Tag Archives: Cyber Crimes

Cyber Blackmail

The following message…is playing ME for, stupid, but hey, “honey” (pardon MY sarcasm here!), I ain’t, STUPID, but uh, you A-R-E, for, barking UP the, WRONG T-R-E-E-S here………

“I am a hacker, who’d, successfully, hacked into your, private accounts, with all of your, nude photos, yada, yada, yada………”, that was what I’d found, just now (really!) checking my hot mail account.

And, this son-of-a-……(I’m pretty sure that it was an XY who’d sent this, as men are known for the more OVERT forms of, bullying, of making threats, instilling fears into their, victims???), actually thought that I was young, or naïve enough, to fall for it???  Give me a break here.

Because for STARTERS, the only NUDES I got, were of my boys, in the bath, or of them, flipping their, bellies upward, like how Murphy used to, select that specific PATCH in our yards, and, started with his head, rubbing on it, then, his whole body got turned, BACK to the ground.

and, this is as N-U-D-E, as the photos on my files will, EVER, G-E-T…

and, mine had his butt, going left and right, like a, swinging, pedulum too!!! Photo from online

And secondly, I was NOT just born yesterday, LOSER, so, listen up, none of your, FUCKED up shit’s gonna work for a REAL live woman like me, so, you can stop fooling yourselves!

Then, lastly, I ain’t (so???) STUPID, I know how these SHITS work, I read up on that all over the news already, hello, hello, hello, had YOU been, reading the news? Apparently N-O-T, because IF you had, you would’ve known, that that was, the trick of………uh, how LONG ago was it again???  Uh, dunno, lost count!

That’s why I don’t fall for it, and besides, like I said, the only N-U-D-E I have, are of my “children”, going, belly up, begging me for that, belly rub………

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Filed under Abuser/Enabler Interaction Style, Cost of Living, Utilizing the Internet, Wake Up Calls, White Picket Fence