The Seventy-Nine-Year-Old Woman Suspected Her Boyfriend Was Cheating, Committed Arson & Burned Down His Home

Jealous, the former experiences of getting cheated on by her boyfriend, with her own lacking in trust in her own self, all of these combined “factors” turned her into the ARSONIST that she’d become, today, and she DESERVES to get SENT to prison for it too!  Crime and punishment, from the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Day Before They Went to Soak in the Hot Springs Together, the Day Following, the Woman Poured the Gas, Committed Arson, Sentenced to Seven Years Ten Months, More than Twenty Years Before, She’d Also, Commit Arson to Burn the House of Her Boyfriend’s Wife Down

The eighty-one-year-old woman, He two years ago, suspected that her boyfriend, Yo, who is fourteen years her junior was cheating on her, she’d gone to Yo’s house, and committed arson, it’d caused property damages to two of his neighbors; twenty-two years ago, she’d also gone to her then boyfriend’s wife’s home to commit arson, sentenced to five years.  The Taichung District Court found, that after she’d committed arson, He showed no remorse, continued to offend, and sentenced her to a total of seven years ten months on arson charges this time.  This can still be appealed.

The investigators found, that He suspected that his fourteen-year junior boyfriend was seeing another, on the morning of July 18th, 2022, she bought a keg of gasoline, then rode to Yo’s home, broke in to the storage room, and committed arson using the gas she bought, then left.

The fire not only destroyed the old style mansion home of her then-boyfriend’s, it’d also caused the neighboring two-story building to catch on fire and burned, afterwards the police, the fire department reviewed over the surveillance, and found that before the fire started, He had shown up, and she’d claimed that she was visiting a friend.

During the trial, He denied the allegations, stated that she and Yo were only close friends, that they weren’t dating, that the container she took from her scooter, was bottled water and not gasoline, that she’d not entered into the property either, that she’s severely physically handicapped herself, and couldn’t have gotten out after she’d set the fire, and didn’t know that there was a fire, that Yo had, framed her.

The fire investigations ruled out the cooking, the incense burning offerings or the cigarettes, appliances caught on fire, and other causes, and set the case as arson, and the video surveillance showed that right before the fire, He went to a gas station, and purchased a bottle of gas, and cased around the place, and she’d entered into the property at 9:32 in the morn, and exited out by 10:38 in the morn, and immediately at 10:42, the smoke came out of the residence.

Yo said he was dating He, that they’d been companions for dating for over a decade, that the day before the fire, they’d gone to a hotspring to soak, but He would often be suspicious that he was seeing another; during the initial police interrogations, she also told the police that Yo made her not trusted him, that she’d felt he’d been, lying to her a lot.

The courts found, that in 2002, He got upset over her then boyfriend cheating on her, and went to the man’s wife, to ask her to catch him cheating on her together, but the wife wasn’t onboard, and that same year, she’d gone to her boyfriend’s wife’s home and committed arson, and she was sentenced to five years back then,

The courts considered, He had been sentenced for arson from before, still refused to learn, and started doubting that her boyfriend’s found a new love, and set the fire to his place, which extended to his neighbor’s properties; and considering how she’d not admitted to what she did, no remorse, hadn’t settled with the victims up to this day, that she was eighty when the crimes occurred, that it’d not fitted to the requirement of her receiving a reduced sentence, sentenced her to seven years ten months, for intentionally committing arson to a residence.

So, because this elderly woman had been cheated on by her ex, she’d become, suspicious of all the men she’d dated, and that suspicion, caused her to fly into a jealous rage, and, caused her to commit arson, and all of this was still because she could NOT trust herself enough, to trust all the men she’d, dated, and she deserve a HARSH sentence, because she had the priors in committing arsons from suspecting that a man was cheating on her from before, and, if she gets out, and started dating again, I’m sure, that the same thing will happen, all over, again.

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