Tag Archives: Thinking She Would Not Get Caught

The Woman from Australia Lost Contact with Her Families…Taken into Custody for Drug Trafficking, Banned from Contact with Her Families

Thinking that this country would be, lenient than some other Asian countries toward the traffickers, well, she thought WRONG!!!  On Crime and Punishment, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Australian Woman Lost Contact with Her Families After Coming to Taiwan…Got Taken into Custody for Smuggling in the Illegal Substances

The Australian woman, (Debbie) lost contact after she’d gone out traveling last year, her family looked for her everywhere, and learned, that she was taken into custody for no justification in Taiwan, and started up a petition to free her on the online platforms, the investigators looked into the matter, turned out, Debbie had been hired to traffic the illegal substances to Taiwan as a “drug mule”, because she was found with 4.2 kilograms of heroin, cocaine, and other controlled substances, that was why she’d been, arrested, the Taoyuan D.A.’s Office recently charged her on trafficking level one controlled substances, her case in being tried.

the “loot”…photo from online

On December 16th of last year, on Change.org, there’s the petitions to “Fight for Justice and Free Debbie”, the content stated, that “currently, due to untrue accusations, Debbie had been taken into custody for crimes she didn’t commit in Taiwan, the mother of five is faced with the death penalty or life in prison, disallowed to contact her families overseas, please sign the petition to help free this, innocent mother.”

And this petition was handed to the courts, to fight for Debbie’s freedom and justice for her, to return her back into her families’ arms”, up to yesterday there’d been 2,810 who’d signed this petition online.

The indictment stated, that last December, Debbie was offered free room and board by the cartel, along with the payment of $1,800U.S., for her to fly from Australia to Malaysia first, to pick up the suitcases containing heroin, cocaine, and other controlled substances, then, she’d followed instructions, flew to Taiwan, and as she’d entered through customs, she was stopped by the airport police, and the drugs were ,found.

arrested by teh detective…photo from online

Debbie was taken into custody, and in the interrogations, she’d denied her role as a drug trafficker, as she was indicted in court, she’d continued to claim, “I thought there were only clothes, and didn’t know that there was the controlled substances of heroin, and cocaine”; the court trial began in March, Debbie who’d been in police custody for four whole months finally admitted to trafficking, and told that it was her ex-husband, John who involved her, in the trafficking, and asked to have John testify on her behalf, hoping that the school can release her.

The judge believed, that Debbie has no families, no friends, no assets, nor set residence, that in the interrogations, she’d stated she’d planned to stay here for a few short days, which showed that she’s at flight risk; and during her trial, she’d recanted, claimed that it was her ex who’d, directed her to bring the substances over to Taiwan, which showed how closely they interacted, and despite her cellphone was taken into custody, there’s still the means of communications with her ex, John, there’s a high chance of her colluding with him.

And, on the matter of how Debbie asked the courts to allow her to be in contact with her daughter, based off of investigations, Debbie’s daughter knew of John’s contact address, she could contact John through her daughter, and so, the courts tossed back the order to prohibit from seeing her.

And so, you’re a, DRUG mule, you got caught, and you tried to excuse your own, bad behavior, hoping that the courts can, let you off the hook easier?  Like there’s NOT enough troubles on this island of SCAM, and now if the courts set you free, then, that will only open more doors, for future traffickers, because there’s NOT a severe enough punishment, and all those traffickers will think, hey, look at this precedence, she got a slap on the wrists, so why can’t we???  Turning THIS god DAMN island, into a haven for not just the scam artists, but also, the DRUG TRAFFICKERS too!

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