The Cold Case of Bolam Being the First to Have Death Caused by Bongkrekic Acid

See how the DDP still COVERED up the TRUTH, to COVER their, SORRY A-S-S-E-S, just like they’d done at the beginning of the CoVid pandemic, from, how long ago did that start again???  Exactly, and this ABUSE-THE-PEOPLE party still won’t OWN up to the responsibilities, and we still put these mother @#$%ERS (pardon for “swearing”) into office…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The case of food poisoning of the kueh teow poisoning case at the end of March at Bolam Teahouse, seemed to have already been, forgotten.  What was shocking was, after two deaths came in March, two more had died in April, and this month, there were, two more who’d died from liver function failure, the last case of death happened on the eleventh, just, two days ago.  The “mysteries of the six deaths” stacked up in our minds, and this caused us to, question.

the chemical makeup of this, DEADLY acid, that “slipped” into the country because the DDP didn’t keep the GUARDS up! found online

What’s regrettable was, that the causes of these deaths, had already, been set in that box labeled, “cold cased files” by the DDP government, the people can’t expect any more clear answers from the government officials.  The advancement of the Bolam poisoning case that’s most clear, and most, unimportant was the Department of Health Welfare and Sanitation’s hurried meeting, changing the name of the acid to the pronunciation translation, said it was to prevent giving a bad name to items made from rice.  Like changing what the acid was called, can, keep the numbers of cases down, exiling it from Taiwan forever.  As for the bongkrekic acid that’s been tested out of the chef’s hands, allow it to be gone with the, wind then.

Naturally, this is thanks, all in part to the switching of power of presidency, that allowed these, unpleasant incident, to finally, get, ignored, that there’s no more need for the reminders of it.  The former chief of police of Taipei, Chang who’d once claimed that there’s a “major development”  in the investigations, is now, promoted to head of police department, the former second of the Department of Health Welfare & Sanitations, Wang, got promoted to the position of the manager of the China Development Financial Holding Corporation, making “eight million dollars N.T. annually”.  Which one of these officials, would remember the six “tiny deaths” of the Bolam Tea Room incident?

On how the Chinese speedboat, breaching into the Fishers’ Wharf in Danshui, our military had no awareness of, the head of state, Cho apologizes, “this is a lesson that we are learning, that we must, prevent it from, recurring.”  He was so self-righteous, but on the six lives that had died, the more than twenty who are still recovering, can the government just, sweep them all, under the, rugs?

in the food court of the mall, the place where this deadly acid had been tested positive from…photo from online

And this, is how little lives matter under the REIGN of TERROR of the D.D.P., had we all, forgotten how many had died during the first few years of the MERS-CoV pandemic???  (yes we H-A-D!), or how many had died, due to the lacking of medical supplies that should’ve been made available to all who needs is (the quickscan kits, the vaccines, the medications???), or how the DDP made us ingest the poisonous foods: the pork with ractopamine from the U.S., and where did THAT get us?  Or how about, how we never even got to vote on whether or not we ALLOW for the importing of nuclear contaminated produces from Japan (we never voted on that, at LEAST, we’d voted on the ractopamine case, and we still LOST, as the government OVERRODE all of our, votes!), and, there are, more cases of how the DDP abuses the people, and yet, we’re still, way too FUCKING retarded (yes we are!!!), putting these mother FUCKERS (don’t pardon me here!) into office for another, FOUR years, and now, we are also, on guard, as the Chinese military, inches in on our, waterways, and soon, the COMMIES are going to, LAND, and we will get, TAKEN over, because that, is what will happen, with the DDP’s, keep on, lying to the people, giving us that pink bubble of DELUSION to live in, an we the people still, don’t, wake UP yet!!!

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