Tag Archives: Cruel & Unusal Punishment

The American Master Student Had Her Boyfriend Murder Her Father, Because He’d Stopped Paying for Her Living Expenses, in the Second Trial, She’d Still Escaped the Death Penalty

This is, the residuals of the DDP’s plans to, ELIMINATE the DEATH penalty altogether, started back in Tsai’s REIGN of TERROR, with the DDP, kidnapping the seats of the Grand Justices, by placing all their members into the “slots” to do their, biddings FOR them, and there will NEVER be, justice again on this island!  The murderers that escaped DEATH, after HAMMERING the father to death, and this is, a CONSPIRED murder case too, where the DEATH PENALTY is JUSTIFIED, and yet, this was, what happened in this case of MURDER of her own father, with her boyfriend…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Justice: there’s still a Chance for Her to be Reformed

The woman, Jiang when she was in her graduate studies in the U.S, got upset over how his father who works in an elementary school as a security guard had cut her off, as she’d returned to Taiwan, she’d murdered her father with her boyfriend, Chang with a hammer, then, disposed of her father’s body in a deserted location.  In the first trial, the courts found that they “both had possibilities of being corrected and socialized”, given both life sentences, the D.A. filed for an appeal, yesterday the Taichung High Subsidiary Court tossed back the appeal of the district attorney’s office, and this can still be appealed.

the protests against the DEATH PENALTY, because this person did NOT lose anybody he loves to MURDER, Y-E-T! Photo from online

The justice, Chang told, that Jiang and Chang’s murder of Jiang’s father used a most cruel method, and their committing the murder showed NO signs of humanity, the families can’t ever forgive them; but in the first trial, both perpetrators were sent to get evaluated at the Taiwan Justice Psychological Evaluation Foundation, and the second trial, they were sent to the Christian Hospital in Changwha to get evaluated, and both times, the results came out as Chang and Jiang have the possibility of getting reformed, and the evaluations showed that there’s no need to keep them locked up forever, or to sentence both to death.

The indictment stated, that the thirty-three-year-old Jiang and the thirty-four year-old Chang went to the U.S. to study in 2014, Jiang’s father had helped them get the loans, and supported them, but started in 2016, he’d cut them off, the two had a hard time getting bad, and started hating Jiang’s father for not continuing supporting them; in November of 2020, the couple returned to reason with Jiang’s parents, and they were, locked out.

The two then coconspired to murder Jiang’s father, bought the tape, the knife, the ropes, hammers, and scissors, on December 26th, 2021, they road to the elementary school where Jiang’s father worked as a security guard to ambush, and in the midnight hours of the twenty-seven, the two broke into the school’s courtyard, with Jiang holding her father down by the hands, and Chang using a hammer, and struck Jiang’s father down, as Jiang saw that her father was still making the noises after he’d fallen, told her boyfriend to continue to assault her own father, Jiang’s father was brutally beaten to death with a broken skull and a severed cervical spine.

The two washed the blood off, Chang used the scooter, to dispose of Jiang’s father’s body, with Jiang riding another scooter right behind him, on the way, Jiang’s father fell to the ground, and got dragged until the bones showed, in the end, Jiang’s father’s body was disposed of in the rural area of Taiping.

The Taichung District Court in April of last year, sentenced Jiang on murdering of her own next-of-kin, disposing the body of her next-of-kin, to a life term, a year two months, and sentenced Chang to murder and disposing of the body to life term, and a year.  Both are to serve out the life-terms, with their government positions stripped.

and, these people “marching” for the “cause”, had NEVER lost ANYBODY they CARED about to MURDER!!! Photo from online

The first trial found that the means of murder they used being too cruel, especially how Jiang disregarded how her father had raised her up, there was severe maliciousness in her murdering her own father, both her mother and her younger sister told the justice that they’d wanted her to get the death penalty.  But considering how both Jiang and her boyfriend, Chang had no priors, and admitted to what they’d done, and after the psych evaluations, it’d shown that Jiang has a “moderate to high chance” of being corrected, and Chang has a “high chance” of being corrected, and “high chance” of being reformed, that was why both were sentenced to life-terms.

And all of this, is THE, sorry EXCUSE of the courts, following the bad means of how the DDP wanted to ELIMINATE the DEATH penalty altogether, an the court system still became, nothing MORE than, a SUBSIDIARY of the corrupt political party.  This showed, how FAR the political party can go, to GET what they want, with a total disregard of the victims’ of the families’ losses, and, how can a government that TOTALLY DISREGARDED the RIGHT to LIFE like this, have the people’s BEST interest in mind?  Yet, the majority of voters still, voted them into office this time…

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Filed under "Professional" Opinions, Abuse of Power, Basic Human Rights, Issues of the Society, Messed Up Values, Murder, Observations, Slaps on the Wrist, Wake Up Calls, White Picket Fence

The Debate of Whether to Keep the Death Penalty Intact Became a Hot Potato, Causing the People Upset

Surely, without the death penalty, the “cruel & unusual punishment” of the eighth would no longer need to be, considered, but, what if, you’re, looking at, the masterminds of a MASSACRE, that killed, say???  Hundreds at a time, then, should DEATH penalty be, avoided, and, if there’s NO death penalty, then how, can we guarantee, that those who wanted to commit murders won’t, because the MAX they can get is, life-in-prison, and all the citizens are, paying for the tabs, too keep all of those, life-termers, alive, and some of them get better healthcare than we do!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Constitution Court found that the “Collateral Clause” is fitting to the constitution, and this blocked off the lives of thirty-five death row inmates, but, thirty-eight of the inmates on deathrow, used another clause of how death sentence had, offended  or affected their rights to, life, and filed for a reinterpretation of the constitution, with the undecided means, the justice department stated, that they can’t, execute the death penalties yet, hoped that the constitution court can swiftly decide.  With nothing being done for the current situations, the people are still complaining, with the justice department, and the legislature, passing the hot potato.

if this is considered, “cruel & unusual”…

photo from online

Death penalty had always been a most debated upon subject of the justice systems by the people, and yet, doing away with the death penalty had always been, a policy that the government didn’t dare speak of. Started with the 2020 case of Shen’s receiving the death penalty for drowning murder of two, and the execution of Weng who’d set the fires, and killed six of his family members, to date, it’d been, three whole years, since another death sentence was, signed.  These two became, the final “executed death row inmates”, who’d already, “served” out justice.

Based off of the polls, eighty, ninety percent of the public are against doing away with the death penalty, there were, less than twenty-percent who are for taking the death penalty off the tables, but, the public opinions can’t defeat the human rights, the president, Tsai claimed, that doing away with death penalty is a worldly accepted idea, that Taiwan had “practically done away with the carrying out of the executions,” that the death penalty clauses are, only on paper now.

then, what about murder…with the victim dead, and lying on the pavements…photo from online

From the president’s nominating a grand justice who’s against the death penalty, the final trials of the justice systems set a very tough guideline for who would qualify for the death penalty, Tang who committed arson and killed six, Lee who’d set the fires that killed nine, and dramatically, escaped, death ultimately, plus the “self-made” clauses of the Justice Department, with the rules, the carrying out of the death penalty still gets delayed, and we the people are, watching all of this, we’d already, watched all of this, and how can the government, settle our distrust in the, justice, systems?

As the combined clause gets added into the constitution, the debate of whether the country should do away with the death penalty is still debated on, and, the death penalty being unconstitutional is still, being, debated straightly, and the constitutional courts still had decided whether or not it will, deal with the matter or not.  The death row inmates are, kept locked in, not seeing the end, and can, only wait, endlessly, and the families of the victims are also, tortured, nonstop.

or, how about, rape…the trauma caused in the victims, don’t they, DESERVE, justice too??? Photo from online

And so, this is on how the death penalty is, “cruel and unusual” (8th amendment of the Bill of Rights, anyone???), and, there’s this LOUD noise that’s starting up, on how the country should be more, humane, how we should all, do away with, the death penalty, there’s only ONE problem (or maybe more!!!), if death penalty is taken off the tables, then, wouldn’t there be, an increase in crimes, because the criminals now had nothing to fear, I mean, the most I can get for MASSACRE, for EXECUTING someone in the BROAD DAYLIGHT, is life in prison, I’m not getting gunned down (‘cuz that’s how we still do it, by shooting the death row inmates DEAD!), and, wouldn’t that also, be “cruel and unusual” for the families of the victims, to not see the deserved justices for the loved ones that they’d lost, by murder, to keep on living, because death penalty is now, off the tables…

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