All the King’s Horses & Men Challenging the Corruption in the Police Forces

And, as that NURSERY RHYME foretold, there’s NOTHING that will EVER be done, on the CORRUPTION of the government departments, as the corruptions been, rooted down, way too, deep already???  Yeah, this is still, DELUSIONAL if you ask me…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

Yesterday the new president elect had been, sworn in, the various government departments and agencies all issued a list of new personnel including the Department of Police, the head of Investigation, with efficiency never seen, before; of these departments, the head of police, after the attacks, the struggles of the various sects of the DDP, Chang still came out to the role, this mean, that the era of “All the King’s Men” had arrived, the DDP party favorites, the DDP supportive, won’t have it as easy, if they want to have a stake in the police department.

The personnel of police department of recent years, had been based off of party and personnel favorites of the party politics, with a ton of unfairness in the selections, the head of police chief’s authority is under questioning, which impacted the dignity of the police work in sum; after the presidential election, by mid last month, came the sounds for “replacing the chief of police”, and before long, the collusion of the police with the gangs, the mobs all busted out, Chang was found to have been treated to a feast with “shark fins” by the mob, the current , the current head of department, Huang had been found to have colluded with the shareholders of the Golden Jaguar Hotel, and caught to be interacting closely with him.

a video of how the DDP ruled over the people with the LIES, the CORRUPTION, BRIBES and everything, from YouTube

The outside understood, that all of this, is directed toward the “chief of police”; the police forces had been replaying the scripts of “fighting over the control of the departments” for too long, using the ways to damage the reputations of the police, to gain the personal interests.

Chang’s being selected “out of the lineup” comes as no surprise, the police forces all believed, that he had the support from the president elect, Lai, that he would become the most, powerful chief of police in recent, times; by the same token, fulfilling the duties of the chief of police, helping the regain the dignity of the police forces, he couldn’t, excuse himself from it.

What Chang is facing, in the long-term unfair treatment of personnel, the severe damages to the culture of the organization from within the police forces, to how it affected the decency of the police officers, there’d been many cases of embezzlement, bribe, collusion all over the cities on the island; in public safety, too many frauds, scams, the government is at wit’s end on handling, the people getting upset; although Chang is viewed as one of the president’s men, but he will have his fair share of challenges in trying to reform the police departments, to have a tough hand on managing the officers to, protecting the public safety of the people.

During Tsai’s two terms as president, the grade sheet for security of society, is mostly only a C; the president elect, Lai in his inauguration, swore to attack the “flow of mobster funding, guns, illegal substances, fraud”, with Chang as the chief of the police department, what sort of a report card would he produce, we’re all, watching, closely.

And so, this is, what we’re all, waiting, to see how this newly assigned chief of police can manage, this huge mess that’s left behind by the DDP, started in Tsai’s term, and, chances are, things are, going to get worse, if not staying as BAD as it’d been, for the past, eight years, because they’re all DDP assigned, and DDP had made fame for itself, for being, corrupt, take a look at how many cases of scams, fraud, and drugs there’d been from the past, eight whole, years, and we the people still trusted them to run this FUCKING (so???) “country” of ours???

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