The Alarming 5-C

What the DDP failed to note, is that education IS, the KEYSTONE of what makes this, “country” (oh, “we” are no longer one, NOT since the DDP took over!!!), and, the grades of these, standardized tests, well, they posed, a HUGE, problem, that will, cause a, national CRISIS eventually, but the DDP is still, delusional in believing, that hey, they’d done better compared to before, so, kudos for all of, us!!!  Observations, from the Front Page Sections, translated…

The trending A.I. came into sight at the Taipei Computer Expo, Taiwan, who’d begun with the high-tech, showed the world, an ever important, display, window, and we all hold the new expectations, and all the departments start proposing the plans to train the personnel to use artificial intelligence.  And at the same time, the grades from the middle school commons exams were posted, the five subjects with the students needed the improvements on are on the, rise, this is alarming, making people worry, what is wrong with the fundamentals of education here in Taiwan?

Other than the low grades of the five subjects, there is also, the all-time records of 5,119 students scoring ZERO on their essay writing, the highest in the past, five years, and at a ratio of an all-time high in seven years; the mathematical problem-solving, only a little more than fifty-percent of students who’d received grade level zero to one.  Comparing, there were, only, a few handful of students who’d gotten the five-A to level six writing classifications, the ratio was up to twenty-five percent, which showed, the good are getting better, and the bad, getting, worse.

the construction of a, country…like this…image from online

The Department of Education is hurried to stress, how there were the funds of billions of dollars to help the learning processes, putting four billion dollars N.T. into the education of the distant-region schools.  But, this seemed, working in theory, while in application, it’d, failed.  And the testing center also explained, that last year, the five-A scores are at the most numerous, the five-C, lowest, and this year, the five-A’s had reduced, with the five-C increasing, this is, reasonable.  But, boasting on improvements, and regressing interpreted as the norm is what the Department of Education tells us to believe, and, it seemed, that “not going forth in learning means going backwards”, the wordings only got the Department of Education a grade of C.

Huang’s visiting Taiwan in a whirlwind made many believe, that A.I. is the power of the country for the future.  But, the test scores reflected, the worrisome trend of getting the students up to standards in their abilities; the increase of the five-C meant that the learning is in decline, while the knowledge base that’s become an M-shaped, will be what causes the new caste system of people’s knowledge and awareness, which will, weaken this, country.

and this, is what the DDP gets, trapped, by…see all them, bright colors, so very, DISTRACTING! graph found online

The only thing that’s made the DDP happy, is that although the writing topics are confusing to the test takers, but this proved what the scholars pointed out, that the first generation of the digital era, is too experienced in leading the trends.  Before the leaders said or heard anything, the net armies are already, getting ready for the, attacks.

And so, this is, quite alarming, that these younger generations are, not having enough of their, basic skills, see how low they’d, tested on these, exams, and yet, they’re, improving in the means of using cyberbullying, so, where does that, leave this country?  And, this is all the DDP’s fault, and, there’s NOTHING that we the people CAN do about it.  The DDP had, rooted its ideologies in these younger generations’ minds, and, these idiots who can only follow orders from that HEAD HONCHO, will be what leads this, god DAMN, “country” (did I mention, that this hell hole is no longer a country, NOT since the DDP took control, eight years ago, and it’s going for four more years, until we may, or may not, wake, UP!

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