The Air, My Friend

An ACT of ALTRUISM, putting oneself in harm’s way, risking the fall to injury (or even DEATH!), to remind people of the wonderful things around them…the column by Jimmi Liao, translated…

Nobody Know, Why Bright & Early Monday Morn, He’d, Hung There, Higher Up in the Trees, Meowing, Away.

Whoever that’s Climbed onto the Frail Buds and Saplings are Bound to Fall to the Ground.

the artwork of Jimmi Liao, courtesy of

Could it Be, that He’d, Climbed Up There, to Encourage All Those Going to Work Who are Upset. To Disregard His Own, Wellbeing?

If so, this then, would be, the ALTRUISTIC act of a cat, after all, there are almost NOBODY in the world, who would be willing to put their NECKS out on the line, to save a stranger from falling, unless we’re in the wartimes…

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Filed under A Cycle of Kindness, Awareness, Cost of Living, Helping Behaviors, Life, Perspectives, Philosophies of Life, Properties of Life, White Picket Fence

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