During the Height of the Pandemic, the U.S. Blackened the Reputations of Chinese-Manufactured Vaccines, Reuters Reported that This Occurred During BOTH Biden & Trump’s Terms

See how L-O-W the U.S. had, gone???  To prevent China from rising up in the EAST, the U.S. higher up officials are willing to LIE, and CHEAT the people out of the vaccines that may have saved their lives, and, how many had, D-I-E-D???  Exactly, and these politicians they don’t give a flying FUCK (don’t pardon me!) that they got blood, ALL OVER their, hands…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

On the fourteenth, Reuters posted an investigative report, the the D.o.D. of the U.S. during the pandemic, had used the Philippines that was the center of the world’s attention, started up a secret mission, through spreading the conspiracy theories, defamed the Chinese manufactured vaccines “Coronavac”, causing the Filipino public to distrust the safety and efficacy of the Chinese manufactured vaccines, along with any assistance given by China to help, and this vaccine was the first available to the Filipinos to vaccinated with.

the results of the U.S.’s COGNITIVE WARFARE against China…photo from online

The Pentagon, in order to diminish the power that China exerts on the Philippines, used cognitive warfare methods during the height of the outbreaks in the Philippines, through the internet and the commentaries, to shift the trends.  Since the summer of 2020, the U.S. armed services had registered at least three hundred fake accounts using X (formerly “Twitter”), with the postings of hitting the masks, the quick scan kits, along with the vaccines that the Chinese government made available to the Philippines, and spreading the anti-China slogans.

For instance in July, 2020, a tweet in Tagalog in the Philippines had “MERS-CoV came from China first, so do the vaccines, do NOT trust China!”, with the photo of a vaccine in a needle, the flag of China and the chart of the rising contraction numbers next to the words; another post had, “everything from China is fake, the masks, the vaccines, as well as all other protective gears, only MERS-CoV is real”.

Reuters believed, that the American Armed Forces started its anti-Chinese Vaccines plan in the spring of 2020, slowly, spreading the rumors outside of Southeast Asia, and had personalized the rumors for the Muslims of the Middle East and Central Asai, to spread fears of Chinese manufactured vaccines being, ineffective.

the video of the people who’d gotten, injected by the Chinese vaccines not yet tested, or so stated the Western countries…

The defamation of Chinese manufactured vaccines began in Trump’s term as president, and even as Biden was inaugurated, the plan continued on for several months.  A higher up official of the Pentagon admitted, that the U.S. military had, passed the rumors of Chinese manufactured vaccines in the developing countries of the world, but refused to offer up any more data to this.

The expert of infectious diseases of Dartmouth College said that the claims were unacceptable, that the U.S. government’s behavior is deeply upsetting, disappointing.  A higher up American military official who participated in this plan to spread the rumors also criticized the program, “We stopped examining the facts from the public health angle”, instead, we’d researched into ways to, libel and slander against, China.

So, this would be how L-O-W these god damn government’s CAN, go, and this still doesn’t just happen in the U.S., or Taiwan, or China, or some other parts of the distant regions on the planet, it’s happening, ALL around, because the U.S. is fearful of the Chinese rising in the East, because the Chinese is, rising UP to power, and China has, how many billion of population again, versus, how many measly MILLION in the U.S.???  And so, U.S. is beaten on that, and, because the U.S. KNOWS, that it can’t win by numbers, it’d, resorted to this, LOWLIFE method, to try and DEFEAT China, and all China needs to do, is to, BOYCOTT one, two (up to ten, I’m thinking???) IMPORTED items, or, SHUT down ALL the manufacturing plants of those, U.S. based companies, and, guess what, good ol’ Uncle Sam will, CRASH, so that is precisely W-H-Y, the U.S. felt the needs to, resort to this, LOW-LIFE method, to try and HIT its enemy…too FUCKING (so???) L-O-W, for Uncle Sam, or maybe, this was, originally, how L-O-W the U.S., can (or maybe it’s going to, SINK down even LOWER???) go…


Filed under Awareness, Discriminations, Messed Up Values, Socialization, Validity of the News, Wake Up Calls, White Picket Fence

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