Without Adding More Employees on Staff, Safety of Daycare is Only Hot Air

The “treatment” proposal by the Department of Health & Social Welfares, and this is still, HINDSIGHT, and only works in THEORY, but not in the “application phase”…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The murdered by abuse case of Kai-Kai caused the society’s concerns for daycare agencies to grow.  Three months after the death of the young boy, the Department of Sanitation Social Welfares finally posed out the evaluations, adding the guidelines of increasing the number of visits to the nanny’s to better the quality of care.  The newly revised guideline for at-home daycare home visits stated, that other than the increased number of visits to the all day daycare and overnight care programs, the visiting officials also needed to be aware of signs of abuse, and to see if the nanny is well.

There’s no shortages of cases of nursing abuse, and many parents had long lost faith in the quality of nursery care.

The newly advised guidelines were set, to catch the child abuse earlier, but, the locally at-home daycares are with the enormous numbers, with one social worker in charge of overseeing sixty nannies, and, there are, more than just one child per nanny, and, more practically, these social workers are often, barred from the building by the attendants of the residences, or even after the attendants notified the residents, the nanny already, hit the extra children out on the balconies.

Toward the complexity of visitation, the visitors also needed to fill out the various forms, comply to the demands of the multiple government agencies, they’re, overwhelmed with the workload, and, there’s, no unison of the rules of guidelines of the visitations, some of the counties and cities issued the warnings to the nannies who aren’t up to standards, and when there’s enough violations accumulated, then, the nanny’s certification will be, pulled out.  The problems with the nannies are happening too frequently, even the legislators of the party in power told, that adding the number of visits by the social workers isn’t effective, the government should set up the guidelines, to fist, lower the ratio in social workers per case, otherwise, the plans of bettering the safety of daycare is just, hot air.

And so, this problem is due to the understaffing of the social workers, and how many cases each social workers must oversee, and this is still the government agencies, TREATING the problem, instead of preventing it in the first place, after the young boy died of abuse, the DDP then, proposed these, plans to make childcare and daycare programs, safer, and that does SHIT for the welfare of young children, because another kid died already.

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