Enslaved by, Marriage…

DONE serving THIS, TWENTY-TO-LIFE here!!!

And, what’s WORST, about this, WRONGFUL incarceration is that, I don’t even get “paroled OUT” for good behavior, despite how good I’d, been…

tying that knot…

still NOT willing to be, “committed”, into that, ASYLUM called “marriage here! Photo from online

Enslaved by, marriage, I will NEVER be, I’m done, with this, INSTITUTION (hindsight calling: should’ve gotten my HEAD checked when I said I do from way back when!) here, I’d, broken out, run loose, like that, ESCAPED CONVICT, and, the cops can’t slap those, cuffs on me ever, again!

Enslaved by, marriage, yeah, that’s what it is: you think you are in love (and trust me, it’s just, your HORMONES, combined with them, BIOLOGICAL clock, ticking, ticking, ticking, going O-F-F!), when you’re, actually N-O-T, and, given how HALF (or is it now, more than two-thirds already???) of ALL marriages fail, I’d rather not turn MY self into, another, “statistic”, and besides, I’m living free here, why would I want to, “turn myself in”, huh???  Exactly.

that knot that was tied that got turned into a HANGMAN’s N-O-O-S-E! Photo from online

And, marriage is just NOT for a REAL live woman like me, I do not need a man, to FIX my toilet (there’s the plumber and electrician I can call?), nor would I need anyone to CHANGE my oil (that 20,000mile tune-up’s comin’ up???), and I separate everything in my life, ‘cuz that’s how COMPARTAMENTALIZED I’d, become, so, the Queen shall stay, single here.

I will, forever BE happy, and free on my own, by my own self, because that’s how I like it, besides, I got ZERO need to be included in that “stat” of failed marriage, and I KNOW for a FACT, that I will end UP really bad, if I were to get married, given the family history, so no, NO marriage for the Q-U-E-E-N, as in E-V-E-R!

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