Listening More to the People, a Little Self-Centered, the Only Way the Newly Elected President Has, of Patching the Cracks in the Society

Now, Lai is left, with Tsai’s mess, and the DDP only won again because???  We the people are only, beginning to, wake up, but we’re, not yet, completely, AWAKE, and the honeymoon phase for this new president elect will be way shorter than his, predecessor’s for sure!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

Lai is getting sworn into presidency today as the sixteenth president.  We offer him the sincerest, blessings, and hoped that in the upcoming four years, he will, do right by the people, to NOT forget his heart when he was elected into, office.  Eight years for Tsai, plus Lai’s four, the DDP had been set to run this country for long periods of time now.  And yet, during the last election, Lai only received about forty percent of votes, with the DDP, losing the majority in the legislature, meaning, that the foundation of the DDP is now, unstable, the trend of “we hate DDP” hadn’t dissipated yet, the challenges of Lai as the president elect won’t be, easy.

Comparing, Tsai had been, luckier than Lai in her, term.  She was president as the U.S. started, blockading China, this allowed the “Anti-China” banner to fly in the wind, in the help with the “western winds”.  And yet, the situation internationally made be falsely interpreted, the Tsai government had a smooth ride in international relations, but it couldn’t cover up the worsening of the social and economical conditions in Taiwan; the unitarian political ruling by the DDP is suffocating, the five major problems in economics, not yet resolved, the sense of justice is, dying in society.  All of these is shaking up the trust the people have toward the DDP, Tsai hadn’t been interviewed for a whole of over 700 days, she should be, very much aware, of how we the people are, getting, upset.

he won’t be sitting safe, like his, predecessor, Tsai anymore…photo from online

Under this, Lai is taking over the presidency, and he won’t have that long a honeymoon period or to celebrate his win, as the people will, put every single policy of his, underneath a microscope; any of the misses of the policies, or the corruption of the officials, we will, attribute to his not using the morally responsible and right kind of officials.  Because for the last eight years, all the DDP did was, LYING to the people, we’d been damaged by the DDP’s policies, and we’d, had enough, lost all our, patience.  Besides, Lai lacked the ambiguity of speech that Tsai carried, he uses the direct orders, and, when the people feel the upset, his means will only, anger us even, more.

And, so this, is the outlook for the new president elect, Lai, it won’t be as easy for him as it’d been for his predecessor, because we the people had already DOSED ourselves with an ANTI-VENOM of the DDP, and we don’t trust our government, that’s why, Lai only won by a tiny, landslide this time around, with the DDP the minor majority in the legislature, and if Lai followed in Tsai’s footsteps, we the people, will totally REVOLT, as the DDP only WON, because many of the voters are still, in their, COMATOSE, blindly following this, CORRUPT party around, but soon, everyone will wake up, and, we the people, will, OUST this, popularly elected president as the anger mob takes over the Presidential Suite!

the new president elect…we the people won’t allow him to “stand sitll AND look pretty” again that’s for sure! Photo from online

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