The House Passed the Votes: Tibet Isn’t a Part of China from Long Ago

Uh, ONE question here: what the FUCK does the U.S. think it’s, doing, dipping ITS filthy little HANDS, into the MATTERS  in the FAR EAST, huh?  Especially when it GOT a TON of SHIT within its own territories that it can’t even, take CARE of???  Like, high unemployment rate, the protests of the Israeli-Hamas War, etc., etc., etc., oh yeah, it’s U.S.’s attempt to REESTABLISH itself as the LEADER of all the countries in the world, and you THINK that China is going to, allow that???  Think, again!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The United States House of Representatives passed the Resolve Tibet Act on the twelfth.  The act claimed  that U.S. government had never believed that Tibet had been a part of China from ancient times, and gave the executive departments to rebut the false information from Beijing that Tibet was a part of China in historical and legal terms, reinforcing the dialogue between China and Tibet.  The proposal passed reading in May in the Senate, and will be effective when Biden signs it.

The act received support from both Democratic and Republican Parties, it’s an amendment to the 2002 “Policy Toward Tibet”.  The amendment mentioned that Chinese officials claimed that Tibet is a part of China, “this is incorrect in history”.  The Chinese government also didn’t match up to the U.S. government’s expectation, to have any meaningful discussion with the Dalai Lama or other representative of Tibet, to find ways to resolve this matter.

The act reiterated that the people of Tibet is a people based off of The International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights, who are independent to make their decisions regarding their own, governing bodies, but the currently policies set by China disallowed the people of Tibet to exercise this particular, right.  And, the disputes between Tibet and China, will have to go by the accordance of international laws such as the constitution of the U.N.  The U.S. State Department has the responsibilities, to work towards reaching a resolve on the matter of the Tibet issue.

a video on the congressional decision to involve itself into the “business” between Tibet & China, from YouTube

The case also reminded the U.S political realm, that Tibet isn’t restricted by the defined territories of what China construed as the Tibetan self-governing region, it’d also included regions of Gansu, Chinghai, Sichuan, and Yunnan provinces.

The office of the Dalai Lama announced last week, that the Dalai Lama will have knee surgery in the U.S.  Whether or not he will be meeting with the higher up government officials of the U.S. is being closely, watched.

And so, what RIGHT have the U.S., to say if some place that’s, too far, far away in the FAR EAST, is a part of a country’s territory?  This is EXACTLY like the sole cause of the Russo-Ukrainian “conflict” (see how the U.S. downplayed things???), I mean, who the FUCK made U.S. the boss of the world again?  And, why the HELL is the U.S. meddling in someone else’s business (oh, I know, because the east major powers of Russia AND China combined becomes, WAY too, POWERFUL, and the U.S. simply, can’t, compete with that) so, that’s why, the U.S. is, butting IN to other people’s business, and there still must be some forms of personal interests that the U.S. is after in the stakes here, otherwise, it wouldn’t even, bother, because, the U.S. is opportunistic, as we had already, come to, see it already!

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