In the Gamble of China Vs. U.S., Lai Can’t Give up the Bargaining Chip that Taiwan Has, and Still Gloat about it

It’s official, we are, SOLD OUT, and, U.S. is trying, to get better in relations with, China now, and, Taiwan is left, an ORPHAN that “we” (still not a part of this, god damn, “collective”) can’t do, nothing about, because our BIG DADDY, U.S., had, DESERTED us!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Secretary of State of the U.S., Blinken had visited China twice within a year.  What was different from his last visit was, this time, Blinken did NOT host a press conference before he set out; at the same time, Mr. Kissinger who’d acted as a mediator had, passed on already.

after Tsai had SOLD the country’s ONLY BARGAINING CHIP!!! Photo from online

What replaced it, was the organization made up of U.S. enterprises and U.S. business groups, they’d set up a group at the end of March, first, went to Beijing to state their ingenuity of deepening the business ties between U.S. and China.  On the other hand, Blinken had hosted the press conferences to the international press in the U.S. Embassy, using the Q&A to state the position of the U.S.

Just as planned, Blinken was exclusively interviewed by the BBC stationed in China reporter, Laura Bicker, along with the NBC news reporter, Steve Inskeep.

Combining all that’s said in these three press conferences in Beijing, Blinken immediately responded to the comments of China immediately.  From the observations of the press reporters, the Chinese has a firmer interpretation of Blinken’s visit to China, while Blinken plainly stated: the that U.S. State Department’s content of the APEC Summit in San Francisco at the end of last year.  And so, the differences of beliefs between U.S. and China, will not deter the countries from continuing contact, communicating, and the competitions every now and then.

from before the U.S. STOLE the chip manufacturing technologies of TMSC, with Tsai and the DDP’s conset…cartoon found online

Based off of this, because of the need of the enterprises in the U.S., like Huawei that’s been, arbitrated in the U.S., can still purchase the advance chip technologies from Intel in the newest cell phones.  While the Nvidia A.I. chips that’s been restricted from export, although the future outlook diminished a little, but the achievement in this was that both sides will start the conversations in discussion of artificial intelligence technologies, which will be used in future negotiations.

And so, because U.S. already have a way, of STEALING the chip technologies from Taiwan, we are, of NO use to them anymore, and, there’s NO mentioning of Taiwan’s “status quo” in this “gathering between the greats”, and Taiwan got kicked to the curb, and, U.S. had, deserted us, after it got the chip manufacturing technologies from this “country”, under Tsai’s orders, and this “country” got SOLD for SCRAPS already, and there’s NOTHING any of us living on this SHITTY hellhole can do about that, it’s already been, DONE, by Tsai, and the DDP.

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