Turn the Corners, a Little Empathy Goes a Long Way

Written by the owner of a bed and breakfast, from the Front Page Sections, translated…

On the twenty-eighth, I went to the train station at Guanfu, to receive people who are coming to stay at the bed and breakfast I owned and operated, all of a sudden, I’d heard the attendant on the platforms yelled out, “All who are waiting for the trains to Taidong on the Second platform; because there is a passenger in a wheelchair on the train coming in, she must alight on the first platform, so, the train needed to change tracks”.  I was moved upon hearing this!  So, the rules of the game CAN be changed with humanity.

The train stations at the less developed regions usually only had staircases, and when there are elderly, children, or pregnant women, lugging along heavy suitcases, it would be gruesome.  For the Guan-Fu Trains, the passengers must take the escalators, then, walk a couple of blocks, then, climb up over ten flights of stairs, to get to the second platform, why couldn’t the Taiwanese Train Transportations just allow ALL passengers alight on the first platform?

This reminded me of how Chih-Jun Chang came to Taiwan for a visit, and had paint poured all over him, and people are blocking his path, to show that they’re angered by his presence, couldn’t the public who are assembling use a bit more empathy, and treat the man with a little more courtesy, and, wouldn’t it be nice, if the whole thing ended well too?  Turn your minds around, and, you will be able to see a beautiful scene!

And so, these are TWO contrasting things, and, unfortunately, IF you want to see these small touching moments in life, you MUST travel to distant places, where the urban living style hadn’t set in yet, where people still treated each other kindly, with courtesy.

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