams, and, one tug, just a little bit, harder than you’re, supposed to, dreams would have the DISLOCATED CERVICAL vertebrates, and, become, PARALYZED, from the NECK down!

what that, looked, like…photo from online

Reality, with a rope, TIED, around the NECK of dreams, as it should, ‘cuz, reality grips dreams too tightly, that dreams can’t even, breathe, and they just, started, CHOKING, coughing, and struggling, NOT realizing, that the harder they’d, attempted to break free, the tighter the noose’s gonna, be.

Reality, with a rope, TIED, around the NECK of dreams, you do know, where this SHIT’s gonna go, right?  It’s not, gonna end well one BIT, for dreams’ sakes that’s for sure.  Reality, with a rope, TIED, around the NECK of dreams, and, until dreams can, give in (in that unwilling compromise!), to reality, it will, keep on, struggling, kicking the legs, as they slowly, D-I-E (like in those, old story, town hangings???).

Reality, with a rope, TIED, around the NECK of dreams, and, dreams, they don’t have any other options, but to, dislocate, the HYOID bone, and CHOKE to death, or, having the neck, SNAPPED, and then, D-I-E, instantly.  Either way, it’s, not good, for the dreams that’s for sure!

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Filed under Life, Perspectives, Properties of Life, Reality Clashes with Dreams, STUCK in a Cookie Jar