Angels, Halting in Their, Paths

Interactions we come across every single day, bumping into, the foreign nurses’ aides who take time away from their own loved ones, to help us care for our, families, because we can’t do it ourselves…translated…

I carried my daughter on the front, she’d, slowly, flown, but I’m the one with the wings on my, back; walking the path, a step, at a, time, and on the way, I’d always, said a prayer like this: “there’s an angel on everybody’s back, and the angles placed their hands over our heads, blessing us, with the strengths we, need………”, and this way, the roads I’d, traveled, began, the passages of flight I’d, taken, and my angel had, guided me on too.

we rely on these individuals, to help us take care of our, loved ones…photo from online

The angel introduced me to many who’d brushed shoulders with me, and smiled, nodded, greeted me.  “Aunty!”, “Grandma!”, “Uncle!”, “………”, the children learning to speak loved to test out their language skills, loved the echoes of the sounds from their own, voices, loved those, greetings that were, exchanged.  Sometimes, the greetings started something up; and we’d, pulled back our own, wings, stood still, chit-chatted, away.

On this path, there are many angels like me, visible.  Men with babies on their backs, or women, speaking in the same tongues as I; there were, also, angels with different dialects, languages too, they were in the electric wheelchairs, or pushing the wheelchairs and walking along slowly, they, with those whom they looked after, responded back to my daughter and I, and I’d, learned their tongues—Terima kasih, thank you, Selamat pagi, good morning.

These are, the things in life, that we come across, every single day, that we may not, take notice of, and yet, they’re, very important, because we all need to, socialize, to connect, with our, external, environment, and, interacting with all of these, foreign hired helps, using the terms of greeting we’d picked up, that’s in their, foreign tongues, can help these hard working migrant workers feel a little, less, homesick, because they are taking time away from caring for their young, their loved ones, to care for our loved ones, so we need to, show them more, respect, instead of, using them like they’re, less than humans, or, to the point of, abusing them.

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Filed under Interactions Shared with the World, Life, Philosophies of Life, Properties of Life, Social Awareness, Socialization, White Picket Fence

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