Wang, the Mother of the Child, “Little Light Bulb” Who Was Murdered by a Random Stranger: Sometimes, Blood Needed to be Spilled, to Push Forth the Changes in Legislature

The driving forces behind this woman, in pushing forth the amendments for mental health, and this woman had lost her own young daughter to a man with the delusional thought of her young daughter was meant to be married to him, and the mentally ill man, stabbed her young daughter, as she was exiting the MRT station with her child, sometimes, it takes, this great a loss, blood to shed, and it’s still NOT quite enough, because these amendments are still, slow to get implemented, because that, is how the red tape, works…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

“These Changes in the Society of Taiwan, are Brought on by a Tragedy, But What Worries Me is that, Nothing Changes through these, Occurrences of Tragedies”

“Little Light Bulb is still my child, there’s no need for me to rip the label of ‘mom of Little Light Bulb”.  Eight years after the murder of her young daughter, Wang went from the mother of the victim to getting into the systems, getting elected as a legislator, pushing forth the amendments in the laws of psychological healthcare, etc., etc., etc., she’d wanted to let her murdered daughter know, “we’d done everything we could since you’d been gone, your death will continue to cause us enormous pains; I think, this feeling will follow us through the rest of our lives.”

“The society kept talking about the balances of families, education and work, I’d quit working, became a stay-at-home mom, but I would’ve never guessed, that this world is so unsafe; I truly hope, that the government, and the various levels of organizations can do something, so the moms can take care of their young or work without any, worries.”  After her daughter was murdered, Wang finally told what losing her daughter felt like to the press, but, her calm and collected manner of discussing the matter caused her to come under attack many a times.

“The Country Should Study the Crimes Systematically”

“It may be the personality traits”, Wang said, that people deemed her unemotional, to the point of, impractical, and she’d later understood, that she made it easy for herself switch to another state of mind quickly, as she’d made her proposals, she’d not placed herself into the character of the families of the victim, “although I’m not a classic victim, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t feel, only late in the nights, after I’d put my kids to bed, would I, let it, all, out.”, but she’d also stated, that sometimes, it was next to impossible for her to, dissociate, during the legislative meeting sessions to discuss the amendment of the psychological health welfare, she’d, broken down.

the need of this…photo from online

Wang worked as an engineer for ten years before, after she married and had four children, she’d begun her life as a stay-at-home mom, after her daughter was brutally murdered by a man with a psychological disorder, she’d gotten elected as a legislator for four years.  She’d told, that she didn’t avoid talking about the incident with her children, and found, that as her children searched online, and found the related information, they would actively care and show concerns of what’s happening in society.

“The changes in the society of Taiwan, are brought on by tragedies after tragedies, but what worries me, is that, even as the tragedies keep on recurring, nothing, changes.” Wang told, that social reform is cruel, sometimes, the blood sacrifices, and the tragedies are, absolutely necessary to push forth an amendment in the, legislature; after something major had occurred, people would think about the means of increasing the severity of punishment, because that’s where the results are most, apparent, but, is it, truly, effective?  The country should instead, systematically research the crimes, and not just make the sentences heavier, or using the hindsight of repatriation or the sentencing of the perps, the country needs to do its homework that is needed, like the recent case of the young boy “Kai-Kai” who was abused to death by his nanny, the government should review its own actions, “had we done something more, then, maybe, the incident wouldn’t have, happened?”

“The Lacking of Interdepartmental Connections Causing the Misses”

Wang used the example of cheese, all those holes, connecting, were what caused the, tragedies, but the government always lacked the cross-sectional communications of the departments, therefore, so many fell through the, cracks.  She said, the implementation of her proposed law on psychological health begin at the end of the year, but, without the fitting community support, many of the psychologically ill would lock themselves up in their homes, when their conditions worsen, they would then, return to the hospitals to get treated, this was a vicious cycle, a “swinging door”, the government should set up the psychological wellbeing units locally, to turn the “net of social security into a direction of work, instead of just a, proposed bill”.

“Would there be less murders committed by psychologically unstable persons after the amendment had, passed?”, the answer is, negative.  Wang believed, that as the policies started getting implemented, all the resources aren’t quite there yet, that the related agencies of the government still needs work.

for this, to happen…and the proposals are still, FAR from, perfect! Photo from online

“You ask me where my initial thought had, begun?”, Wang  told, she was the mother of Little Light Bulb, this will never change, that all the emotions that mothers have, she has them too, “but only I know it alone, nobody else needs to understand me”.  And her drive to make the changes did NOT stop because she’d lost the elections last year.

So, this is a woman, who’s, really actually, working to, make that change in the legislature, because she’d lost her own young to a psychologically ill person, and, there are so many more cases of children being murdered in this country and everywhere else in this world, and because this woman lost a child so violently, that was what drove her to want to become a legislator, to make a difference, to make this society safter than it had been, back when her own young daughter was brutally murdered by the man with the delusions.

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