Tag Archives: German Human Activists Group Commenting on the Death Penalty "Clause" of Taiwanese Law

If the Death Penalty IS, “Cruel & Unusual” Punishment

Yeah uh, this is still, BULLSHIT, if you ask me, buy hey, who asked Y-O-U!!!

If the death penalty IS, “cruel and unusual” punishment, then, what of the severe methods those perps had, tortured their vics, before they finally put them out, of their miseries, what of the perp that cut off a woman’s genitalia, after raping her, and then, murdering her, huh?  Wouldn’t that “constitute” as, “cruel and, unusual” too?

And yet, these “human right’s activists” from all around the world kept preaching on how we all need to, do away, with the death penalty, and should we now???

I mean, if the world’s completely without the death penalty, then, the EIGHTH amendment of the U.S. Constitution would be, struck, off of that, thousand year old, document, wouldn’t it???

And, consider this, IF it were, your loved ones who were, tortured, and brutally, raped, then, had their genitalia CUT off, just because the perp C-A-N, would you still feel, that death penalty was, “cruel” or, “unusual”???

If it’s, cruel and unusual, to hand down the death penalty and, enforcing that, then, wouldn’t BE, tortured by ones’ own, guilty conscience for what one has done to another, be even more, crueler?

So, do NOT bullshit about things you hadn’t weathered through there, higher up officials of every single country.

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Filed under Basic Human Rights, Belief in a Just World, Holes in the Justice System, Messed Up Values, Perspectives, STUCK in a Cookie Jar, Stupidity, The Constitution, Values, White Picket Fence