A Man, Falsified Himself as the Good Samaritan in the Ponytail that Fought Off the Assailant on Taichung M.R.T. Sent the Scam Messages, Taken into Custody

A WORST case, of TAKING advantage of the times, of destroying the faith we have for everything that’s good in this society here, and yet, there are those like this one…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

Awhile ago, the case of the man, Hong attacking the passengers on the Taichung MRT trains at random, a fellow commuter, Hsu fought him off, this caught the attention of the public, on that very day, there was someone using Hsu’s identity, with the messages by “the long-haired good Samaritan on the Taichung M.R.T.”, to scam; the criminal investigations found that it was the man, Lin, who works in a financial information agency who attempted to scam the public, he was asked to turn himself into the station, and as he had, he was charged on breaking the law of social order.

The police investigation found, the twenty-seven-year-old Lin lives in Hsinbei City, after the attack on the Taichung M.R.T., he saw how Hsu fought off the assailant so bravely, he was suspected of falsifying himself as “the good Samaritan in a ponytail on the Taichung M.R.T.”, claimed that he’d fought off the assailant on the MRT, that he’d lost his wallet, and needed to borrow $50,000N.T.s.  After he’d made this “scam message”, then he’d, sent the message to himself.

On the night of the assault on the MRT in Taichung, Lin set up an account on the financial advising forum of his company, with the image and the screen shot of the post that he’d sent to himself, mentioned, “the good Samaritan in the ponytail had come to ask to borrow money from him, should I?  The scam rings are moving really fast these days”.

the good samaritan who’d, subdued the perp, video from YouTube

and someone FALSIFIED as him…this showed the BADNESS of human nature…

This caused discussion and debates, the police quickly identified Lin, he’d come into the station, and admitted to sending the texts, claimed that he’d only wanted the attention, to prevent the public from getting scammed by similar, mean; that he regretted sending the false messages a lot, he’d deleted the post, and his account as well.

Because Lin sent the false message to himself, it’d constitutes as spreading untrue message, and the account information on the text was blacked out, no citizens had received the messages and fallen for the scam, after he was interrogated, Lin was taken in on breaking the social protection laws.

Hsu, the “brave man in the ponytail” after being treated, is in stable condition, the hospital told, that he can already, walk around the hospital room, another injured seventeen-year-old high school student, Lu can also, get up from his bed now, they both showed no signs of infections on their, injuries, and are estimated to get released from the hospital in seven to ten days.

the message used in his scam…found online

Hong was taken into custody by the orders of the court, and was lifted by patrol vehicle to the holding cell in Taichung in the midnight hours of last night, when the penitentiary was checking his belongings, Hong became unstable, and questioned the manager loud, and swung at the guards, the employees at the holding station didn’t think it was to the level of obstruction of public affairs.

So, I can only imagine, that this loser only wanted the attention, that was why he’d, falsified himself as the good Samaritan who’d fought the assailant and prevented everyone who was there from being injured on the M.R.T., this still just showed, how someone can abuse the public’s trust, and this loser DESERVES time in prison, and fines too.

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Filed under Awareness, Immoral Behaviors, Issues of the Society, Knowing the Law and Breaking It, Messed Up Values, Observations, On the Wrong Side of the Law, Preying on Others' Kindness, Social Awareness, Trends, White Picket Fence

One response to “A Man, Falsified Himself as the Good Samaritan in the Ponytail that Fought Off the Assailant on Taichung M.R.T. Sent the Scam Messages, Taken into Custody

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