Tag Archives: D-Day of Taiwan

The American Scholars: to Attack Taiwan, the Communist Armed Forces are Now, Studying D-Day Like Crazy

Due to geographical, similarities, the Commies are now, honing up on the invasions of how they’d done it in D-Day, and we are still, living in our, IGNORANT bliss here, on this, god damn, island, still going about our lives, like war is, far, far, F-A-R, away!  They’re already, preparing for the assaults, and what is our government, doing???  Nothing!  There’s, NOTHING that we can do, we are too tiny, and, all it takes is for everybody in China to spit at us, once, and, this island gets, DROWNED, that, is how uneven the manpower is, and we’re, still thinking, that we must, fight, defy, China???  Yeah, the DDP government is, DELUSIONAL, and, no amount of anti-psychotic can treat this mental illness that the DDP is now, “diagnosed” with…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Imbalance of Military Power, the U.S. Needed to Intervene from the Diplomatic Front, the Former Pacific Ocean Commander: U.S. Should Move Forward Toward a Clearer Tactic Means

The Foreign Affairs with the headquarters in D.C. on the sixth, posted the D.C. Thinktank’s “Key Points of National Defense” in the column by Goldstein.  He’d pointed out, that to invade Taiwan, the Communist Armies are studying the experiences of D-Day.  And, considering how there’s an imbalance of military power, the U.S. needed to intervene from a diplomatic angle.

And, another report told, that the former commander of the U.S. Military in the Pacific, Harris in the Global Energy Forum, being interviewed, he’d stated, that U.S. should change its policies toward Taiwan, “the ambiguous tactics stage is outdated now, today, the tactics are clearer.”  He’d s stated, “since China changed the original means, and is now, pushing at Taiwan, we have the obligations to assist Taiwan in the conflict.”

the map of the invasion of Normandy…from online

The military experts had believed for long, that if China attempts to invade Taiwan, the Communist military forces needed to be close to the allies actions on the beaches of Normandy in WWII.  The width of the Taiwanese Strait is roughly equal to that of the English Channel between Great Britain and Europe, and, the English Channel is closer to Normandy, about 160 kilometers in distance, and for the decades, the Communist Army had been, studying closely the various spectrums of D-Day.

The Communist Army’s “Chinese National Defense” at the start of this year, had the article, analyzing the Allies’ aerial powers’ key role in D-Day, prevented the German armed forces to land and to keep the German forces from invasion.

Goldstein mentioned, that the Communist Army is studying D-Day very thoroughly, it seemed to point at how “something WILL happen to Taiwan”.  The Communist Armed Forces are especially interested in the mines used in D-Day, noting how the allies had used hundreds of mine sweeping submarines, to keep the passage of the fleets open.

by air and by sea…photo from online

Goldstein analyzed, that the tactile experts of the Communist Army know that the Allies had planted about seven thousand landmines under water to prevent the Germans from invading on the east side of the English Channel.  This is closely similar to Taiwanese Strait, when the Communist forces invade, sealing up the strait is the most important mission of the Communist Chinese Navy.  The Communist Army also learned from D-Day, that there’s the need to develop the artificial harbors, and the large civilian military fleets.

And so, this is how our enemies are, ready for war, and what are we???   Sitting DUCKS, because there’s nothing we can do now, as the assault on this island is, imminent, or so it seemed, with the Taiwanese government keep on flying that banner of independence high up over the skies, of course, the Commies are going to, SHOT us down and SHUT us up, and, who knows, maybe, we’ll all get, BOMBED to pieces, oh, and don’t forget, it’s now, going to get, real dangerous, for all of us, to walk along, these paddies that grew our foods, just like in Vietnam during the sixties (was it now???), and we are NOT infested with enough RATS, to help US sniff out those, landmines that will get, planted down on the, rice paddy fields here, like they’d done back in Vietnam…

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