Will Taiwan Have it Easy Now, that U.S. is in Full-Support of Lai’s Going Against China Completely?

How we’d, become the good little puppet, strung by the strings, of the puppeteer, the U.S. by falling prey to the manipulation of the DDP, making us believe, that if we don’t vote for them, Communist Chinese government will, take over, and this, is what’ll happen, for the next four years, and we’re the ones, putting ourselves, in that path to WAR!!!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The inaugural address of Lai on May 20th, mentioning the relations with China, he’d called out to restart the equal interactions of tourism, of allowing Chinese students to come to Taiwan to study, and called out “Peace between China and Taiwan, Benefiting Both Sides, Coexisting in Peace and Sharing the Wealth”, showing that hand in friendship.  But the main point of his speech stressed, “the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China don’t belong to one another!”, hoping that China respects the “existence of the Republic of China”.  And the entire speech referred to China as China, there’s no mention of “Taiwanese Independence”, but there’s that reiteration of “China and Taiwan being separated”, the “new two countries theory”, clearly suggesting of Lai’s quality of “practical means of Taiwanese independence”.  China got on the offensive, but the U.S. was more than, welcoming to the idea.  These two diverse reactions, caused me to trace back to the process of this presidential, election, and I’d found, that there’s the, grand conspiracy of U.S. against, China behind it.

the sanctions placed on Taiwan since Pelosi visited…back in 2022…image from online

As Lai made his inauguration address, it’d caused China to get on the defensive.  The spokesperson of the M.A.C. pointed out how stubborn Lai is in his views on Taiwanese independence, how he’d, promoted the beliefs of factions, to incite the sides to be on oppositions, to break the peace between Taiwan and China, sending off the message of challenging the one-China rule, showing his true colors of being “employed to pursue Taiwanese independence.”  Then, it was the head secretary of Communist Chinese Central government, Wang’s reiterating that the principle of One-China is the key to keeping the peace between Taiwan and China, that the faction behaviors of “Taiwanese independence” is the most dangerous change that can happen between the island and the mainland, a major destruction of peace between the two.

While U.S. greatly welcomed and promoted Lai’s inaugural address.  As early as last summer, the U.S. already, manipulated the U.N. into drafting up the U.N. 2758 proposal on “the status of Taiwan”; after Lai became elected, the chair of A.I.T., Rosenberger stressed at  the press conference of A.I.T, that the U.N. decision 2758 is not a decision on Taiwan’s position, and he’d publicly promoted the “undefined status of Taiwan”, seemingly to support Lai’s claims of “two countries ruling independently of each other”, and rebutted against the reiteration of Chinese’s “Taiwan is a part of China”, a conspiracy.

As Lai won the elect ion, the American president in his congratulations, did NOT openly support Taiwanese independence.  But in the four months of Lai’s being elected to his inauguration, the politicians from DC kept coming to visit Taiwan, and they all showed support for Lai.  Under this preset, Lai baldly proposed the “Taiwan on one side, China on the other”, the “new theories of two countries”.

At the same time, Blinken, the secretary of State after Lai’s inaugural address on May 20th, immediately issued a press release, congratulated Lai on winning the elections, and commended the Taiwanese citizens for showing the forces to the stamina of a democracy, totally disregarding that Lai was a president of minority, that there are, still, SIXTY-PERCENT of voters who don’t want him as president.

All of these behaviors of the U.S., are supporting Lai, and, for the four years to come, compared to his predecessor, Tsai, Lai will be, more proactive in the “being close to U.S., against China”, heading toward the bald direction of “Taiwanese independence”, angering China even, more.  Like the honorary professor of Danjiang University, Lai stated, “Lai is trying to sever the ties of Taiwan from China in racial, historical, and cultural aspects, the ties of the Republic of China, and the two sides became differentiated, and surely, this will cause more battles.”  If China isn’t set enough, and started on “using arms to take over Taiwan”, then, China would’ve fallen, right into the traps that the U.S. wished to see, draining China of its, powers, and, it would be the exact replay of the moment the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict started.

on the path to war, led by the DDP! you don’t see the U.S. anywhere NEAR this, do you??? Nope! Photo from online

China harshly criticized Lai’s inaugural address, showing that the highest office in Chinese government already saw through the conspiracy of the U.S., that it won’t, get activated with the exchanges of words, but it will, start on other fronts.  If on the means of foreign affairs, China had isolated Taiwan completely, and economically, greatly, reduced the imports from Taiwan, it will cause the enterprises to shut down, businesses to fail, the unemployment rates to get to that, all-time, high; and on the military, it is surely to increase pressure, like conducting the military drills around the island’s marine and aerial borders, causing the fundings from foreign investors to get taken away, affecting the economics in Taiwan.  Any way, for the four years to come, the people of Taiwan will not have it, easy, how can this not, worry us all?

And so, this is, how this god damn DDP government, falls, RIGHT into the TRAP set by the U.S., and I’m betting that the U.S. government is now, high-fiving, that they got, us, as their, puppet, because, we the people, had all, signed away our life rights, voting the dictatorship of the DDP, into office, again, and, war is coming our ways, and, none of us can hold our breaths, eternally, so, yeah, we’re all basically, going to, D-I-E here!


Filed under "Professional" Opinions, Abuser/Enabler Interaction Style, Blindly Following the "Leaders", Cost of Living, Follow the "Leader", Observations, Wake Up Calls, White Picket Fence

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