The De-Prioritized Seatings

The debate that’s been, started, since that incident, from, one, two, one-and-a-half months, ago???  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

There’d been, the frequent disputes over the priority seats of late, the Department of Health Welfare & Sanitations decided to change the label of the seating to “Priority Seats”, and amended the target population from “elderly, needy, pregnant women, children” to “other of whom with the needs”.  Using the “name change” to solve the loss of respect and empathy in the relation of people in the society, this wasn’t a wise way, but, maybe, it can, effectively reduced the, disputes.  At least now, the younger generations will have the reasons, to NOT let their seats up, because they “have the needs”.

This “de-prioritization process”, the name change, reflected how the spirits of compassion is slowly lost in Taiwan.  The setting of the seats, occurred in the times of the values of the four dimensions still intact, there is a whole generation of people who’d, grown up in the times, who followed the unwritten rules of letting the seats to someone in need.  But, as this generation who’d followed these virtues grow older, the next generations who weren’t, socialized with these important values, don’t believe that they have the responsibilities and the obligations to stand up.

the aging population, interviewed on the matter…

And of course, the beliefs of this isn’t mandatory, but a form of character, a courtesy, a civilized way of relating to the world, this can’t be forced.  Especially, with the coming of the aging population, one out of five people is sixty-five or older, the younger generations are faced with the pressures of following through with these, values.  And so, for the baby boomers who are heading into the elderly years, they need more awareness, to NOT take the letting up of seats as matter-of-fact.

More than a decade ago, a writer from China commended that “the most beautiful sight in Taiwan is the people”.  What he’d meant, was the ingenuity of the people of Taiwan, the courtesy, the kindness, the passions, etc., etc., etc., that was, the general definition of universal love.  Unfortunately though, the beautiful sight is now, slowly, vanishing, originally, many of the commuters would rather stand, than to, sit in the priority seat sections, and now, people are, physically assaulting one another over it.

The never-ending fights in politics, set a really, awful, example for the society.

And so, this is on the moral characters of the individual members of society, and this is learned by socialization, and because, the generations aren’t setting a better example for their young, because their older generations never SET a better example for them either, that’s why, this SHIT still, cycles down, unless you have your own independent thinking abilities, and know how to decide right from wrong, immoral or responsible by yourselves.

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Filed under Awareness, Issues of Morality, Issues of the Society, Messed Up Values, Moral Responsibilities, News Stories, Observations, Social Awareness, Socialization, Trends, White Picket Fence

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