Is Europe & U.S. Pushing Forth the Diplomatic Overthrow by Extorting Georgia?

This is still a threat, perceived by Russia, as N.A.T.O. continues to, expand eastward, if Ukraine’s membership is, approved, and this means, a HUGE, NUCLEAR, WARFARE on the horizon for the global community!  The sum of everything, still piling on top, still, gaining, momentum, and soon, it will all, blow, UP, that is what we can, expect…observations from the Front Page Sections, translated…

Since Russian forces invaded into Ukraine, there are, more rumors on how evil Russia is trending through the media press in Europe and the U.S.  And now, the foreign agents bill passed by Georgia, lost its force a year ago, but recently passed voting in the legislature of Georgia, yet, it was vetoed by the president, causing the news media of Great Britain and the U.S. to tilt.  The western world accused the law of “benefitting Russia too much”, that if the legislation had been put into practice, it may not benefit Georgia’s status of entry into the E.U.

But, A. Rochowanski and S. Japaridze of the European Cyber Solidarity Act reminded, that there are, 25,000 not-for-profit organizations in the country, and ninety-percent of the funding for these not-for-profit organizations came from  externally.  The party in power Georgian Dream Party, are in-line with the ideologies of the parties out of power, disbelieving in the technical bureaucracy, and so, the polices of the country are mostly from the “foreign” experts, formed based off of “objective” statistical findings and the designs.  Being included in the E.U. is the will of the majority of voters, the party in power and the party not in power, also respect this.

if this SHIT is happening, IN your BACKYARD, would you, NOT defend your property too??? Video off of YouTube

So why is there, the need for the governing party passing the “foreign surrogate” bill that the citizens are objecting to, and the pressures from the E.U. and the U.S. too?  The answer to this lies in how five years ago, the N.G.O.s that received funding of over millions of dollars in U.S. or in euros, not are they only involved in the party politics, they’re on the opposite side of the current government’s being friendly with the rest of the E.U. countries, and also being on good terms with Russia.  And so, they’d denied the legality of the party in control of the government, not only in the elections, the N.G.O.s supported the party opposing, in the consent of the E.U. and U.S., they’d progressed to the point of overthrowing the current government.

The two women asked: if the country is already a member of the European Union, would they agree that other NGOs exert this sort of a behavior, and political views?  Outside the proceedings of democracy and the constitution, is it okay, to support the riots that overturns the governments violently?  They’d also asked, that based off of the E.U. legislatures right now, it doesn’t ban the country’s supervision of the N.G.O.s financial assets, and isn’t this currently proposed legislation of Georgia, serving this, exact, function too?  So how come, the E.U. officials are using this incompliance to keep Georgia from being admitted into the E.U.?  Is the E.U. aiming at using the “people’s opinions” to blackmail the Georgian, government?

In the end, they’d pointed out, that the screams, the blackening of the reputation toward Russia occurring within Georgia serves an alternative, function.  This way, the fears and hate of Russian in Georgian citizens would rise to an all-time high, misbelieving, that it’s the new law that’s preventing Georgia from becoming a member of the E.U.  And, it’s not that big a deal, applying for membership into the E.U., the Kremlin held no objections to Ukraine’s applying for membership of the E.U., why would the Russian government be against Georgia from being a part of E.U.?  The truth lies, in that Georgian partners in the west already had the paranoid tendency of geographic, this came in 2008, as U.S. disregarded the rest of the N.A.T.O. members’ opinions, promised that Georgia can be a member country of N.A.T.O. then.

Seeing all of these behaviors from U.S. and Europe, B. Holland, who’s a Buddhist religion educator, and a musician commented, that this is the “overthrow of diplomatic affairs” by the organizations such as “U.S. Democratic Foundation”.  And if this were successful, there can be an added example of the cases of dissertation of B.A. Thomason.

And so, this is, an intricate, matter, as N.A.T.O. is expanding in Europe, and, now, all these, smaller countries in Europe want the insurances, the protections, the benefits of being a part of N.A.T.O. too, and this is going to become a source of conflict, because just how Russia perceived Ukraine’s application into N.A.T.O. as N.A.T.O. expansion into its backyard, and if all these, smaller countries wanted in too, then, chances are, Russia will be forced to DEFEND its, BACKYARD, and, chances are, these smaller countries of Latvia, Estonia, etc., etc., etc., would want in too, and, that would make Russia feel, even more threatened, and, it all goes, KA-BOOM!

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