Ten Members of the Police Department Called in to Interrogation for the Disclosure of the Busts

Police officials, breaking the L-A-W, because of the false promises of “big bucks”, so totally, NOT worth it, but hey, money is still WHAT makes this world go around, so it’s easy, for even these, law enforcement officials, to turn, bad…off of the Newspapers, translated…

The police department of Taipei received a tip last year, that the Datong Substation Backup Squad officer, Lee was suspected of disclosing the personal information of the unlawful, to allow the violence debt collection rings to use the data, acted as the tipster for the illegal rings, yesterday morning, the police searched and called Lee and more than ten other police officials in for question, to find the flows of the illegal funds, at first, Lee denied his involvement, and the case after police interrogation, is going towards the direction of gambling, disclosures of private data, and other charges.

The police investigated, that the Taipei City Police Department received a tip, that the fifty-year-old officer, Lee from the backup squad in Datong Substation, had been in collusion with the illegal operators, and, the station immediately asked the Taipei D.A.’s Office to investigate the matter, the supervisor office of the police department, the city police’s superintendent, the Taipei Detective Squad and the Datong Substation all worked the case to investigate, at nine in the morn yesterday, Lee and other officers’ offices and homes were searched, there were more than ten individuals called in for questioning.

Based off of understanding, Lee denied the allegations, but the intel pointed, that Lee had been dating a Vietnamese woman, Ng long term, and Ng was the head of the illegal ring, and the ring operated the illegal gambling websites, allowing the Vietnamese citizens to place the bets, and the organization also gave loans to the Vietnamese citizens, if the debts can’t be paid, then Lee had looked up the personal data for Ng, to allow for the violent debt collection means, Lee also acted as the “gatekeeper” for the ring long-term, to cover up the illegal activities.

The ring abused the Vietnamese citizens, and the grade of operations increased under Lee’s covering, but, because of the splitting up of the earnings not getting settled, there were the disputes, and only last year, those in the inside disclosed this to the police, and the police, the district attorneys stepped in immediately to investigate.

The illegal funds were passed around, yesterday morn, the Taipei Police had sent the squads to Taipei, Hsinbei, and Taoyuan, confiscated the documents of the Vietnamese citizens, the checks, etc., interviewed more than ten to clarify the flows of the funds, and today, all the suspects are going to get sent into the D.A.’s Office on gambling, invasion of privacy, disclosures of secret, loan shark, etc., etc., etc.

Last year in May, the investigators found that the substation manager, Yeh of the Ningxia Substation of Datong Subprecinct, involved in feeding the information to the case of “Taiwanese version of Cambodian human trafficking ring”, shocking the society, the Shihlin District Court a while ago, sentenced Yen to fourteen years eight months on bribe, money laundering, forgery, and other charges, yesterday, the patrol officers from Datong Substation got taken in for disclosing of personal information, striking that nerve again.  The police stressed, that the case will be worked, impartially and justly, if there are illegal behaviors found, the punishments on the officers will be very, severe, and they will be, firing the unfitting patrol officers.

So, there’s that need of, that clean sweep, of ALL those, immoral officers who are taking the bribes, and yet, this is still, fixing the problem and not, preventing it.  And that just showed, how easy it is, for officers of the law, to break the law, because they know the law perfectly well, which made it that much, easier for them, to find the holes in the, systems.

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