The Citizen of the Country Was Abused by Palau, the Country Should Fight for Her Rights

How this woman got, DEGRADED by the custom’s of another country, and, how the DDP government, is too passive, in getting her justice back, because, the country is, everybody else’s BITCH, because seeing how the total number of “friends” this country have is declining, we must, hold on tight to the measly number of “friends” we still got left, and thus, the people’s rights are, sliced and diced, this is bullshit, what happened to this woman!  Public humiliation of the citizen of Taiwan, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

A woman, Lee told the press, that awhile ago, she’d entered into Palau, and the custom’s officers took her into a mall room, she was forced to strip, to get searched in her privates, it’d made her feel, insulted.

On this, the Department of Foreign Affairs told, that the Palau government stated, that the search was legal, that the country searches everybody who arrives into the country, foreigners of the citizens are treated exactly, the same.  The foreign affairs also stated, that we respect that Palau has the right to strip searching everybody who enters into the country, to keep the country safe, but also stressed, that the government of Palau should’ve, explained better why the strip search was, necessary as the checks were, being, conducted.

In the past, Palau had no precedence of searching the “privates” of the tourists, making them strip their clothes off, so how was this time, “same as the last”?  The DDP government boasts about how the party is fighting for the citizen’s most basic of human rights, and the dignity of the people of the country, and now, as a citizen was bullied unreasonably, why did the government turn a blind eye, and tried sweeping the whole thing under the rug?

and it goes, FARTHER than this! Photo from online

On U.S. forcing the country to open up import of pork with ractopamine, and Japan for importing nuclear contaminated produces, the DDP government was passive and this can be explained away with because the country needs something from both Japan and U.S.; but now, it’d gone, completely, limp before Palau, which is smaller than the city of Chiayi geographically, with only 20,000 in population, what can we, expect from the, DDP government?

In 2012, when an American female citizen returned from Mexico, she was suspected of hiding drugs, and was strip searched by the customs, and the customs even cuffed her, sent her to the hospital to get a colonoscopy, and vaginal exams, and they still found no illegal substances on her, then they’d, released her.  Afterwards, the woman sued the U.S. custom’s, and in the end, the courts mandated the customs pay the woman $475,000.  I hope, that the DDP government can get tough, compared to the U.S. incident, assist Ms. Lee in filing for the compensations of her unjust treatment by the Palau customs, otherwise, the claims of the DDP’s defending the rights, protecting the dignity of the Taiwanese people, is all, hot air.

So, this is, how much the government fights for we the people here, and, unfortunately, there’s NO way of pursuing the charges of illegally searching the body of this woman, because, it’d happened abroad, and, Palau is one of the limited number of “friends” (I think…) that this country still had remaining in the global planet, so, chances are, this woman will NOT get justice for what happened to her, and this is just SHIT, and what’s worse, the government still does NOT stand UP for the rights of the people, the government just, allowed us all to get, FUCKED up, in some other god damn, countries around the world…

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