The Eternity in the Days, a Poem

In need, of that boost of our, spirits here, translated…

The Days Ordinary, Bright Like Milk

The Just Waken-Up Consciousness, Still Rowed that White Paddle of the Soul———

Early in the Morn, the Square Patterned Table Cloth Like the Soul Awakening

Burned on the Static and the Sparks

Causing the Cups, the Tray, and the Utensils, to be So Delicate as if Made Of Cream

All the Utensils Contained My Days

The Wonderful, the Sorrows, Leaving Them be

Would Cause the Fuzzes to Form

With Every One Your Choice:

The Intrinsic, Beautiful Cocoons

Keeping Guard, Cherishing

Or, Expanded, Carried by the Wind Like the Dandelion Seeds

All of it, Plainer than Our Own, Selves

The Leaves Rolled Away a Year’s Worth of Goings on

I’d Loved the Eternity I’d Found in Daily Life, Like How You Walked Along, that Balance Beam that’s, Spotted

The Thin Cat I Kept, Tipping Over His Milk, Soiling the Rug

Wet to Making My Heart, Ache

Sometimes, We’d, Soiled Our Own Selves

Defeated to the Point of, Given ,Up, and Yet, on that Balance Beam You’d Walked & Told to Me

Life Still, Loves Us

So, this is as we see no light, we’re, about to give up on everything, someone gave us a hand, pulling us, up, giving us that much need boost, so we can, start going, again.

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Filed under Awareness, Lending a Helping Hand, Life, Perspectives, Philosophies of Life, Poetry, Properties of Life

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