Tag Archives: a Split in a Country Caused by Political Parties’ Disparities

The Anti-Legislature Reforms are Against the People’s Wishes, Beware of the Recoil

The country had been, split into, factions, with the DDP holding the powers in the executive, the KMT and the TPP, controlling the, legislative…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The president, Lai signed off on the request of the Executive Department’s proposing of the legislature reform, and I think, we need to consider the repercussions, and the justifications of the president’s signing the request:

First, the party in power, and the president, need to introspect, instead of using its being the sole party elected into presidential office and as the majority of legislature, forcing the legislative department into the subsidiary of the DDP, losing the ability to supervise, and to balance the powers.  The results of the 2024 election, the DDP gained a whole lot less votes, became a minority government, and the current surveys, showing that the people are in support of the legislative reforms, all reflected how the people are disgusted of the long-term dysfunction of the Legislative department.  And, if the president still insisted on being against the amendments to the reforms of legislature, he would be against the people’s opinions, would he not?

like this, with the supporters of the parties taking up various sections of the “land”…video from YouTube, how the U.S. became, split…from online

Then, the debates on the vaccines, the quick scan kits, the importing of the eggs, and other cases, none of these had been, resolved yet, and this was not just the passive ignorance of the Examination and justice departments, also showed that the investigative, then restrictive means of the legislative is naturally, lacking.  The online community had dug up how Chen, when making his appearance at the legislature to answer the inquiries of BioNTech vaccines, that he’d lied in public, this showed of the importance of the necessity of passing the law to hold someone in contempt of the legislature.

Besides, this current proposal to reform the legislature, is zooming in on the right to investigate, the right to check the behaviors of the legislature, is delegated to the democratic countries with the three branches of government, in the balancing of powers, the only means of preventing a solitary political party from taking complete control of the country.  The DDP used the “expansion of legislature” to criticize this reform started up by the K.M.T. and the T.P.P..

The motto of “being in charge, keeping everything in check”.  After the motions had gotten started, the parties out of power, fighting for power, with the fight headed from the executive, to the legislature, between the executive and the legislative, this may be the forefront to ousting or to, overthrowing the head of legislature.  And, considering the procedurals of the amending of the constitution, there may never be peace in this country again.  Which may impact the local elections of 2026, to even, the presidential elections of 2028.

There’s the crises between Taiwan and China that’s occurring currently, with the country, battling itself internally.  This sort of a resolve in the country being run, is this what the newly elected president, Lai wanted to, see?

So, there’s that need for the legislative to stop fighting, but, it won’t, because, the DDP lost the votes, and became, the party that control the executive office, but lost out to the KMT and the TPP, which had the majority in the legislative, and, they’re now, trying to, gain back power of the legislature, so the entire island would be, under the DDP’s totalitarian rule like back in the last two four terms, but, we the people won’t be allowing for it, and, if the DDP pushes the systems farther, farther, and farther, the country just might, FRACTURE, and, then, what would happen, if say???  China attacks?  We can’t even manage what’s happening within our own realms, how the FUCK can we, possibly defend against, invasions from overseas.  This island is, destined to, sink if the fight continues for sure…

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