The Fake Attorney Took the Cases, to Scam the Individuals She Was Defending, in Only Five Years, there Were, Close to TEN Victims

We still have here???  NO vics, only ABUSER AND, ENABLERS!!!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

She Knew the Cases Quite Well, Had Worked as the Assistant of Many DDP Legislators and Lai, the Yunling D.A.’s Office Found that There were the Attorneys Who’d Leaked Out the Private Data of Clients, One Person Taken into Custody

The woman, Lin was without the certification of an attorney at law, but lied that she’s a practicing lawyer, took many cases, and wrote the papers that were filed for the claims in court, illegally made more than hundreds of thousands of dollars., the investigative bureau of Taipei yesterday called Lin into their office, after the inquiries charged her on breaking the laws of practicing attorneys, sent her to the D.A.’s Office, after the D.A.’s Office interrogated her through the night, they’d set her bail for $100,000N.T.s, and restricted her from flight, and to sail out of the country.

Based off of understanding, Lin had been hired as the assistants of multiple DDP legislators, including the president, Lai, the vice president, Hsiao, the mayor of Tainan, Huang, and the C.E.O.  of Yangxing Bank, Chen, she was their assistant during the time they were elected as legislators, she’d become acquainted with how the cases were handled by the court systems, and the law, at the time, she took the name of Pei-Jing Lin, she’d not changed her own name until last October.

here’s a case found on YouTube, that was, similar to this one…

After Lin left the legislature, she claimed herself as an experienced attorney who’d presented the cases to the courts, was once the secretary of Taiwan Jury Association, the C.E.O/legal advisor of Sennao, the supervisor of the online bookstore,, she specializes in writing the court papers for the clients, and illegally made the profits, earned more than tens of thousands of dollars N.T. totally.  Because Lin failed to handle the asking of a client, her identify of a unqualified attorney was busted.  From 2019 to date, there’d been, close to ten victims.

And, the Yulin D.A’s Office’s district attorney, Duan, while working the case of collusion of the former police officer, Chen from Linyuan Substation of Kaohsiung, accidentally found that there were the attorneys who’d taken advantaged of the investigations, and sent the contents of the investigations to the heads of the scam by secretly recording the interrogation sessions, awhile ago, the commanders conducted a raid three law firms in Taichung and Kaohsiung, called in the male attorney, Chen, the female attorney, Lin, Cheng, the female attorney, and An, the law enforcement officials in for the investigative inquiries.

The district attorneys  found, that Chen was suspected of giving the tips in a playbook to the scam rings, to scam over $50 million N.T.s a month, and if there were the pickup delivery persons getting caught, An and Chen were the ones, who’d assisted in sending the attorneys to their defenses and worked as their defense attorneys, An had even falsified himself as an attorney of law to illegally profit from the cases, he’d broken the laws of attorney, after he was interviewed, the district attorney asked the courts to have him in custody, to not allow any visitors to see him, the judge mandated that An be in police custody, that Chen’s bail set at $200,000N.T.s.

Cheng and Lin, although they’d been suspected of being involved in opportunistic disclosing secrets, but there was NO need for them to be taken into custody, and the judge set their bails for $20,000N.T. and $150,000N.T.s; the other office assistant, Huang, after being interrogated, was sent home, the case had caused close to twenty members  of the police officers, attorneys at law, and the currency traders, and the investigation is currently, expanding.

And so, this is, how EASILY people are being, SCAMMED, and there will always be those who abuse our trusts, and we’re not victims, we’re, ENABLER, because, we don’t have the senses, we think, that ooh, there’s that cheap attorney who’d offered to get me out of jail, and I have a court appearance in a week (just a date), and I’m in need of someone to represent me, so I go and sign up, without CHECKING the FACTS, to see if their license to practice LAW was valid, because I’m in a hurry to get my ASS out of jail, because I want to stop being, prosecuted for crimes I’d, committed, and that, is what made these, ENABLERS (‘cuz there will NEVER be ANY vics in these cases), fall prey…

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