When the Chatbots Have Stronger Character than Shen, the Legislator

How L-O-W, the DDP, “stooped”…and this, is what, this, COMPLETELY CORRUPT political party had, stooped down, to, way too, FUCKING (don’t pardon me!) low, in its getting the cognitive warfare going, instilling that feel of the, RED SCARE, that sense of an ending, in WE the people, and we are, allowing for this, BAD behaviors too!  This is still ENABLED by we the people, as we continue to be, ENSLAVED by the DDP, on this, I-S-L-A-N-D…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The DDP pushed forth the chatbot, ChatDPP to enforce the calls for against the reforms of legislation, but, before it ever started operating, it got, shut down, in a split second.  Although this bot was made fun of by the outside realms, but, undeniably, it’d, shown some form of, characters, for starters, it didn’t, LIE through its, teeth, nor did it, belittle others who are, against its, beliefs.  On solely this, the hoard of DDP legislators, got beaten out by comparison to the bot.

this is the @#$%ER who has, LESS of a SENSE than the Chatbots…proposing that China is starting the information warfare against Taiwan, which hadn’t been found factual…photo from online

Those who’d fought for the speaking rights, tackling others at the legislature, are only, more, brash in behaviors, but the new dangers of the DDP is, Shen.  Shen had set up the Blackbear Academy, in the name, it’s to help consolidate the locals, to defend against Communist Chinese invasions, but he’d, often, pointed the barrel toward the country.  He would state that there’s the “fifth squad”, a team of spies from Communist China, that the government needed surveil carefully; then, that Fu and Huang are, coconspiring, concocting up a “Destroy Taiwan plan”, that there’s the proposals of the railroads being build from Beijing, STRAIGHT to, Taipei.  What the HELL was this guy talking about?

With the halo of the college professor, Shen originally had the manners of conducting thorough research, but, he’d, discarded the need to carefully, seep through the data.  Plus, he had the halo of the second place winner of the votes for the legislators.  Every day, he’d sought out enemies on the island, not only is he destroying the means of anti-spying on the people, he’d, blackened the name for destroying Taiwan onto the parties not in power, and, made up the exaggerated means of the railroad systems through the ocean floors.  He can speak with absolutely ZERO scientific evidence of his claims, but, do we the people, DARE, believe him?

These words, not even the DDP Chatbots can blurt out loud.  The reason for this is quite simple, the bots needed to use deductive reasoning based off of the data that’s fed to it, based off of the information it had access, to, it wouldn’t, make things up, that would be, against the bottom line of its, honesty.  While Shen’s claims, weren’t limited by the logic of honesty, he’d, implanted the malice, then the output was the garbage malice.

what the DDP is, instilling in the people who can’t think for themselves, that fear of COMMUNIST takeover by China, invading into Taiwan…illustration from online

Ke wouldn’t even comment on Shen, felt that he may be mentally or psychologically incapacitated.  Or maybe, Shen should learn the lessons of honesty, from the, A.I. Chatbots.

So, this is, a case, of a LOSER from the DDP, with the AIM of spreading the RED SCARE out all over the island, and, are we the people going to, buy into what this, MORONIC ASSHOLE is selling to us?  Of course we will, because, this god DAMN @#$%ING (pardon the “French”…) island is now being, controlled by, IDIOTS, I mean, even a ChatBot has a STRONGER sense of RIGHT and WRONG, compared to these, DDP, popularly ELECTED (and that made we the people, the CULPRITS to causing our own, DOWNFALL!!!), legislator.

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