The Connectedness of My In-Laws & My Children

Love that’s expressed between grandfather and grandchildren, because the connection was there for the start, translated…

My daughter who was born in the seventies, always, maintained that cool feel to her, at this time, she’d smiled into the cell phone camera, said, “I miss you so very much!”, and, “you need to take good care of yourself, okay?”, spoken, so very, gently.

And just as I’d thought, she’s, having Facetime with her grandfather who lives in, Kaohsiung.

In her infancy, because of work, my husband and I left her in the care of my in-laws.  And, during the time, my father-in-law due to a work accident, sustained injuries to his right eye, he was close to blind; during the recovery phase of his post-operation, the surgeon repeatedly told him, not to handle anything that’s, too, heavy.  But, he loved our daughter so, whenever she’d begun crying, he couldn’t help but picked her up, to soothe her; in the nighttime, our child was hard to sleep, and her grandfather always carried her gently, sang to her, patted her back to help her fall asleep.  My daughter spend many of those nights in her grandfather’s, arms.

like this, photo from online

And, more than a decade passed, the two of them are still, very close.  Every weekend, my daughter would always told us to take her back home to Kaohsiung; during the summer and winter vacations, as the adults hadn’t set up the time, she’d already, packed up her own bags, said goodbye to us, gone on home to visit her grandparents by herself by the high-speed rail, on vacation!

Every time back to Kaohsiung, my father-in-law started busying like the bees, getting the foods ready for the children, preparing the meals.  All our three children loved their grandparents very much, would circle around them, and start chatting away incessantly; especially my daughter, loved tagging along to her grandfather, calling him, “Grandpa, grandpa”, “grandpa” is like a guardian angel to her in life.

Every time I’d watched the two of them, laughing, connecting with each other together, it’d moved me so, and I’d, always, told my children to tell their elders “I love you” often, to use their actions, to show the love and care they feel toward their, elders; I pray, that this amazing connection shared my grandparents and grandchildren, will forever stay in our hearts, as a marking of, our shared, bliss.

And so, this is how connected the family is, and it’s still on how the elders loved their younger generations right, how they’d, cared for them, that is why, as the children grow older, they are, more than willing to, stay close to the aging grandparents, to be around their, elders so much.

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Filed under Connections, Family Dynamics, Family Matters, Memories Shared, Parent-Child Interactions, Philosophies of Life, Properties of Life, Socialization

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