The Suspect Threated to Detonate, the Brave Police Officer Jumped Him, Got the Explosives Away

How easily it is, to gain access to these, dangerous weapons, and how easy it is, for someone to search online for the how-tos of altering a gun, and manufacture these, dangerous weapons which can use to, kill people!  The world becomes, this much, unsafe with the easy access of dangerous weapons, and the internet is used in the man’s research of how to alter the weapons…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Suspect, Chou Had Been Sentenced to Seven Years Two Months on the Gun Altering Charges, He’d Returned to the Location Where He’d Altered the Arms Close to the Substation, Gotten the Guns, the Ammunition and Eight Explosive Devices Out

Chou was suspected of altering the guns, and used a carpentry shop as a front for his altering the guns, and making the explosive device close to a substation of the Tongxiao Subprecint, after the police collected the evidences they needed, two days ago they’d, breached into the place, and, as the police tried to arrest Chou, Chou used a lighter, in attempt to detonate the explosives, claiming that he will commit suicide, while blowing the police up, thankful that the special task squad in a split second’s time, grabbed the explosives away from Chou, and subdued him, and after interrogating him, they sent him to the Miaoli D.A.’s office on possessions of arms and ammunitions.

The police found a usable Taurus alter, ten shots, another eight more homemade explosive devices by Chou, the shop was like a small artillery unit.

Based off of understanding, Chou (age 45) had gotten arrested two years back on altering guns, and at the time, the police confiscated an altered Taurus, shotguns, shell casings and bullets, he was sentenced to seven years two months, but he didn’t serve his time yet, and, in April of this year, he’d returned back to his old plant, and, started altering the weapons, and manufactured dynamite, had even gone to the mountains to test out the weapons he’d made.

As police went to investigate the location, at first, they didn’t find Chou, after a thorough search, they’d found him hiding in the second floor bedroom, with the doors locked, Chou ignored the police, and so, the police had to break the door down to make their arrest, but Chou had a homemade explosive in one hand, a lighter in the other hand, stated that he didn’t want to live anymore, the officer suddenly tackled him, grabbed the explosive away from Chou’s hand, Chou then pulled out another explosive device, and threatened the police, which was also, grabbed by the police, away from him, he was then, subdued, and taken into the police station for interrogation, and the police are now, chasing the sources of the weapons.

how easy it is, to alter these, weapons, with the costs of the parts, too cheap, too easily, accessible…

The Tongxiao Police Substation stated, that the there were the amendments of arms set up, the sentence for the alters had been raised up to over five years of prison time, that the public should not test the laws.

So, this is, how easy it is, for dangerous weapons to get into the hands of someone who had intentions of using them to cause harms to others, and, you still can get the how-to do these sorts of things from online, and, this makes the information easily accessible to those who have the intentions of causing serious injuries and harms to the public, but thankfully, the police got this repeated offender before anyone was, harmed, this time!

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Filed under Awareness, Cost of Living, Crime & Punishment, Gun Control, Issues of the Society, Knowing the Law and Breaking It, News Stories, On the Wrong Side of the Law, Punishment Doesn't Fit the Crime, Utilizing the Internet, White Picket Fence

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