Tag Archives: Childhood Playmates Who Became Distant Memories

The Hearts that Broke Over the Pacific, a Poem

On losing that someone you’d played with as a young child, that very first friend of your, younger, childhood, years…translated…

With the Adolescent Girl that Belonged in the Blue Mountains Behind Her on the Island on Her Mind

Not Allowing Me to Compare the Mountains of Hong Kong with That of Taiwan’s

The Adolescent Girl Loved Her Sisters, Candy & the Island Where the Games of Soccer Were Played

She’d Sucked on the Honey from the Seas, & Recalled the Language She’d Understood Before She Was Two

what the two of you, became…without any, dry land in sight! Photo from online

But She’d Loved the Island that Allowed Her to Play by the Day, the Island She Grew up by the Seconds on, And

Comparing to All of Us, She Refuses to, Leave that, Island,

Her Accent, Soft Like the Sticky Rice, Also from that Island………….

Her Most Widely-Used Phrases and Her Tone of Voice, Also, Came from that, Island……….

She Will Become Another Adolescent Girl Who Rides the Scooters Across the Land

With Her Hair in the Wind, Dyed to the Colors of the Pacific Ocean

Every Fish, Every Seahorse, Became What Tiny Complaints Between Us

You & I, with the Waters from the Oceans We Can’t, Swim, Across………

This is on how the two of you were originally, so very close to each other, but as the two of you grew older, you’d, slowly, drifted apart, like how those childhood playmates that moved out of the neighborhoods we grew up in one by one, and lost contact with us through the, years…

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Filed under Cost of Living, Innocence Lost, Life, Loss, Poetry, Properties of Life, Things Left Behind