Tag Archives: Forgiveness for a Rape

The Girlfriend Forgave & Married Him, the Horrific Lover Got a Lighter Sentence

I just have ONE question: are you STUPID?  Or are you just……PLAIN S-T-U-P-I-D???  From the Front Page Sections, translated, and this, is another example of how EASY a woman forgets!!!

A man who works as a realtor, Hong, suspected that his Cambodian girlfriend wanted to break up because she’d found another man, he’d tricked her to come by, tied her up, then, shoved an egg from the refrigerator inside of her vagina.  On the first trial, the judge gave him four years two months based off of forced sexual behaviors, after the verdict got passed, he’d gained his girlfriend’s forgiveness, and married her; on the second trial, the judge took into consideration, that Hong married the woman as a way of repenting for his own bad behaviors, reduced his sentence to two years in jail.  And he could still appeal the case.

The verdict pointed out, that Hong, who is twenty-eight years old had met a divorced Cambodian woman three years ago, they’d started dating and moved in together.  Last February, the woman want4ed to break up, and moved out of their residence, avoided seeing him.  On the early morning of May 7, he’d gone to her workplace to stop her, falsely claimed that he wanted to communicate, and agreed to let her get her clothes from their residence.  The girlfriend agreed to come home with him, and she’d called her younger sister on the ride over, and told her in Cambodian, to call the police for her.

Hong could NOT understand Cambodian, thought that the woman had met another, and after he’d gotten her into the apartment, he’d pushed her onto the bed, tied her up, then, took out the raw eggs from the refrigerator, shoved them inside of her vagina, the woman felt the eggs crack and liquids flowing from them, and started crying.  And, her younger sister came by with the police, the police heard someone inside hollering, “Please, NO!”, they’d started calling, “you don’t open up, we’ll SHOOT you!”, and that, was when Hong opened up the doors, and the police took him.

Hong claimed that on that day, they’d agreed to have one last fuck, and he’d usually use sex toys to help him get high, and that the liquid from the egg is to be used as a lubricant, that it wasn’t sexual assault or rape, but the judge didn’t believe him.

And so, this, is how it goes, because the woman forgave him, as that LOSER surely showed HIS sad puppy dog eyes and the pouty lips (I’m sure!!!), and, she’d gone soft, and so, the judge took THAT into consideration, and this MOTHER-FUCKER still got it easy if you ask me, but hey, who asked Y-O-U???  Exactly!!!

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