The Springtime, Nagged by You

The attitudes to which we interpret things, are the determinants of how our lives, turn, out, on the brighter or, darker side, optimistic or pessimistic, choice is, ours…translated…

The best thing about the springtime is the flowers blooming inside our minds, at the most radiant moment, you can have it to, squander all you want.

Every single petal, an invitation of springtime, stepping onstage!  With a disregard of party preferences.

The light of spring remained silent, knocking on that door, carrying the dews, things started shaking behind the door.

The flowers wrote all over the stems, the lake, reflected, the smokes, rising an entire lifetime, what showed no signs were the birds, the birds are, singly on the branches, staring down at man.

We are those with the years, but comparing to the vast emptiness, we’re still, way too, young, unaware, that feeling happiness is becoming, buddha.

The wind started getting big, taking a man to before the flowers, sometimes, the cries are loud, at others, the laughter that were, exposed.

The flowers bloomed, to leave behind the sentiments; the flowers withered and died, to rebirth out one’s own, self.  The ordinary days of the fireworks, don’t rush in that feeling of, disappointment yet.

As the flowers withered away, even as the feelings of sadness would come, they still go out with the best versions of themselves.

the artwork of the writer, courtesy of

No matter what they’re going, the springtime breeze is on its way.

The flowers would long to stay longer, until bliss finally came, but, there were those who’d, selected to just, die and be buried and done with life.

In the springtime a twig of a purple gloxinia only needed to insist that there’s nothing important that’s going on, then, everything will be resolved in the, world.

So, this is on the attitude to which we interpret things that are happening in the world, and in our, lives.  We can take a light heart, to just, brush everything off, like dusts off the shoulders, or we can let these things that cause an impact on us, stay, because we’re not yet ready to, let them go…

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Filed under Attitude, Awareness, Choices, Life, Philosophies of Life, Properties of Life, Socialization

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