China & Taiwan are Separate, with the Prerequisite Framework, Lai Should Not Attempt to Cheat & Manipulate

Manipulating the people using the fears of Communist Chinese takeover of Taiwan, that, would be the best hand that the DDP has, of controlling we the people, and, we the people, are still NO victims, we are, ENABLERS, allowing this party to continue using scare tactics, to make we the people into the SLAVES of the DDP dictatorship!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The president elect, Lai mentioned on his inaugural address, that the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China don’t belong to each other, this caused the aerial drills of the Chinese Communist Army; Times Magazine awhile ago interviewed Lai and asked bluntly, that were his words unnecessary provocations?  The president, Lai gave three explanations of why he’d stated as he’d stated it: first, he was, telling the truth; secondly, his predecessors, both Ma and Tsai had mentioned the same thing; thirdly, he spoke those words based off of the will of the national constitution of the Republic of China.  This was the argument that Lai gave to how he’d, caused the Taiwanese-Chinese relations to become unstable since he made his inaugural address, but it’s still, stating the same thing, that Taiwan is independent from China, which does NOTHING to help keep the peace between Taiwan and China, or the developments of both sides in the relations.

with the government, controlling EVERYTHING in our lives, the news media, and everything ELSE in our, lives…political cartoon from online

In the consensus reached by Communist China and the U.S., Lai’s inaugural address caused strong reactions from Communist China, this was outside of the expectations of the U.S.  And the outside world started suspecting, that U.S. had already been given a heads up of Lai’s inaugural address, or that the U.S. had read it first, but couldn’t understand the meanings of the Chinese language?  But, from Lai’s inaugural to the interview by Times Magazine, one thing is certain, the important concept of the position of the two sides and the relations with China, had already been, secretly, traded off, and so, there’s the wayward insertion of “the theories of two sides independent” with “One-China Constitution”.  Lai’s tactile claims, confused the understanding of the United States, but it’d made Communist China felt, cheated.

Lai stated, that the Republic of Chian and the People’s Republic of China don’t belong to each other, not only had the former president, Tsai mentioned it, in Ma’s term, he’d also stated, that the Republic of China is a self-governing country, independent, that China and Taiwan don’t belong to each other.  But, the foundation of the former president, Ma responded that “the two countries don’t belong to each other” and the “two sides of the strait are related to one another” are different.  The president, Lai intentionally used the game of words, to con the foreigners who’d not understand Chinese perfectly; the former president, Ma then more harshly criticized that the president, Lai’s words were “raving and argumentative”.

Actually, this sort of a word games aren’t just used to fool the foreigners who don’t understand Chinese, Times Magazine asked Lai straight up, if his statements were unnecessary provocations, the office of the president translated the statements of Times Magazine into “unnecessary claims”, and if this is to evade offending the authorities, then, the presidential office’s translating “People’s Republic of China and the Republic of China aren’t one in the same” into “Taiwan and China are separated”, may be the behaviors of trying to trick the people, using the cognitive warfare means.

Certainly, since the president, Lee and all who came after, all stated that China and Taiwan don’t belong to each other, but there were the frameworks, or the prerequisites, which al produced different political reactions.  In 1993, when the former president, Lee mentioned that the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China don’t belong to each other, that both were existing independent political entities; at the time, the position of the two sides is that there’s only, ONE China, the two political systems that worked independently from each other; even as in 1999, Lee proposed the “special relations between China and Taiwan as independent countries”, ideologically, he’d stressed that there’s the pursuit of unification in the future.  The former president, Chen’s stating that “one side one country”, meant that Taiwan and China are independent of each other, he was also called by U.S. as a “troublemaker”.

The KMT, after Lee stepped down, disposed of the two-side theory and returned back to one China stance, Ma in 2003, used this as the basis, stated that the Republic of China is an independent country; the means was based off of the constitutional regulation, both sides don’t admit that one has power over the other, but not denying the government being independently operating, still keeping the one-China rule, unchanged to this, very, day.

see how WE the people, are down on our knees, being, CONTROLLED by F-E-A-R, preached to us by our, government??? Illustration from online

In 2021 on the birthday of our country, October 10th, Tsai mentioned that People’s Republic of China and the Republic of China aren’t the same, but, the basis of framework which was still in place, of how the matters of the relationship between Taiwan and China was still in place.  And yet, Lai showed his disdain for the unification of the sides, rejected the middle grounds of Taiwan and China being independently governing, tore down the fences of protection of the regulations of the relations with China.  Lai claimed he was telling the truth, in reality, he’s, trying to fool the people using the concepts of the two sides of the straits, being two different countries, the power to govern ourselves, and the country and political bodies being, different as fact; Lai had intentionally stood in with Ma, but, disregarded the One-China principle; Lai also stated, he was only stating what’s described in the constitution, but disregarded how the amendment of the theories of two countries in the different regions, only wanted to cause the new two-country theories in the originally written One-China rule.

Lai said he wasn’t trying to provoke China, but his words already caused severe consequences; he’d also stressed that he said what he said, to try to get the people work together, but, confusing the people in Taiwan, and the beliefs of what’s been sound internationally, whether if he did it intentionally, or, that he can’t even tell if what he said was correct or not, playing with fire in the gray areas, will only lead us to war.  Lai’s tactics, it may be practical to Taiwanese independence, confusing to the U.S., infuriating to the Chinese, but it’s, too brash to the Republic of, China, and, extremely, cruel to the people who longed for, peace.

And so, this is how the DDP still played on the words, to FOOL us all, and we the people, REFUSE to wake up, due to the FEARS of the DDP’s preaching that the END is NEAR, that the Commies are coming, that this island will soon be, taken OVER by the Communist armed forces, and if we don’t allow them to RULE over us how THEY want, we are all, going to become, ENSLAVED by Communist China, and we the people let this FEAR of Communist rule over this god DAMN island to take us over, we’d followed the DDP down this, PATH to the, INEVITABLE W-A-R!  When WAR happens, we still have NOBODY to blame but our own, selves…

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