My Annual Dates in April

Chance encounter with something delicate, something that’s an, endangered, species…translated…

Every year when April came, there would be the light, drizzles, the date I’d made with southern ladies tresses, which began, in an, entirely, beautiful, accident.

One day as I’d gone to stroll at the park, I’d, bumped into a lady, squatting to the side, taking photos of something on the lawn, I too, squatted down, to see what she’s, looking at, and found a tiny weed, that looked like the poles of a temple, and on that pole, there were, the tiny pink flowers, around it, so I’d, photographed, her.

and here’s, her, beauty, photo from online

That very evening, my friend used FB to post a few words of her, that was when I’d learned, that it was a endemic species of miniature orchid—the southern ladies tresses!  I’d loved how delicate, and cute she is, and the special shape of the flowers too, and I’d become, a total, fan, and made the dates in April to meet up with her.

And, the dates are by pure luck too.  Sometimes, although I’d gone by the designated times, to the place we’d met that very first, time, but, the lawn had already been, “shaved to bald”, and, I imagine, that she’d not escaped the, “decapitation”’ or that I couldn’t find her where I last saw her, and I’d wondered, if she was, ingested like a medicinal herb or that she was, transferred elsewhere, like a treasure had been, dug up and hauled, away?  And I’d felt, loss.

But, most of times, I’d become, overjoyed, seeing that she’s, still there, as pretty as she’d been, and, there were, the unexpected expectancies, of bumping into her in the white-colored, variety!

If you want to pursue the endangered species of southern ladies tresses, do keep your eyes open when you walk in the patches of green next, April, I’m sure, you will, catch a glimpse of the tiny, pretty form, and then, become like me, looking forward to the annual chance encounters with her!

So, these are, the smallest things in life, that gives us, the greatest joys, and it’d, begun, with a, serendipitous, encounter, and then, you’d, searched for this, particular, endangered species of plant every year, expecting to find her, beautiful, form.

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